Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 36

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developniet1t in that dir ection mnust faau, as. it would Ie but a limitation upon owners ()f the rightful use of their properties. Oit the other mutua ch te.ditor 4' çuetimu. Mt. had-, a ,developmeîît consisting of cheqap buildings to bouse "bot dog"' stands and such minior enxJREFterprises would tiot hé conducive to thosie n BLAME reases in:property valueswhich thie omrers bave' ~auray ad ai t If. you did* iot register onS right to eèxpect., a a rendered bave wl regis ter next. Tuesday, you,>, distinct disservice to both yourseii ano yoùr. bc delayed. Procrastination111 migit, resuit, in a ,ou bave deliberately country. it will meat that yc tat ~ comlee beopprtnit lssof disfranchised yourself, sômoneti hingyou would fight offered, and for >wbich credit, withouit stint. is, due doiing. to prevent. someonle else fËrýmx to those citizens and.busitiess people of -No Mai's Wbatever your politicals sentinienits are, you Land- wbo witbdrew their naines fromn the election have àa.distinct *responsibilityr' to go to tbe poils, peiio ndterh hoîgtabu avcainof and express them through3 your, ballot. "If you believe that the New Dealî is a, good -tbing' for diecort rdr.food, Amnerica, you should havesiufficient 'courage of Onteother band, conviction to want to vote. ' PUBLIC EFNEm*lES? promnulgated by ples princip' if you stand for the B. C. -Forbes, a- nationally 4mown business wrt. C*vernor Landoû and~ the Reëpblr npafty Ibeti men against the your patriotic duty is to qualiffy as a voter and go er, defending American businxess efforts of defamners to paint themn as "malefactors litiments. to the polis and vote your sen, of great wealtb," "chiselers," "public enemies," Many voters of New 'Trier township went to and .what not, says: their offices in Chicago last Saturday, fully intend"Within a phenomenally short space of time ing to return in ample time to register. Some of have blossomed. fromn the initiai pletures mioving stage into a towering American nickelodeon them did not do $0. Unexpected social or busiindustry, wlth, annual production costs of 120 milness engagements miay bave prevent-ed tbem., lion dollars, world-wlde in ramifications, employlng 270,000 persons, paying salaries beyond aflyThe point is that no such chances sbould bc takeix thing ever before known, yieldlng incofie to many shquld voter next Tuesday. Every unregistered thoukmundis of Investors, brlnginoe a constant stream drnu .f eh. s.eh.t, Mr île&. S"Umtfi amin t. b b ime fer _________________ YOU The winner ini the Novemnber Presidential elec.tion will not be known, it is stated, .unt.il Senator Borab tells millions of voters in. the northwest for which, candidate- they are to vote. We 'Jope lie ýtëls them to vote for Landon.' But ,what doyouc tbink of millions of. voters who. wait. for someone to nmake up their ýminds for thetni Tragedy-stark, cruiel tragedy-basý invaded the nortb sb*ore. It happened like thfis: On the mnorl-. ing -of October,7. in this. blel'sed year of the Newv Delind13.aluadad et at the breakfast wîfe table, and -as they- muncbed c and cruncd the predigested îerused the morning hometiing wbicb paper. .S-4Aflfl tamie cauight the eye of john Citi-, atsda bad e,' h x'plosion. an-d he raved and' ýelrn,'utwi soe mil Ntoembr3and etv wiiIank gIL hoe )lnktyblnk one . blatnk of a lickinig!" - sided Mrs. Citizen inquired, ini a soft, lom, voicu. tewv Byte Rgse ister?:" on i o eitrysedv aJodiyurgieresrdy? asked John. "Wbhat do you inean reg\Vhyý," replied the missus, "dôn't you Waiting until the stormn sub- is too important to be carried by 'a fraction of the voters. Tlhere sbiould be a 100 per cetit registration and a 100 per cent vote. No MAN'S LAND Hom- danlgero.*usly close the niortbi shore came to having a permanent blemnishi fixeci upon it will be realized wben it is known that only oien aine was lacking on a petition. for a referendumn elec- "Most of thé stalwarts who b)ujlt up the motion picture industry were of humble blrth, iimited' Oducation, and lacked family wealth. *'Take, for example, Nicholas and Joseph Suleeck. They were operating a mietry-go-'round before they were attracted by the î,wsiblities of the, ledgling nickelodeon. ",'Adolph Zukor was a furrier in Chicago.. you to be- sure' to register before you went to tbe city. so tliere mould be no danger of anythiîig preventing you fromn doing it?. Now, do yon know wbat yotu've done? You've disfranchis>ed yourself, and you can't vote against those blankety-blanks." (Note-Aiitedated(l o give you. fair warning to' register on October 6.) area could lbe maintained. as a wet spot in a preponderantly dry section. The responsibility of property owners in No Man's Land is to at once move toward annexatio n to cither Kenilworth or Wilmette. Such action. .should he dictated by gelfsh financial reasons. if every due for a we pray. ini a du the Comicountry is F1or which 'Nationalism" seems to bc the new name for socialism. 'ne PHANTOMfREPORýtER

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