Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 40

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Fashion Show for Nortlîwestern University StyI. of Docade Ago to Be Part the tables and arranging of flowers. of Rsview; Luncheons to Adci Mfore* younig girls of sub-deb age augmnent the list> of ushers annoiinced, fo F.stvity Saturday last week. They are. Mary Walsh, To Wallace.' Cynthia Aldrich. atid Anita Straub. The loigý list of, inodlelsadds a. few more nanies to those annlounced recently, Miss- Anne jav fBryant,> .Miss' Eleanor. Coit, Miss Eleanor Janney, Miss Shirley Keith., Miss jane ,M cltosh. Mrs. Roderjck Mc-. Keuzie, i4ss Ellen Adairý Orr, Miss Roscmnarv Price, Mrs.. Arthur W'. Rogerst and Mrs. H, P. Rogers. .Mhe professional orchestra is en.Iarged for ý this Tenthaniesr sh-ow.I Once' again, Ernst voni Ammon will be the. announcer, and the stage setting will, he donc bhv protessionals. Mrs. E. Parke±r jfcobson,, who atI the titne-of the 1927 fashion show wvas Miss Louise Nellegar, and Mrs, 1.. -\shley Gerhard are two of those mocleling ini the first style review, m'ho cati' stili wear gowns of that tiie. They ilI be tmannequins wearing dresses. of the m.iodle a decade old. Among ,the seventi, or nimor e mannequins iwill bix. Miss Helcen Bell. %vlho lhas retuirned to tlie ,orlh shioreý after an absence this sumîiner, and N'5 .. A-, 1-- Welfare Center Arranges for Rummage Salle. f *nder whose auspices the show is gw-. cil as a beniefit for Northwestern Uhiversitv settlenient. will enitertainl miembers of the press. Other hostesses at the clubi> vill be M rs. Herbert Butz, Mrs. iefferv A. large>rummiage sale to be, field October 15 and 16, from ,7 The sirit of its first fashioi show, in 1927 will. walk again to 7 both days at 1112 Daviswhen the WMinnetka board 'of street, Evanston, is being- planNorthw'estern Universitv, settienecl by the Wilmette Center of> ment 1reselIts its . Tenith anni-. the Infant, Welfare society. uniný thé* auditorium of 'Skokie der the direction of Mrs.,Frank so l inetka, Satu-rdav aftAllen of Wilmnette., ernoon, QOctoÔ1)er 3, at 2:30 with nearly ,a hundred nicînhers: 10 dock. Several of e rS1SCs and countle.s s fri-nds contributing to shown at that first displav il the. project, Mrs. Allen and'her cotube worn againi at.this one ïVhich mnittee expectý to have, a store-roomn wil1,l have as its* stage 9 a backfiled with many exceptional values. ground of black, velvet and1 si]The comrnittee, bowever, ]S very ver. A wed4ing party wili again eager to get ahy articles thai, are àvallable froni friends who. have flot climax the show this vea r, and, been reached. Clothing, furniture, as, an attraction preceding 'the, * Mathew Francis Photio jewelry, toys, books, bric-a-brac, programi itself, will lbe the lunichArting fis publiciti, chairmtan of articles of ail descriptions are wanted. ao at Indian Hill club at 12:30 the North Shoare alimnae of Phi A telephone caîl to any of the fol0 cock whchspectators of the Reta, national music and draniatic Iowing Infant Welfare memubers wil fraternify, is Mrs. John Taylor fashion. review imav attendb bring a car to pick up donations of Booz- of Wilmnette. T/he organizainaking resrain runimage. ih Mrs. Mrs. Frank Allen,- Wiltion s/te serves is lavilnq a buffet mette 5005; Mrs. C. O- Walliser, supper Sunday e7vening, October 4. Wilmette 3045; Mrs. W. H. Hildelit thte Randolph Ro/trer home, 65.1 or with Mrs. *obert S. baird, brand, Wilmette 3610. Mrs. H. W. Lindsey, jr., Kenilworth 5547; Mrs. R. F. flest, Wiirnette 4031; lMtrs. A. E. Hall, Wilmette 3444; Mrs. .Marley Halvorsen, Wilmette 455, Mrs. J. M. Hale, Wilmette 2798 - Mrs. Marvin i-. a2Iaw-at4- -Airs. &iç>WWit Harans, Wilmette 1345; Mrs. J. 1. P. Gretn, shoes, and<l Mrs. W\allac, Marsh, Wilniette 2332; Mrs. Kellogg bpenld Wînter mn West * .,cKenizie. gowns. Allolng the reservations for lune 1h- D) Logsdon, Wilmette 3203; Mrs. H. E. ton are those of several hostess-es who Fashiion shlow b)roadc.asts \Ir. ;wd Mrs., Wallace Kerr Piîîe, Wilmette 4882, Mrs. J. are. having guests. Mrs. \V. \V. D)ar- given froin Chicago tio. arc hein,i have P. rented their home at 707 Forest Hoesli, Winnetka 3256, row, president of the Wininetka board, Mrs. S. D. Miss Harriet V7ittuni1. head residentt avenuie to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flinin; Martin Lindsay. WNilnnetka, 3857, * ...- ,. Laid(of the settlemt. %ill wt be a guest 1ev tintil the first of May and are. of hiotor at the luncheon inarking leaving todav (Thursday) for Pasaanl ev'ent an anibitious eonunijjttec, cdellawer they ivili spend the ivinpects to be a liannler Mne. -Mrs. Kerry C. Meaglierw~as hiostesý. at a dinnie r party inher home at 716. Mrs. H. Sý Condit; Mrs. C. Burpee, Wilmette 338; Mrs. L. B. B. Nash, XVilmette 4464; Mrs. C. T. Frykman, Wilmette 3279, and Jacques, Willis, Wilmette 2831. M1rs. serving, amii d a group oi ber frends to be hoýstesscs, Mrs. Pierre Bouscaren. Mis s Katharine Roach, Mrs. Lois 'ri uesdale, and Mrs. Hugh Foresman. wl ho proinent, in garden ci4b workç, is, ini charge of are openl to the pablic. A representative of 'Vauighail's seed For Churcb Group store addressed the Center Tuesday The Missionarv society of the Wilof this week. His subject was "Ne- inette Methodist church will rneet on giected Phases of Oardening," withi T'hursday afternoon, October 8, at special enphasis upon the fait 50w1 :30 o'clock, at the çhurch. Tea ivili iflg of annuals. be served by, the cabiniet. nsCub of Wilmette, is the person around whoni revoîves the plot qf an's CI tL mevv ow- the radio skits,. Their author is winprogratu over WBBM. ninz recognition for her radio work. She will be -on an Armistice Day

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