The interest of north shore music loyers is being focused on the coming fail to spring artist recital series at New 'Trier High school sponsored by the Xinnetka Music cluh. Thieseries openî, on Saturday eveniîig.ý October 24, with Lauritz, Nel-, choir, leading Wagnerian tenor of the Metropoitan opera.:,Included 'i.his program iviI1 bc' the-,great heroac airs., theGermanand Danish folklor, and numbers;agroup of -Fiîi' Vera Brodsky and Harold Triggs, young American duo-pianists appear Du I)ecember 7. This pair lias *recently been featured over-the air ýwith Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians, Paul Whiteman, the General Motors, Rudyý Valee, and the Ford Sunday Evening Hour, They have appearcd, in recia1 throughout Europe and, have beený featured wih the New York.Philharmonic orchestra, the National .-Orchestral association; but will be making their rifivesWer~n' debut iii Winrne tka. Both Ameritan Mliss Brodsky vas born ini Virginia S Squibb's Adex ots ets V bI Vitamin B & G V A.BD. Capseules, h st,.9 botes',Os. Squibb's Cod Liver. Cleanslng Cnam co old Daggett & Ranaefl' New Golden $1. .... andan'\Mr. Triggs in Coloradoý. Both were puipils of the eminaent New. York pianist Josef Lhevinne, but had neyer met until three years ago *while attending the Salzburg festival. Since that tinie they liave been playing together. Viola Speci. ,îaster of danreci-ait, a)1oun1ces the o/'eiing of lier Sthl6 of the Danrce in Wilinett. Miss SPecht is a teaclier of long standing 'on the north shore, havinti gwven numperous recitâls of chai-acter. She lias hiad noted success ini body building, grace, and awzLakcninlg mental activity in childrev of listless nature. Dental Hygiene Prophylactic Powder 39c -.39C 55e Pond'&Creama . ...... 39c 35c Junis Creaun......... 27: se Woodbury's Shampoo .... 40c Squibb's Tooth .... 33C Patte .... I L Sodium Perborate, 65C Soc Tek Tooth Brushes, 39C 40e Pepsodent Tooth Patte .,33c 39C 4-oz. Dorothy Gray Cold Cream .. i$ ,35c Lez. Bronto Quinine. 29C appearance ini, nacago was said t have created a -sensation in muIsck cirdles. Sp.alding Cornes Feb. 15 Albert Spalding brings his $27,000 Stradivarius to the north shore on February 15. It will. be his fifth appearance in twelve seasons. Myra Hess, Englishi pianist, who hias just been decorated by King Edward VIII with the order of the Brit- the baby returniec home on Sundav. iThe other chiildren are Billy, Loretta, jack, and David. MNr. and iVirs. John E. Hill ail. family are. moving today (Tlhursday> to 120-; Lake avenue, f romn 142() Lake avenue. Their daughiter. Martha, lias started hier freshnxan. year at Stephi Analgesie Baint.. rDelicately someir Lotion scented, hand- Sec Vicks Nos. Drops M. i. 31 .. . .. 39c 49c bIottled 1.e25 ....... 35e Vieks Vipo-Rub .... 29c Iover ifs equai! won'1' .find . . ana you See Inside BackCover l i e7Wilimtte and Central Phosi.Wilwtte 28 .. AvenueI