Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1936, p. 10

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Church schooi ................ Morning worship .... ........ 9:45 a. m. il1:00 a. M. 4 Junior Luther league.. Senior Luther league......:30 Thé musie for the service of Worehip next Sunday morning is as foilows: Chorale Prelude-..oBiè55ed Jesu 9', ah We Are Hère ............. Aithiem-"Befleath theé Shadow Of, the Great Protection" .-... DickinsonThe, Senior Choir, Solo-"O Thon:.Afflicted"-.!Benediet Mrs. J. H. Hopp pôstlude-"Rejoicé, 1Ye Pure sowerby ln Heart"................. Victoria McLeod, Ministry of Music 3:00 P. nm. will présent. one of nie oeîîgnriul book p, . . Dyke," by Tértius reviews. "Henry Van Van Dyke, thé story o! aý varled and brilliant Christian expérience, is thé theme chosen. As-poet, éssaylst, profes$or, diplomat,, and preacher Henry Van Dyke was outstanding, and hie pernianent contribution should be known to ail. Festival" The "FaIl Novembet' 19 and 20. Is thé chairman. wili be held Fuller Lr.A.j. Girl Scout tropp No. 5 will meet at the churoh Wednesday evenlngs fron 6:~3ê o'ciock to 8 o'clock. Miss Betty Busby IF; leader. The BOY Scout troop meete Monday evening at the churcli. The.midweek serévice wIll be held Wednesday evenIng, at 8 o'ciock ln the chapel. This là an hour: of devotion and'stùdy. The theme Will be "In What Ils the Church an. Aùthority?" You are cordially Invited to meet with, us. The«choir rehearses Friday evening at. 7:30 o'clock. <the Woméen'is gulld will nieet Monday evening inorning October S, at 10 o'crlock, thé choir reliearsail, Fia 'enor flrst lmeeting of the season, opening at 7.:30. Junior*choir rehatr.4ai, Sattuday inorn- with a uncheon. The work 0of thé guiid is for. the ébeèit of.good causes la wvhlch ing at 10 o'clock. the wonien of the church and the coniadmlnliistered be will 'Wilmette and Park: avenuies fliy Communion niunity are interésted. Al women of J. Il. Gockel, pastor at the ser-'ie of worshlp next Sunday Keilwnith not othetrwise (-ngaged on i'nvited. i'ondays are SERVICES 9a. m.-Preparatory service for, Holy Raily Day wiii be observed ini the -will mieet att 9 :45 School Sunday Th'le Chureh school next Sunday niorning. a. ni.' There are classes for c-hildrén be- Communion. H<ly a. n-First sricwith ,:15 The Luther léagues will meet on Sun- tiveéni the agés of kindergarten and' thé Communionl. dyevening. The Junior league at 3 hilîîhs o welcone. are Visitors 9 :30 a. r.-Sunday qsehoo)l ai Bible o'clock and the Senior league it.6 :10 classes. 1l a. m.-Second service. The Inner Mission society of our ChiMEETINGS Lake and Wilmette avenues cago Conferénce will hold their Fal lTe 1ev. Amnos Thornburg, mninster L'adies' Aid society, today, 2 1).tm.. Raliy next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 Junior Walther league, Friday, 8 1). ni. .o'clock at the Luther Mémorial Church, Children's Christian education clas"es-, will be ln the pulpit at thé iniiister, Chicago. Thé avenues, ,Wilson and Campbell . IKrumbhhlz, the execuThe ý ev.'. il o'clock worship) service Sunday morn- Satui-dI,;y, 9 :30 a. m. ; Wediiesday. 4 pi. rn intr. flctnhér 4.This wM behéthe'last Suni- The Womafl's'society ivili meet at -the Church on Thuràday afterfloon of 2titis wéek at -2 o'clock. The topié, "Missionary F. AdVance, wili be presented by Mrs. Haysofl. Mrs. Jaehne wili have the quiz and Mre. Knudtson and Mrs. Smith wili be the hostesseçs. Dr. Herbert L. Willett, Dr. Willett's suh1ect for Sunday, October 4, whlch wiff'bé observed- by the congregation as "Homéecoming -Sunday," wiil bê '"Sanctuary."' At this service members wlll- be received Into thé Church, admninistéred, and the coinniunlion wiIl be celebrateéd., The service is at il o'clock. KenlwÊ'rt&hVUnion minister The Womnan's Mlssionary soûciety will nîeet next Thursdayi October 8, at 1 :30 PLC . Mould. o'clock. Devotiofle--Mr ing. There wiil be a discussion o! "Your Vote---Do Y ou Vralue It?" The study "Theé.Crosses, Congo book topic .le Bears.." This Is dues paying day. 'fea will be served by the cabinet. A Runîmage Sale will bée ponsored by The. program. for the Slver Anniverthe Fifth division October 29 and,30. sary of thechurch is nearlng completion. The: anniversary will be celebrated. durThe Rock River Conférence will open ing- the weék of October 18 to 25, With ts annual session Tuesday,- Octobér 6, appropriate Services a.nd gathering-9 of at the Austin Mfethodist Episcopal church fellowship. A history of thetwenty-five in Chicago. Anyone having vouchers years le being prepared and will be ready which have flot yet been turnéd In should for distribution during the aniniversary. sec that théy arè, in the office iminedi- One 0of the featur-es'of the celebration atély ln order that Our pastors report will be the dedicatiofi of the newlY coinnw he complété. pieted chapel'on Sunday gfteinoofl, Oetober 18. St. John's Lutheran First Con gregational 2Hidley, nminist.er The Rev. John G. "Finding God" wili be the minlsterCs sermon thème next Sunday morning at the Il o'clock church service. The musir i i be as follows: Prelude-Commufli0f.......Torc s Anthem-"Yé That Stand ln thé House of the L~ord"............ >.......Spiîiney: Offertoire atiilen-"Je3u.9 Only" . Rotoli Postlude-Fantasy on "Italiatn" hynm tulle............MKn M r. 1-indley will b e reaç-linig I rh'e new series of pre-election sýergreat 11v. îîîons on the themée, "F~aing FundamwntaIs." Sot(, the following timel'y nw.fs- MetodstChurch 4. tsuiliday 1 lilig for 'l'lieninuslce beas follows wilh Organl (10 :45.): Wilmiette aid Forest avenues aulkes . . 11ev. George D7.Allison, pastor !'etvlPrelude" Three Choral Préludes.....Baeh -In Thee Is Gl1adness" Corne and joi inathie inspiring wor-Ouir Fathier, Mho Art i leIaveniî ship expérience of this congregation on -MIl Men Are, Mortal" Sunday mnorning at Il o'clock, a happy Marie Bncie company of Christian friénds,.renewing Tlhy Burden upon the théir alléglance to thé Master. There will Initroit :"('ast Lo rd"..........-nesoh be a praise service of $cripture and Ho, Evéry One That Thirs-;thymans, the opening message of a new Antheni: afarlatie eth".............. séries of Pastor Allisoni's hèlliful serthé- Waters or BN mon'.. and the sacraméint of the Lord's Offel toi ibslo . Bain bUn Supper. The Bookc of Isaiah le thé fal .John Scott theme, and "Pérsonal ('onsecratioiV' thé "We Thank 'lhee, Cod" <'rgan otac tonto this week. on October Il (-ur.annual Mfission Sunday will be observed, îith thée11ev. E. C. Ku*tehnèert of Chicago speaking at 9 :15 and il a. ni., and the 1lev. Theo. Andres. of Evanston ,at 8 p. li. lin préparatioîi for thi.s observance thé pastor will preach next Sunday on "Thé Spirit of!l'rayer Thé spécial boxes for' for Missions." mission Contributions will be returned ouii October 11. 'ThéieConigréga tin has set its goal for 1936 ft $l,3 00. Meyer, goes bi at .4:30 P. ni Wý%JJD will agi ieair néxt Suniday Station go' timie. e local outlet. Ocoe'2,5 -'i.obilizing Our Sp)irituatl I'ok'ccs." Country..l-"aî'ngOur Novml)r Thé Cozy Corner circle will meet at tht home oif Ms. F. C. Huffman, 1311 Maplé avenue, next Thursday, October 1, foi, ati atil.daty Meeting. Mrs. W. Hull, Mrs. R. H. Anderson,, Mrs. W. H-ayt will hé the, aisighostesses.. Centtral circeéwill hé entertainéd by Mrs. J1.M. 'P...BoydJ, assisted by Mrs. May Savilie and Ms Jennile Johnson, at thtforrner's home, 718 Greénleaf avenue, MI r Friday. October 2. A, week f rom. Frlday, dt,é Woînan's, soclety holds Itt ctodber luncheon, wlth thé thèmne, "The Road to Better Citizenighlp." Mrs. W. A. Kéndrick, chairmani or thé Clyles Committée, will have chargéý of the prograni, and wil introduce Mrs. place at thé quarterI.y. conferencé iast sons on "P'ortra~its us. or Jequs;." We Invite R.:(.. Kimibeil waeI you to study with Monday night. colgoi lb ui h elected delegate ind Thonias IH.West as 1 alt,ernate. This election holds for a pé- Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector yoiing people, niéets at 5:30 o'clock. Suniday wili hé thé séventéenth Nèxt wili Henderson 'Robert chapel. thé ln be will diinnér Night."Famnily real A Thére will hé HIoly mponsored by thé Wôman's Mssionary lead thé disiusslon o! thé tople, "Christ- Sunday atter Trinlty. co iCuc t8a onio yug h appy"Ai likenese-BeinIK, church. thé at 16. Otobér 'on soéiety rioil of four yéars. Iof TeTxscuthé hlgh sh ropS t .A uiustin'eý'

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