of the Atlantic *Monthly Press and for the past ten years has--been constantly. in. touch, With, outs.tanding books and authors. BUS- PLANE -TRAIN TICKETS. 78 EImSfr..t Tlpo.Wiinotki 3030 Berwanger to Address U. -of Michigan Club j ay Berwaiiger,. all-Americaný haif-, back, whoé was gradtiated from, the, Uniiversity of Chicago, la'st June, will speak before the University of Michigan Club' of Chicago during its wcekly luncheofi at .12:-30 Monlday. October 5, ini theGreen Rooin on thçefj 9th flooir of Mandel, Brothers store. Berwanger. ýill give a pre-view of thie'1937 'Big Teni football.seasoni.. WHIST CLUB- MEETS The -Men's WVhist club met Wednesdav of last week at the North Shore hotel. ivhere it is expected the regular meetings will be held every other. week. Prior to this fall, the club' lias been entertained i the home of members. ir rr .onstration schoow are sponsoring a series of three children's plays to bc given by the Clare Tree Major'troupeof professional actors, from thc Chlii dren's Theâtre of New York.ý 'The serie.s will begin . with aý pres-, entation of "Mrs Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" on Friday, afternoon, October'16, in thé Harrison Hall auditorium. The second play, "Pinýccéhio6." will corne. to the National Colleg'e> o1 Education, on Novenriber 20, and the' last dramna,' that of '6Toby Tyler or PA UL SCHULZE - PRODUCTS - WAFERS Tender, * t.. * t. . J s aky. round butter wofers that malt in your gnoufli. Improve the l'est# of Ail Salade AT YOIJR GROCIUR w H ý - ý --- v---- -v -v rrrrw' P-auline MYanch ester I Ten. Days, with a' Circus," will he played on March 5, Departur. front Tradition jPlacing the presentation; of the yearly childrens plays in thé, hands of experts this year is a departurte from the college's usual tradition of children's drama> pro duced,,and acted by college and Demonstration school E1a'114s dhq.i students. However rnuch of the classMiîss Betty U1lliansdîihi (i-j [ronwork oif the dernonstration of ir. and Mrs. S. .1. Williams of school in literature, speech and play ,ie. has prdutasn will center arounid thec 1352 Chestinut avenue, Ililme mfront a deliphifivisil in )-re ,daaand a number of the scenesý and characters will be reenacted 1w the' east and ha; cntered Northwestern itniz'ersit.y. Site was titi the children in connection with their gulest of AMiss Jane Prestoni MiiNrî, school work. York, and while tlwre' site andlher The first play, "Mrs. Wviggs of tlie Jostess were' entertaiui on the' batCabbage Patch," will follow both thu tleships lWyoiidn1 and Xe-à- Orleans mocid and plot of the popu lar. story hy Dic*k Cuizverl, firsicdasmait. and ail the characters fronimlr>. irne executive board of the Evans-1 On the list of patrons and patr&i i ton and No~'rth Shore Birth Contr 10 esses for the series are a number of committee resutned its activitiés lin north shore couples interested in tlic connection with the maintenance of theater and child education. Mr. atnd its Main Street- Medical Center, in Mrs' Bernard Fallon, Mr. andMr. Evanston, at a meeting at the home William Clark, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vanof Mrs. Norman Waite, 911 Forest dervoort 'Gathany, Mr. and r. * avenue,.Evanston, Friday, September A. W. Peake, Mr. and Mrs. L. ; 25 GHicrth.rs e Shelton, Mr. and Mrs. jason WVhitMs. e-ney, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L.. Mrs GergeHilret, Witt Davis, Mrs. Beverly. Jefferson, ("Tug") Wilson,,and Mr. and M\Ir,. tendance iast year, naci not ,yet <ueo out entirely, as, according to Mrs. King's report, a good petcentage Of the summer patients came to the clinic because of the exhibit and its attendant publicity.w1 Another sill more ambitious proi- - nen-"Y'-"' *'a eg ect is planned for the coring year when it is hoped 'to have Margaret Sanger corne to Evanstôn for a lec'ture engagement tinder the auspices of the Birth Control committee.