stOve, dol trutnk, 8ewing mnachine, large 131LTÉ20-ltp "oL Kenil. 3048. MARJORIE GIRL, BOK:OUTDOOR Dean, Radio Girls,. Campflre Girls, Girl Scouts, Rtuth Fielding, BlyÏthe Girls, MàrJorie. Mise. books, Like new. Réas.. Hawaliau gultar..Doli trunk. Glen-. 131LTN20-ltp eoe 1104. IVORY TWIN BEDS, MATCHING chiffonler. Gorgeous.dining set. Bargain. W,111 split set. Aluo electrie vietrola. Skrt dressing.table with 2-pair matchIng drapes. Small ýtables. Phone 11LTN20-1tc Greenleaf. 1278. WILL SELL GIRL'S RACCOON COAT, aýize 12, $25. Squirrel jacket, size 16, $25. Lapin jacket and mnuif, $10. Also porch glider $5. 011 stove, $3. Play 31LTN2O--ltp pen, 50c. Glencoe 1251. FOOTBALL BICYCLES, 3 BOYS' pants, shoes, helmets, baseball pants, Ice skates, roller skates. Shelves for inneka tos aii Friday mnornig, minute twenty seconds ahead of Asterisk. Gordon Jones. witb Mrs.. Jones as crew took a fiftb place for tbe afterntoon in- Twinkle Ditto wbicb was sufficient to bold their substantial lead in the Red Series, giving tbem an aggregate of 143,points. Pegasus, the Gatbany-Mace Star, finished second in the series with>,134 ýpoints, foîlowed by Bonnie, B witb 126.. The race' was sailed in. a brisk .easterly breeze over. a mine mile triangular course, with only eleven, of the fleet participatiflg. Woody irie easily won'the Sunday race1 whié h -completed. the. Special Dolphin .. ... ............... Little Audrey.............. Skpt...........2-01-00 c o o f t Tô T o iihbrbu h h r b mountains, or-ange and red sunsets, 1-56-00 Bannie B' ................... Asterisk............ ***....... 1-57-20 ber throbbing, mystic Indian pueblo .i e ou r î i ut i i n i r z a arnd Sunday races was as follows 1 Red Seie"--titRae ut t w s twsclru elwodWrd epe e is ol l tourists rilo b ople dbp Curloue osy customs ad Sagitta.....................2-1-30 of, two for that furnisbed 'inspiratfion Ariel.............2-01-50 2-03-00 Costello's'1 full length plays, "Padre .............. Glider..... S 1-58-30 1-59-00 and world famed artists, her friendly Saan Pgss....................2-01-10 Series. Sailinig his Twin Starý with Sam Pirie as crew Woéody completed the 'course two minutes thirty-fi-ve seconds ahead of Asterisk sailed by a The forme a"Tuari." 2-03-25 ...... ........... Sniort .and TLamews Swing t.................20-0Carillo" presented by the Loyola group and Speal'unday $eTlies-4th Rae tlieatre 2-00-30 the Pasadena Commun..ity ......... Twin Star ...... the later bas g; 6tosasn 2-034500 gro Asterisk ............... osdéainlyýteN7 wteN :fi1.2-04-07enùoe I............. Katydid osdrto ne 2-0-0be ....... Guild. Theatre, York 2-06-00 Pea~i................. Dolphin...........-74 2-08-.10) Ariel................ Sagitta................2.41-00Billy Carpenter, son oft Mrs. johin 2-11-05 Blue Mist................ aba.................2-12-01c Ail arpeniter. 547 Hilli terracé. leht 2-1-0'I. .......... Ael......... for his studies at the, -13-00 last Xensa Sort ... ..................... ....... .. 21 4-1i Todd School for Boys at -Woodstock, swing it Frigidaire electric tee box ln perfect condition, $35. Davenport, $12. Ph<,ne REASÔNABLFI Glencoe 63. 870 Greenwood Ave. 1311,TSý2-0-ltp GIRLS ALASI<ÀN LAMB COAT, SIZE 16, $10, Sparklet Syphon bottle, $2, child's dresser, $2, child's small table and chair, $1, bedrm. suite, $20. Phone 131TN2-ltp Wllmette 1436. AUTOMATIC INSULATED CRANE Sheridan Shore 's youngest and most promising teani-.Nêk and' William Otter. This second place for the Otter brothers left theni securely iin possession of the Special Sunday 'Series tropby .%ith 112 points, 39. points ahead of Ali Baba, the Morton-Fitz Simons Star, which had accumulated 73 points. Pegasus placed third with 68,points. [ates Seasou Tt The Sun irace comple Eight Wilmette Students Will Returm tto enison 1 1 Eight students fromn Wilmette re- Il turtied to Granville this week to resumne thieir studies at Denison university. They are: Norton, Potter, junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ralph F. Potter, 925 Chestnut avenue; Joan Gutheridge, junior, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Gutheridge, 917, Greenwood avenue; Dick Cullen, juniior, 1226 Ashland avenue; Tom Allison. senior. snof Mr. and Mrs. * FUR COATS--PROMPT SERVICE~ Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evanston Uni. 2220 132LTN33-tfe - Papers 30e per 100 lbs. Magaines 40e per 100 lbs. Rags $1.00 per 100 lbs. Winnetka 48 Wilmette 5426 132LTNL7-4tp Junk- Dealer-Goidman amns, sophom-ore, iaugflter of Mir. and Mrpý. Georgec B. Williams, 1137 Lake served tbrougbout the seasoni by the avenue.; Riclhar<l Burrill, junior, sonj Wonien's auxiliary, will be greatly of Dr. and M.%rs J. A. Burrili, 812' missed by not only members but the Grecnwood avenue; William N. Mormany guests who have visited the ris, senior, son of Mr. andMr club this season. Altbough summer W~illiam 0. Morris, 112 Ninth str(,et weatber prevailed over the week-end the members were reminded of the approaching Faîl as Wesley Bowman Chica, ,go City Opera S raised bis Star Bonnie B frorn the Join s Kathleen Air barbor and towed it away to winter The Sunday night suppers, 50 vel 5 Oc 5cPair "p 1>I-ýCounàt & Carry, ('ush Warehouse Offers Fireproof Storage 1,Wilmette's-OnIy Cal WiImite 1200 day i> orLUI ore nveoio ¶j r-.g'= 'n of October, A. D. 1930. on blanks may be obtained cof the Commission, at the UA lage of re and Police ers of the *Vilnette" Illinois. 107 1107 melte