Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1936, p. 6

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watches of ail makes, American or SWISS. Aise manLtel dlocks an.i grandfather docks. reasonable guaranteed, Work priceR,,«. Watches regulated firee of charge. W 0 pecialize. ln , repalrlng>. B ut it secîns to have been pirnature. A 'couple of %veeks ago a Doparfr. mîenit of Juistice nati apl)eared i tolvn. Seekitig ont M-r,, Schultz lie iquirc(l.iin toiles desigîîed to throy a scare into hinî.ý "Who in, heck. authorized. thé painting of those, trucks eiîîg, atrtuthful and -other tlhinlgs ?' Schultz, re.llied,-"Village Wherc at'is be?" asked the (In 'Aines, Iw, -L1il have, to 11r. Schultz' told Iixhîx1. mrake" a ftîrtlxer, iinvetigation,". Mr.. 1-Iopkits' representative voluîîteered, and deplarted. And tlîat wvas-tlie last, hecard cif hill until-miati,M1r. À cratic party will advise you as to th<precinct in whichi you live, if You will give him your street address. reciint Noý 1-4eiwt~Union church,. Park. av,(-nue. 2--(UeflCiloe fiîe station, ý673 Vernoi. avene. 3-(1lerieoe Union rhurch, Park ave nue.. echurcir, 556 VeTnc.' 4-St. Eia 5-90 Litideil avenue. Mauager Platt.". At Board Receives- Jýiflî hie )mieetïing, of the Village 6--9,54 Liîîden avenue., 7-903 Linden avenue. 8-857 Lindeli avenue. 9-Coniuninty* House, 620 Linte4j? avenue. 1057Ciestinut Street. 11-village hlli, 510 Ceénter te. i 2-Pire statinîx, 414 Center stî-eet. PanSu I buse, 4(17 13-cliîrst Ch1U1re1,it 14--1-figil siliooniny, *85 int. S)t Wlnntetka J board ~'ue,%day iiglit of. last ,weck, .a bill wvas received from Santa Claus, ini whi Il he"denîanded that the Nillage- o Wilmette send to hini miimiediatey a check,.- made payable to tle. Tre,. surer -of the t.kited States of Amie*ica, in the suin of $582.50. whichi su' n is dune our beievolent governrnent ý for the paintinîg of fotir truîcks, two automobiles, a grader and a roller, flot authorized. SheShe And Mr. Schîultz, wvho kuows a t1iiuîg phoned us or two about costs, states that lie ried for appoint.mentl could have hiad the' work done forJ but f.iled less than $150, inchiding the cleaîîer, 1 tried ta t0ke care of ber own hair, paint and spraying machine. Bu~t, off but if ended as so many cases dý n course, the WPA workers Wcid iot. 5-NoîitilSixiIyeC (¾bntry I)ay W ~41.O Kilworthvne 21) A410 Kenilwvoitii avenue. - -I18-1 nue. loffrnamiii hall,. 09 Rldge i. r jd *21-Fire station, 8-21,JMain sýtree-t. 23-St . Augustiîxt"s clu.111n1) îê. ISix. ' .. a! Indian, iiI spcak this ev,ziuîg il/ o'clock in~ St. John's I.elerîî churcli ,VWlm;ettc anid Prisew. Il SainMilera fiflblod ilmette avt-nue. 24eir lsoo), 7141ieîî 14 îh 2-Cnrlsiol 27-1443 W'ilrnette atvenue.o,, 2N-1217 Wlxtv vne 119-e.noî lo,î3 iell trt is a graditat. ,of fl Çic milOs Indiait school jorme, l'yloc ufid-, Carlisle, Pa., a cias ,îalc of -'Chlicf" Bender, 7Lho is rw,1ce 0 Larel evni ~ xeuî,oiiur.ia,-îe by aider basebali fanis, (i1at n berilf thenrefmie:dJv/d 1)(11fcail o 189 lid11HOLarge Pv 1ar~'. f> tet Asiticipate .Crowds forces of interested 1)t v 9.(1) t1 1hReptublicai îic Vor 3urs, ih is saidj, wili ha rnusi.ýtecd and Demiocratitc BEAUTY WIL-METTE 1137 Central Avenue- SHO0Pi1 . 'KETSen Ibbh Mr s illr te gov\erinencit wards on a reservation aid f ur t-oîlt% Mohicans, silice hrecel itlysi Cîe< vcit. is sid, is expectcd to bni perstiading lus peupfle to cea.se bcb"g larger tlîaî in aany former eleei1oî, to b)econie self -supporting American to olve voters quickIy to amjýi froxi citizens. The niajority (If the 'Mohicants their places of registration, aeu en. '5~Aseilpîai are st-h living near Gresham, where they are knuwîx as Stockhridg<,e tilose.residents wVhos busines-s inteorIfidianis. csts, are in, Chicago to 11e sulre t( Mr. Miller has b)(eîxspeakili-g ilaIl register before going ilito tiue city parts of the counîtry for the. last tva If tfils sug(Stioîx is followcd, it is yeàrs, pleading the case of the Anwrican aid, failurle to 1QlistL-r cannot b( Indian, and. tellinug the draniatic stury charged to delav .in' tur-il' br -s tnoîie vilh eayi uîuber, * e o.re Famous * for MuiIc Shakes UJC Saury and Sunday Quart Brick of Ice Creamn J'ai of Lutheran mission wrrkanioiig bis - In t. - pli ~'~~~1 Wcdniesda.y 9 A. M. tO 7:4ç P. NI. Satur Iay 9A. ei 9P. q M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, -and ail other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purcixa8ed, at the Reading Rvoom. I Tras PUBtIC>18 CORDI4LLY àNVXTED thie 'Beîî M.latthiews. Jr., 319 Tsscx road, Kenilworth, left Saturday for. Williams collegeý where he vvill 'be a Junior this yerar.. Iavenue, IWilnettel.2030, 2052 and 2053, or Wilmiette. Tel1eph11o ne,- Iat thé TO ATTEND'TUHE BELADING O BOOM CPUUECK SERVICES ANDI VISIT Tas headquarters of the Winnet4 a,,Womnan's 'Republican club, 742 IEIm' street, Winnetka, telephone Winnetka 1319.: 4 i

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