Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 54

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uÎAL USTATE LOANS 18. UflmAN AVE.- EVANSTONd New Homes Feature Wilmette..Records The following building' permits were issued by the Wilnîette ýBuilding departmenit during the past week: Sept:ý 22-E. J. Chloupek, 1114 Sixteentb. street, stucco1 and. tile resi~-dence, $8,000. Archit.ect, Hlomeèr G. Sailor., :Builder,, Murray:Con structdon company. Sept. 2$-3-Geo.ý W. Pavlik, -1207 Ridge. roa, single fariily residence,. $10,000. Architect, S. M. Peterson. Prof. William L. er Next, A An ilustrated: discourse on «Cities on the. Rekbound" will feature the next régular monthly meeting of the Evânstôn-North Shore Real Estate board at the Board rooms,, Monday night, 0October 5P at 8 .o'clock.Th speaker of the evening will be Williamü L. Bailey, professor1 of: urban sociology,s'chol'oi f sociology, Northwestern unliversity. "We find the inquiry stili good,'I says Herbert Jenks, "with interest centered in properties' offeréd' at bargain prices., White, such 'bargains .are stili available, «prices are stiffeniing. soin.ewhat and with the threat of increased labor costs, we look for higher: prices erties:à 2914 T4incoin street, Evranston, an Sroom brick colonial sold by R. Arthur ,Wood to an undisclosed. purchaser. Smart& Golee. representing the- seller: 2512'Ha rtzell street, Evanstoni, 7-rooni, residence of James' A. Peabody. to ail undisclosed purchaser, who expects tt remrodel 'It extenslvely,' Mead & Ci representing the seller. 2420 Harrison street, Evanston, room 'resldenceý of Johný P. HartràayRoy A. Pa.rdee. S204: Davis street, Evranston, 10-roqij. stucco residence of Mrs. John Hilton t.., Alfred Pittman. 'The abob'ê àles were made ?Jy Hmpstead Lyons. '235 Forestvlew road, the 7-room brick residence of Charies D. Fitzhugh w;isold t;o Joyce Cox, Smart & Ooiee ri reseiiting the seller. 1312 Isabella street the 6-room thingl. residence of NIrs. zItls Ogivie was. iolci to Eugene F. Galvin, Smart & Go!'-' representiîîg the l)urchaser. 1427 Tower road, Wlnnetka.. the'7 room brick colonial residene of 1Edward R. Vati Horne was sold to an undisclosed purchaster, .Frailk A. Reid & Co. rt.pýresenttng the seller. The above sales were made by Mli. - next. year. During the, last few .weeks thé firm hbis sold the following prof.- $peial fundts avallable for reoîdential loans ln: modern property well loomt.don, North Shiore. McGUIRE & ORR INC. ovri 40 Years o! Dependabli Sertqce Sept. 23-H., G. Larnont,, 2015 Keniorth avenue, single famnily residènc~e, '$11000. Architect, T. E. S a m uelson. * Sept. . 26-Harry T. Rasner, 2240 Greenwood avenue, single famiily residence, $9,000. Architect, Warner "T1he hot spot in, the coming boom will be 'Chicago and, the north shore,". MJason, .1 Braun. Plumnbinw.ý G. R. according to Prof essor Bailey, and' with the aid of steroptican slidesý and McAr-thur. Ninth opaque propections, he Will trace the 430 CoIweil, Sept. 23.-Ralph street, residence alteraîtins, .$1.000. rise .and growth Of U. S. ýcitiès. Bv means tof graphs 'and charts, be will Builder, Alfred G,-olden.. outtile the icoming boom in, business aid real nroperty and show the fixed real estate cycles in Amnerica. Professor Bailey's illustrated lectures are weil known to realtors of Metropolitan Chicatro and bis famne 5*Davis St, Evanst@m Greseaf lUS nut avenue, brick veneer residence, housinz trip befôre the board was $10,000. Architect, Leonard. Gliatie. the highi spot of last vear's educatioti-1 *Plumibing, (Cleiiview Plumnbitg coiIn ai progýram.. is ability to graohical- M. Pearson. in urban sociological research is niaSept. 28-W. H. Kelley, 2128 Clivst- tiôn-wide. HW, visualized European Raloh ly deliver- hi,; mess aý_c is wcll knowni 41/aWoINTEREST R.U.utiapr.peths, ,..tried. m'esS. Evamtsteand North Shor. 5or le year terni. Sems"a.aaual mtw.st p.yuments. Permit Issued for Broadmeadow Home week for the firsýt new residence to A building permit was issued this' be erected ini Broadmeadow properties, the 26-acre tract. ying east of Hibbard and north of Hill road and being developed by the Roger D. Shaw, Richard B. Hart ýsyndicate. rost is $24,000. Beresford Mr. Hart is also2 manager of the estimated TBpL 307 *North Michiggan avenueIl1, au Dr. E. 1 1242 Asury residence 4avenue, of .valWLUII, I ioro-ifraint the reaim o t theIC itorIL le 0 a U-',i was sold to Howard Aliti.. growtli has more thiai keî>t pace wi t 11 'Rartlett, & Pickard represent.lng the sellti the plhenomniial revival in1 nortb 2120 Llncolnwood drive, Evanst,,i, monthilv board the 6-roorn tramne residence of G. .-. Vie shore realtv. was sold to J1.C. Forester. lot box will agaiin hi called in t.o .Schnur, 1208 Maple avenue, Evanston, thei at place take mili forum diiiner and room stucco residence of Mms. Anna M. 6-:30, with furtlier discussion on a Bisseli was sold to John G. Gallaher, E: M. Wallaee & t'o. representing the puàrpermanent propemtv exchtnlmC. chaser. The above sales were made by Mivs M. Wright. Clara the and road, Appletme on located >e, The 5-room brick residenc!e at. 21w,- IFuller Meail 4a~venue. 1vainsttn. wasoi ! .ý ý11 FIm.mclug 140 CUNTR STRE? WUNNETKA 3260 "We aIId Ie rDrvewuys', The other permit was issued to tanley K. Peirce, who is building two story frame 'and masonry esidence at 586 Briar lane, cotng 31,000. Anderson Ticknor, of Lake the architect and Joseph rorest, is % 'hicago.,.general contractor. in the Maud Centralof Pari South Elg Carp, Inc., 1791 Howard street, Burcky, anai] s d a,o e stucco esider man to Dr. 6 Two 55-focl Hokanson& Evanston, 8 j,. 3 old lby E. A. Bl,NWSopèr. Mr. 1{lok t parties. intial lots wert ,~i Seifert Addition " ee, Evanston,ju' d, one to Dr. Fe David Q. porter u ][ne.

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