I DM A -4 E HOMIVES $100n MD 8 rnu. brk. t*o be put in A-1 cond.. 7 rn. brk., 2 baths. In Winn ....... 9 riin. shingle, 3 baths ............ .$75 $0 $85- 1 l)C.,o!!ht, Oi1narseboland Q.BlDRHNjS., SUN transp. h inta10) 7T2-t 824 Smi. frame, 2 large pcih-s.,.nicely furn. or wil! rent unfurn. ............ $90 Now being painted on inside and out.0 6 rmns., 21,42 bat4i.s,.3 he'ated.porches, :$D0 Local andL n Distance L n EXCLUSIVE ESTATE R. M. JOHNSTON ,340 Linden Ave. wi[mette 441 , EVANSTON Fireproof Warehouse 10 rnik.,S'k b's.1, !,ge. lt.....$10; 9 is., 3 b's., o:i, (east),, 2 c. g. .... 140 ATT fI Vil 8 rnmis., 22 àb's, p ph., o! . 11 I±.- 914 UNI.* fl 7rms., 11/ b's., oil, (east), 2 c.g.1I 7 rms., 2 b's.. oi!, ic.. g........S 7T2-t 80202t 7 rnîis.,l b., oi., ic.g 5,trnis., 1lb., slp. pch., (east>, I c. g. 60 I'FOR RIENT-FURNIUHED HC)Uogà 6*., Ie bd. , I c. . u 1rý FORRENT -FURNISHED. (; ROOM Otlir ~tl*~, god îar, ufiîn 1: home. Ch6ice northeast Wimette- location. 011 !îeat, 2-car garage, fine garden arn! trees. October 1 (ccUl)ancy. Cannot 526 (enter St. Wiiinetka 5-be .duüplicated- at low rentaI of $65.00. 97LT !-]p hone <wner Winnetka.'l17311for appoint-. LASI \IYJT E T7vlA 1 et.9LN2-t , FURN-ISHED. 11HILAND P.ARK CAN'T OCCUPY OU.R NEW HOME SO house for the winter. 8 roomns. 41bedwi!! rent to good tenant. Carpets, i at' çveyes si 0 stove,. refrigerator and some drapes *tosain erscios 1 l included. 8 roomns, 3 tile baths, complete, ,1[, W. heit, oil! hum-er.. Grag. ealavatory and suri porch. Canvase çd. jnzj)e -et.(,al' H. fp 6!t1_206.4~ walls. 2-ca grage. O!! heat. Andi 98LTN21-1tc lovely location in Winnetka.i In Indian Hill! Club District. 2%, acres of "!andscaped grounds. Beau. Southerrn Colonial home of* solid brick, des!gned by prominent architect and erected ln 1930, Liv. nm. 20x34, paneled library, 5, famlly bedruis., with 4 bathi, 3 rniasrns. and bath, chauffeurs quarters. An attractive- purchase for immiediate possession. *B. H.- BARNE TT Oîîe of Those*Special"B y" Have, you been looking forW a smail home near tranep. & high',school ln Winuietka ? Here it la !--only 9. yrs. old-stucco on concrete block construction, and a most delightful intenior. 6 sunny rnis., a lovely terrace- porch, yard shrubbed. forprivacy. Out-of-town owner la hene $12,500. to SELL. or few" das INGLESIDE PLÂCE-DISTINCTIVE Colonial of 5 bedrnis., 3 baths. Beau. landscaped yard. R. Johnson, Ho]. 1855, Gre. 1855. 2229 CENTRAL PARK .- ATTR. ENGLISH brk.-7 spaclous rms.,2 4 tile baths, solariumÙ, tile'kitch-. en; wooded landscaping. Mns. Didnîksen, Ho]. 1856, Gre. 1855. 1124 DOBSON REAL BUY 8 rms., 2-baths; 2-car attached garage. Mr. HMarti Ho!. 1855, Gre. 18955., LOVELY COLONIAL BRICK .6 rnis., 2% baths, oil ht., 2-eui. gàrage. Excel. condition. Mr., Hart, Ho!. 1855. 6 RM.' COTTAGE -ý WOODED LOT $ 1500 will. handie. Mr. Cunning4ram, HMO.. 1855,. Gré. 1855. N. EVANSTON 6 RM. ECONOMICAL. .Well.>built, R. Johnson, Gre. .1855. BEAU. ENGLISH BRICK-10, RMS., 3% baths, 4.bedrmsé. Fine E. side loe. A. K. Smith, Gre. 1855, Ho!. 1855. 2212 B3EECHWOOD AVE. BRAND NEW brick and frame: 6 rnis., 7Evanston ict-o Wilrnette Wîinn. 3603 2 bs., lav. on lst. Delco oi! heat, gai WILIMETTE WHITE FRAME on wooded lot. 7 rnis., library and 7LT-N2 1 -1lt water-heater. E!ec. refrig. $100 mo. 13-54 breakfast porch. $9,250. Ternis. Winnetka 3557 after 3 P. ni OOMAsbury, FOR 1EN-VNFRNIHl~-1310 Isabella St. Open Sunday 2-7. Cijn.(hoice nortlieast ýVlnette loca- i98LTN1OR LONER, tpL tion. OHl heat, 2-car garage, fine- garden *>MNH R LNEWL LAKE FOREST HIOME FOR $15,000 aInd tredes. 1ctoer Ioeeuami furn. bungalow. Sunny corner. 5 Located on East side near expenbe iluilicatked at 10w Vrenta! fk:o. , ko ms, sun rooni. Elec. refrig., waslier. sive homes. 8 rnis., 2 baths, 011 nt* (ýtr. Eva nston bus 3 b!ks. Phone Wil1Ihui ,frWnki71f<,,. hieat. 75-ft. lot. m~te49.31. LT 2-t RENTAL. FURNISH$i;;,MO. 21;1 (MAPLE) WIL-SON AVE., FOR 'INTER ,46 Elmn St., W!nnetka Mrs. & ulle Wr. Pika Mrs.Fuler & Wni Picard .dSUBLET FOR WINTER MOS., WELL furn, 8rm. hse. Att. gar. 4 bdrms., SMALLER HOUSES 2700, Bni. 1855. 6 R'M. WHITE COLONrAL-WOODED lot, '4z mile Wi!mette station, A. K. Smith, Ho]. 1855, Gre. 1855. 351 LINDEN AV] 9 rnis., 31/2bo Pietsch, IVinr 744 LINCOLN s QullnEimR' hs. C. COLONIAL ht. W, P. Bn!. 1855. NEW ENG. ht. oil ,-13 Fourth * Wl I1\ ET'TE REAI'TY St. MXINUtTE' II 8L S ILM brick eut t(, $75 per mo, Close to '"1. 6:30)P. M. Ref. req. ____________________ - t8LTN21-ltp "S$IGN WITH CUSACK"I Iinni. 2700, Un!. 1855. 900 SHERIDAN RD. 9 RMNS., 3% BAS. 1 4 A.; sun and sleeping porch; 2-car gar. with appt. W. Clover, Winn. 2700, Bn!. 2641 MýARY ST. 7 RM., 2 BATH red brick on hollow t11e. Beau. deep lot. Action wanted. W. R. Pietsch, W!nn. 2700, Bni. 1855. EXQUISITE 10 RMS., 4 BATHS. L!brary, recreation rni.-jjaity buit.. Mn. Hart, Ho!. 1855, Gre. 1855. WANTED TO RENT-HOUBS. Wilmette 192 SUBlEASE 1HIGHLAND PAK WE HAVE A NUMBER 0F CLIENTS i i'nilise."~ 4 bedrms., 2 baths, garage, w4io want furnilhed and unfunnishedý fireplace, sun and sI!). plcJs. ili re- homes on the North Shore for Sepnlew lease with suitable teniant. 1002 S- tember 1 to October 1 possession. Lst, 1369 l your property now with our three local Linde Ave, Hig!andPark t*7LN2lt!)North Shore offices: 5 ROM FRNAE HET FATUN-HIGHLAND PARK-S S. ST. JOHNS heated, garage, transportation $3 5.00 WI{EIghAd Park 1855 7 room 'house, decoriated, garage, good W WInet ETK2700 0 ETJ ST. 85 neihbrhod............ $6.00 T.AVTT N -52e2a270ABIaSgST.85 - 9ELM ST. WINNETKA WINNETKÂ. REAUITY COO Hizhland Park 1855 ind 5188 97T1-1 140. enter Street 7 ROOM2NS, qWEST WILMETTEhi and lav., oil heat, large stove FOR SALE 7 ROOM, H glazed Sun, porches ups e. * ce box, %, mile Nenilwol'ti las. rent. 2011 Thomflwood. Wil. (jeep.wooded lot 50x3Oo 97LTN21-ltP ternis.,.Wil.: 3819. ,-ue andi 'q 1ta.1 3M2. tGE NEW 5 RM. HOUSE, 1 conipleted. $4,750. $500 wn, eas., mo, ineluding 'interest. -ltp : ,3501.> 11airD ~Iairner 1I1LTN21-ltc