660 'CENTER ST. VeMence. u ta-v.s lu WINNETKA 2.54 114LTN20-1tic N.W. fror» Chicago. $'10,00o cash, bal. terme. ADJACENT TO THÉ SKOKIE ýCOUNOWNER, P. W. MILBRAT try Club1 on a quiet, secluded street where 3 beautiful new hoimes wil shortbe conipletedl, are two fine lots 62x lII1LTN18-3tp ly 140 offered by trustee to Ilquidate estate. Priced at $2,900 and M3000 theseé lots are the greatest opportunîty on the' CONVENI ENT TO BOTIH GRA MMAR North- Shore., ,and high school, attractively arranged 8 roomn,.3 bath residence, beauitiful trees. Original cost a few years ago $35.000. &GOLEE. Present price for, immedi.ate -sale leè--ýss EXCLUSIVE AGENTS than ialIf. 15 f;4 SherMan Avenue- Wilrnette 2486 Il41TN2O-1te 530 Davts St, Evans. Oire. 1680, Wli. 22S llll.TN20-1t'- oAAJ onenc *ur A BARGAIN, HOMESITE 124LTN18- 4tp APPROX. 1 ÂCRE, WOODED, NEAR Sunset Ridge and, W%?innetka roads. Ourner, Winnetka 3544 124LTýN20-ltp Warehouse Pricès Deferred Paymnents may be. arranged "Shop and Compare" RENSCH WARUIHOUSE 521 Main Street Wlmette GENERAL ELEC. REFRIGERÂTOR, $40- for $82 equtity;, bal- $95, at $5 îa MO. to. Pub.. Service Co.. Uned 1 yr. Lawn mower .$2; spade 75. cents; bookcase desk $3; sanitary 1.uch 150 Wlcker ýbedroom arm chair With slip cover, $1 -,50. 1623 Washington,, Wilmetite., 129LTN?0+ltp BEDROOM SUITE, INCL.1 CHEST 0FOP drwrvanitY *dresser,. 2 chairs, night table, Coiby's bést box sapring sund maàttress. Âloo Éma.id's bedroom suite, 45-inch, Siniplex mai«ge. Bric-a-brac. Reas. 138 0,Scott, Winnetka 1574.' 129LTN20-ltp COMPORTABLE VELVET UPH. p>ull-up chair, $2.50. Green-gold wlckeir $1.7.50 East Side Kenilworth. REAL ESTArltE LONaS SMART mnc. WEll ARE 11N -TIIE MARKET ,FOR DEsirable'building bans on well-located North Shore, property. Construcion Loans $5,000--AND UP McGUIRE &-ORR, Inc. IAS'r SIDE XINN -TKA A GRAPF. A-ROR. 01,f> LILACS AXIÇl a, sweet fresh hguse., Spir and spin Extra .avtory on lst flour. 3>ben.drotomi, oil heat 1an(la a carmnrg living rooni %vith arches opening inito sun parlor. $900or nlight 1ent at $8,5ý M-rs. Ftier & Win. Piek-kard W%ýinnetka i FINE LOT IN EAST SIDE LOCATION 4',2 TO 5~% INTEREST .50xl87. Most unsual chance to bulld a,.homne In Winnetka Where the inconeý Yroni >one o0'f-the, apartments will carry. Over 40--Years of Dependable Service the major part of thxe entire .Investment ;30 Davis St., Evanston. Greenleaf 1080 and gýive you your own apartin-ýit prac127Â-LTN2-ltc, tivally free of rent. WINNETKA, * 2-Apartment Si1te 5,17 interest if security warrants, We aflso. have sp)ecial funds avallable for ,immediate commitment -on new or refinanclng lbans. $2OOto $20,OOO, MlcGUIRE &ORR, hc. 746 Elnî St., Winng-tka- Attr-active Older Hlomle Py17 (t. in exclusivv svi. flouse has 4 bedrms.,ý 2 battis, breakfiast îorch, IH.'W., hwat, garage. 1>RUDAT PRESENT LAXD VALVî.: (t 7-'G ft; ga 53"0 Davis St, -Evan . e. 1080, Wil. 228 WE HÂVE FUNDS AVAILÂBLE FORý garden tools;1 conservative loans on reside ,nce8 ard tel, cabinet and TIRKER' OOvPERATION. INVITEr> property. 4%,% te 6% Interest furniture. 606il41,T.N20-ltc Incone' 5 to 1.0 years. Prompt service. and moderate charges. .LV M U McGUIRE &ORR, hic. 1THREE FIRS1T MORTGAGES Franest. St. \\Vinsco)tt 71xl82 82xl75 100x175 Owvner wants to sell and will consider CHOICE HOMESITES 1569 Sherman Avenue joseph C. Cormack University 3353 127A-LTN26-tfc & CO, er . setan 9(b-9 prue.t Winnttka 121;7 IS1IARTlý& I111TN21j-lt(, U1ni. 02,N' Evanston I GOLEE, INC. 114T.'P%29fl1te, Federal Home Loans 1 V,ýery good cor May be seen by Winnetka 1992. REFECTOR-V- %Vil. 2486 .WITH SMALL flÎOUSE TIAT MIGHI. reniçdel. Lo()t10x280. Cari bé subiivideà- $5.000..' 663 Veýrnon Ave. Beatitiftully Landscaped ANN MOREI 4 AND Gl'.encoe 305 COMÙR'AILEHOUSE IN CLOSEin locatioii, Winnefl<a. mis., bath, and soreened porch, large. corner lM.. Sale price $5.500, or mwi1l rent at$" pper nonth.. VACANT BARGAI Owner will sacrifice build WV. Wjl. for $1,000 for See Miss Schultz at FULL] ARr>. 407 Linden Ave, or Cï 437.,1 WANTED TO BUY-VAI lot Iin k s4ale. '20-1tc -chest FOR BA and BEAUT. E.S.WYER SMI p 1 725 Elmi St.. Winnetka 3500 4.0 OR 50-FOOT' oft act .Immediately.. Cal.,,Mi. resiçlentiai lot. east WANT (vr melndenn, TTAG E match, $49~ Wjiî (cost $1,80 C E CROTCH . MAH. $60; rare ro5ewood enport, and Chair. to ce. wal. dining suite MAPLE BED AND , ,uAn..Persia,< of the WTeek «EST AS2 b 129L20-ltp PÂIZTED ch, dresser, lid,ýr, hana- ~i93 wue haA il, 7 ]ZIM. 141K, . lIS .2 BAHSý, OIL heat, double attch. gar., Ige. landscapijed lot. Cost neiv, I1931,:$650 price n)%%, O1 ~niiv~Ii5O i îngS. Uuy now and liold.. Road Kelilworth 5540 r>1)29 ,62 Green Bay EAI-TIFt 1,Ly $east Lake Folest 1 t. pielat $1.500! W () o 1-E nly 5 acres .fronting 330 feet on concrete road. City water, sewer, gas and electricity. No assessments. Price $3,850. 421 SARS REAL. ET WYATT & COONS 58 I(21 aukegan Rd.,' (ilenview Ph. 81 124LTN2-lte iihmond Rd.,en'lwoî*th 4-PIECE DARI< MÂHC1 room set with innerspi A-1 cond.. and reas. 607 Winnetka 1952. 4 BOOK CASES, i LAI tt?#, 2 MEDIgh back chair. lumi emaîl. Carved -hil 1e29LTN20-itp Winnietka. .2106. Iwih--extra parts sud 2c «riimet.të 282.1 ROTARY OIL BURNER, 131'L