Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 11

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ru'wonien >,( the parlsh are invlted bv Mrs. E, A. Kaw:îeyer to spend 'omir-w Frlday, October 2, at he'r home in ('hiwvaukee. on the -bhore of Lake Michigan just over the Wisconsin border. Thé'y will drive up li cars ln the morflobtalned' ùïg. Al arrangemients eaut fi-omt Mrs. J. M". Edge, '1520 E1mwood wolu-' f rtfthe' oî vénue 'or (rom ni .,'s(lilIsister -leigb j Corne to Keiilworth to Greet Travers agtrMsAd agtr Nrs. \V. Lee Crowe and her isAdimte 234 Raof Burlt A... Crocf road, Kenilworth. have ircturned Tue - hîcys' Vest ed choir jwnctues rg;-1 to their bome in 'Owoso. Nich... afte r uIarly ai the. Parish -Itouse Tusday. *nnsat 7, and the. Girls' Vested ýspen(ling.,two weeks ini Kenilworth. afternoon a They came to grert M\rs. Burt Crowe rêhearse Choir .1 Ioy Scouts -hîrd~ neet oit Mond.ys a t 7:30u and da ughter, Ms Barbara. who liad ini the P1aris'h-Ho>ist'. just returned [romn a tip to the werst they.,spent about, five <liiwhee < i e'.èrvatuons foi the f thé Tbey went to Ban-f, Lake bousr. ier Ini the: Great Biail Ittin Rockies to M'oh'ribuld be: through thé Canadianl I lotel Sheruîati ( Maidef',juiekty thri*()gh th*.. rit'tù or Vancouver, Victoria,-Rainier Nation-, There: ar, oimly 1,500 JIInry FoWler. a Park, Portland, Seattle,, SaWi-.Fï-;i '. aloc avallauîle for' the. ciaire i.kts Park, spending ýa S4t. .Xustine's. Will have' at its' table cisco, Yosemite 1$ iitIsts' of.tht. a ,ish cople (if the, week visiting-frien-ds in Los.\gce i,'lîî,'attending th(- Pa n-A merivan *fertince orfBshIll'eeting lui the before ,.return.ing to the nort4 Shore. i .weckI. IIOW much better tp.,sec your doctor, let hiMn get at the real cause without further dangerous deiay. A visit to hlm now miay -save ninie visite Iàter, anid bring you the peace. of mimd of knowlng that you are, PLAYING'SAFE. Yoùu are, playlng, safe, too, when yoü bring your doctorq to, us., We use only the finest, freshest prescription drugs, and double check each prescription. A registerèd pharmà.eisti lÈWSuyB ln -to cire for prompt handling of your prescription. J. B.. SeyIer Special, Saturday and Sàiday The siîcaker will lie, --i:iý th.t, week. .~rîIîiso we:î, 1',111ytc ol)fthe. Chur('h the Ar»hbi.shoîî -f Emghfid !n (~îa 1ndiî-s ailid the. PreszidIngj thiet IN1rs.;Wiliam for thre 'renwood .. NIMoore. .1hi'uj I ~i~~î~î$tea o'tht. Ainericaii Chl:re il, ' with 1221 Lake avenue. hias as ber weeks, Mrs. ut Patricia Il *taitî,staIm m rcu Illeht.vq'vhid, tht' 'îth.erpi'ufeenvotf the Bi'hîp>f ChuiIi ii îch ini Nqi ith anmd Si îtth AmiIerOctober 12-18, n'.wetting in i'hicagu' m'h~-il l Ie enterS t. :tAtI'tnfs'1a nmst îiti,îguis'hed I t;lailg tvo tof thu The . ý1 t 1 cx-. Ierwent T, xilrs. S. A. Williams of 1352 Clicstîitit ati )op Toronto tf PItwll,.Arhq I 'îilialtt.of the C(hu,'ch 4d 1~nIadin avenuie is Ieaving Fri day oîf tliis weck lII be the.giiest at 'St. -*Ntgtis- on an extended hùiîe ( 'îm.îahî trip hithe r. o.alid tir rectory <io' thte I ilie&$ coast. west 'ar'o.The Mtist levA. 1'.iPtncier. 1 fIiurju Banchor of Denver, Colo. A\ recent visitor of -Mrs. Moorce vas bier sister, Mrs. A. E. Hopkins, who bias returi-* ed to her home i Kansas City, Mo., after a ten-day stay in Wilmette. $2«Value........ ISchlek ICE CREAM KGa39e~pe BRICK: fMaple ]Nut btenRi pb.wry I PKG.;-:3Pi ROT WATER ., ,...... iejotow RAZORr Ifl q Gparan 89cj ELECTRIC HEATING PADS $1.98 to $495 60c Aika Seltz.. ... .49C $1 Citro Carbote 79c 25e Cofton Pieker .23c Albbott's FordWied iSpeeia is Bond Aid .......... 23ç- Cod Liver O0111 oz.. 79c ANNOUNCES A [ 10 Sheets 'JCapsules A.B.D. uîIlI" and Viosterol. .... 100 260 100 le0 FREE LECTURE ON ICHEST Viclis Salve RUBS 219c ICapsules... 25 Cod Liver 011. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE one0 by applying a+ the Readiung Koom, 1133i.U n ralve Reserved seats wiII be hetd until 7:50 on the eveninq ofthe Ieci THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND mi

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