Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 48

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Press Committee to Program, Tee Tea, 'to, be pre'ceded by a Tenth district press. commiittee. and-.a program, 3wI1Lbç'held Tuesday, Octber6, at 2 oclock, at the, homneof the Tenth district Press chairmian, Mrs. Fr'ed M. Clarke, 931 Oakwood avenue, Wilmiette. Mrsç. Henry Rhode. of Lake Forest, president of the Tenth district:, Mrs. Fred Lufkin of Elgin, vice press chairman of the General federation. and Mrs., F., W. Waterman of. Chicago, state chairmnan of press, wil answer the query, "What lIs, the Duty of a Press Chairmffan to Her Club?", Miss Irene Steyskal of the Tribunîe, mt igslith »ixon of the *kral and Examiner, Phillips Talbot of the Daily News, and Miiss Jean Ten Broeck of the Wilmette Life have been asked to respond to the question, "Hpw Our Paper Wants Club News sent?" There- wiîl be a question box to -which each club chairman is asked to brThg a question. Mrs. Clarke,. who is starting her - 789 Michigan avenue. Mrs. Raymond. The Iast formai dinner dance Watts will preSent the first of a, at Sunset Ridge, Country club, series of. three talks, the subject* of thefirst being, "Nati-ve Landscape." thisý season wilI be a Harvest ln *that she .will give an account of Homhe.Party on Saturday, Octo,the' geological« and bôtanical land- ber. 3.' Elaborate decorations scape of. Wilmette. Ture assistant hostes ses, will 1w have been planned,.and Joe RuMrs.* J. B. Olwin and Mrs.- C. N (lolph',s orchestra w ill play., The, Hiurlbut. ,wornen i ill also have an:extra Mrs. T. E. McElroy, prograîi golf (la), next TuesdaY. chiairni, aninouinces, a tour for the* Novebermeeting. The, womefi's, golf sýeason biad'its Mrs. Charles Van Deursen, the in- formal closing on Tuesday, September coming president. will also, present. 22. when Mrs. George1 Dovenmuehle the chairmen of, different activities of Winnetka, the chairman. awarded nt, this time., the prizes for the season. The annual drive for- the Plant. Those wbo took prize.'s were: An,Flower and Fruit guild waàs an un- gora tournament-Class. A, Evelyn usually beneficial one, it'is announ- Folger of Evanston, winner; Mrs. ced, and the Garden .clubiis grateiui A. J. Luiek of Chicago, rUnnier-up; Swlsher Photo to each and every donor, for ber Class B, Mrs. Earl Witt of Glericoe, very liberal contributions. winner; Mrs. W. H. McKee of -GlenMfrs. Fred M. Clarke of fViIcoe, runner-up: Class C, Mrs. F. H. mette, who is entering upoit her Haviland of Chicago, winner; Mrs. second year as chairman of press P. N. Sea, of Chicago, runner-up; aiid pubiicity for the Te> 1h district, Freshman Fortnightlhes Class D, M.Lrs. C. M. Vairde of GlenfIllin ois Federation. of Women's With reservations coming ini at a view, winner; Mrs. J. P. Eves of EvClubs, is opening lier homne at 931 Irisk, pace, a large attendance is ini- anston, runner-up. Oakitood avenue for a tea and méeldicated for thie Freshman Fortnighthig of her committec and prograit Ptittiniz Contest-june and juIy, lies, according to the report of Mrs., MNrs. Fred J. Bowman of Chicago, Tiuesday, Octo1bèr 6, at 2 o'clock. first prize; Mrs. Courtney H. Reeves the home of Mrs. William ixMiller, Lest Dinner Dance for Sunset Ridge ~Uliai. two years, after holding other offices alii srci '8uo bpic cu v Ladies Bowling at Shawnee Cotiin it .She bas served on the board of try club starts October 6, and Tuesmette as pressanmd publicity chair- ladies' days. The club announces that mnan and as vice-president of the the room bas been redecorated and Newman foondation. the alleys resurfaced. Swiniming classes for wonien will be held eirery Wednesdav morning, starting October 7. Eastern Star EBonts the Woman's Catholic -Club of Wil- day and Friday mornings will be uake a dennite reservatioii hefore the first party, which will takc place ini the balîrooni of the Masonic teniplc at 8 clk tomorrow (Frntim LI'I~to Direct&sDenefit Nrs. E. W. Sanipson of Cylencoe, %vinIîer: Mrs. P. N. Sea. rwiner-up: Class D. Mýrs. T. W. Harrison of Clicago, winner; Mrs. C. WV. Zepp of Vi1nnetka, ru nner-up. Cliampiioniship-Class A, Miss Virginia Ingram of Winnetka, winner: IýMrs. James E. Almond of Evanston, runner-up - Mrs. Dovemuehle. con- Butler of, Chicago,. winner-, Mrs. H. McKee, runner-up: Class C. WM. Vil!ans, en. Wednes( and installati Lh- mosque,- Wabash avenue, ficers. All pa )hio street, Chicago. Mrs.. will see thei I C Dvenport of Harrisburg, Credenitials.- for tmatrons and patrons ,Wornan's Luncheon Hostess secretary and. obtaiii .G.P. Americait Revolution, Frig nooli, October 2, at, the club. port the 1er- sixty guests:at a luncheon and bridge sion> party to be givep tomiorrow -(Fridlay) at Skokie Country club. 1 Mrs. A. R. Peterson of 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, will be bostess to

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