Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 18

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Headed for a Toucl. down affer a quarta, day of.Mellody Farms Daliry -Gradesuz Mik 17raiffng rumes for both big and »l t littie boys 'f ired ,iIlk.'mvand eall for Bill McLaren, Dot Carrington, Louis Crane, Larry Holland, Mary Boheim, Miriam Raymer, jean Kritzen, Rita Lechner, Fred D>reibus, Betty 1Claire 'Ellis, Betty, :Dodds, Charles Gregory, jean Andrews, -Randolph MeCandlish, Richard Finney, ChÇlarleýs Sheridan. sports Reporters Thirteenof those whéo tried out for, positions as sports reporters qualifieci for posts. Tbey are: Bill*McJunkin, Ken Cobb,.lElizabeth E. Hoesli, Betty Galvins, Draper Dayton, Bill Spinney, ,jack Fyfe, Jack Barnett, Ken Crawford, Lowell Snorf, Joe Russo, Bob Bernard, Jean Forstall. In the third division *of.reporter s for the News' feature writers, eight memb;ers have been added. The eight JincIMcfr: Phone- Harry, Kramer, Peg Thompson, 'Betty Gebert, Lois Peterson, Patty Harshaw, Gene Fielding, Melvein Hawley, Marjorie Arnold. Sears Jayne and Milton Shapiro, both seniors, are coýeditors-in-chief, with Harold Bergman as desk editor, Charles Suydam as feature editor, and Dick La Bonte as sports editor, RQbert H. Carpenter of the English faculty o.f the school, is the sponsor operatic déebut with thie company two years ago, was drafted by the Metropol-, itan, and now 'is on leave with the. San Carlo cornipany for the fall season. T'he third is Kenneth. Sakdàs, Greek tenoDr4 Signoriha Lenci, although Italian born, wais reared in Minnesota. She com'pleted lier nuièai, training With two scholarships at .St. Cecilia's Conservatory in Rome, and made bier èperatic debut as Amneris in Aida at thç,Adriano theater. there tbree .years ago.. * iss Symons sang three. years with the Philadeiphia Granid Opera company and bas been heard widely i recital.. Mr. Sakos was traine'd in Greece and Staff Photo taly. iii Jack Byrum, president of the The opening week's operas are as folstudent counicil at New: Trier High school (left) ami Ann.Bu4rnhàm, who *Monday-La Traviata with Luchle Meuis acting as secretary, inspect Onle set, Charlotte B3runo. Dimitri Onofreï, of the posters.used in the câmpaign Marlo Valle and the ballet. to advenuie the new "«activities Tuesday-Alda, wlth Blanca,. Saroya, ÂtÔTdo' Lindi;,Motat$ Stella tid, ticket,* a plan to peri Pt iidenis Thomias,- Harold Kravltt and the ballet. to attend undergraduatc actit4ties Wednesday-Madame Butterfly, with Roi!. Wylde, Koyke. Florence Hizi on a season basis. HAVE SECOND DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Linus 0. Smnifti of 2024 Chestnut avenue becarne the parents of their setond daughter, Martha, with Saturda-y Matinee Sharon, on August 27. Barbara Jean Meusel, Bruno, Gerard, Kozakevtch and Smith kis 3vears niA tncav (ThiîrsGerard, Bruno, Valle. Faust, with Charlotte Thursday Symions, Gerard, Kravitt, Thomnas, Bruno and the ballet.. Frliday-Lohengrln, with Krav'ltt, Oriofi-el, Saroya, Valle, Wylde, and Kozak- ballet. Saturday Evening-il Trovatore wtb Saroya, Lenci, Bruno, Lindi, Thomas, Linden avenue, W ilmette, have been announiced as two of the new fali pledges to' the Deits, mern's social group at Cortieli college, Mount Vernon, Iowa. Both Wilmette students have distinguished tbemselves in basketball at. Corneli. Carlo Peroi; who is fanious for being ahle to conduct sixty granid operas withENTERS RENSSELAER indnmit colnsultitig the score, has beeni re01 Danil Kameyr, C avenue, Wilmette, is one of four hunl- te giage s eer!msia drctr dred new students entering. Reusccopay selaer Polytecbnic Institute this; VISIT IN WEST xnontb. He bas selected the course in industrial engineering. He is thc, NIrs. Albert W. Dilling, 545 Essex son of Mr. E. A. Kaumeyer, and was. road, Kciilworthi, anid ber cbildreui, graduated froni Nortbwestern Miii- Elizabeth and Kirkpatrick, returined tary and Naval Academy, Wahivorth shortly before school opened froinia . I TENTH YEA R., Corne!, Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evansfon University 2820 WILLIAM H. CALLOW, PrnCipad young women good pleasant sal1a ri es, work, and opportunities for advancement.

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