Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1936, p. 76

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~*COLV.gas is heateci witn -1. '0 O)nly $3,000 cash reql aR 'erm oful over to be pald : moniths. investikate thi$ oie to-Rent smalier, iniquireabout djayor Investnieiit Homes", available on the North 'Shore. and ternis. Pirce 9,50. ëY.ur e ýrent money to buy this homne.- Mr. Klarr. FOR THE. FIRST TIllE this inueh admired home ls offered. for sale. 7rnis., .3 baths, 'H. W. coke heat; large corner lot. Owner has $50,000 wiIl seili for $30,000. invested; Mr. Located in S. E. Evanston. paigety. ON WELL WOODED LOT. 7 rm. re sdence; stucco on wire lath; 2-car gar. ; H. A. gas heat. Near shopping dist., schools, churches,, trans. and Park. Priced to seil qulckly. Mi'. Dalgety. * .WILMETT EXCLUSIVE ESTATE In Indian Hfili, Club District. 2'/ acres of lanidscaped grounds. Beau. Southerti Colonial home of sfolid brick,' designed ýby promfinhent architect. and erected In 190. Liv. rm. 20x34,, panèêled. library, 5' famnily. bedrms., with 4 baths, 3 maid's rmns. anld bath, chauffeur's quarters. An attractive purchase for immedlate possession. WINNETKA 2850 743 ELM FORECLOSIYRE - MORTr. HOLDER 111L,20-ltp with self at cost this dandy 7 rmi., 2 bath hise. in E~. Wil. It only needs Lge. paper. somte fresh paint and rms.. wooded lot.-Call Mr. Flood. SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE E. KENILworth home; lst floor: 5* Ige. rms., bath. 2nd fi.* 3, finished rs;No 4 to -cross; near schl.& trans. WILMETTE 437 TRZACKS 407 LINDENS AVE. taxes oniy- $62. A 1lILTN20-lte oit heatý; att.t gar; desirable home for a family wanting the best envirorimeflt at 10w- cost. Noý reas. offer refused as owner is -moving south and is forced 'to, seli (Under Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. EKENIL.BARGAIN FULL ER &.PICKARD) BEAIITIFUL VIGHT ROOM BRICK .home, tile roof, 2-car attached garconistructiýon, and finish, and Finiest age. Moderm in every, respect. Large lot less than )Ic'k froin lake. Offeredý for the fis ime. at a price beIow the cost of reconstruction_ Cai mr. Bullock. 56;2 Creen Bay Road. Kenllworthi 5540 111LTN2f-ltc -ITZLEBENRELT 5 iedroms 2Baths HOME£;, 6rnis., two MODERN .BRICK beauqtifu1 tile baths, on 2nd floor, lav. on lst;, screened porch;... -e'ar gar. ; H.ý W. gas heat; ,recreatli(n, room; nice yard; near school and A beautiful home in good trans. neighborhood priced at only $14,400. B17ILT EN 1935, 7. rm. brick, air conlot 50xl22; ditioned. residence; gas heat; in popular. new Keniworth Garden neighborhood. OwnMrs. * ner most anxious to seil. Weston. RIPARIAN VACANT IN WILM"2ýETTE. We believ'e that we can deliver one or two 100-ft. lots at $125 per front ft. Beautifuil view overlooking the lake. Cali us for appt. to. see. Mr. Klarr. One (if Those Special "Buvs Have o been looking'for a smali *home near transi). & hig4i schoolIin Winnetka? Here it is !-only -9 yrs. old-stucco on concrete block construction, and a most delightful Jvly ., ~a i nterior. 6 s*W1Zy, for terrace porch, yard .smiubbed privacy. Out-o-town owner Is here. for few days to SELL. -$312,500. MA.kke an offer. REAL'fY ýlION COR PORAT 1403 CH-ICAO Greenleaf 2700 AVE., EVANSTON Wiimette 008 $13,750 S. E. section of Winnetka. 'oul 1Many, speciai features include sun rmn., sleeping porch,. den, 'fireffiace in master. bedrm., oil heat, incinerator and attached-garage and nicely landShiown, by ai)scajwd gro unds 5.4kl46. îointlîltnt only through EXCLU'SIVE AGENTS [il Phone 354)0 l IIJPN20-1tc MTSELIL My MOVIN~G AMWAY. <lencoe hiome. Lot 75x200 'with pixies, <>uks, iawn. 2 blocks from schiocl and trans. Archltect built tliis hiouse for owni homne. Long living room, large hieated sun jmr)ich. 2 corner cupboards in clining rioo.m. Heat cost $135 last ýwinter and not a dlrop of -water in basernt 1during thie ,fi(ood." 4 bedrooms, 2 bathis, sleeping .porch, 3rd bath in baseinit. .Reduced fr(> n $92,000 to$lM . 725> Vlin St., \Winîietka ES AW\NYER SIT S.NALI 4ER HOUSES BEAUTIFU-L HOME _NEARLY NEW. acres of ground. 7 bedrooms, 41'k lI1 baths, library, recreation rmi. Oil heat, 2-car garage with apartment. A sacrifice aI $57,500. KENILWORT'H EAST CHARMINC * home near lake, sulhools and transi). 6 bedroolus, 3 baths,, 2 porches, recrealion rootu, 2-car garage. $28,000. ) WOODS, NEAR SCHOOL. HIUBBARD *Attraétive brick. 4 bedrooms, 212 bathis, oul heat, ettached garage. $18,000. ÔTHER GOOD VALUES WINNETKA 1194 11LTN20-1ti) W L 1ETTE WHITE FÉRAME on wooded lot. 7 rois., library and Terms. $9,250. porchi. breakfast 1210 lIsabella St. Open Sunday 2-7. LAKE FOREST HOME FOR $15,000 *Locaîrd on East slde near expensive homes.-- 8 rms., 2 bathis, oil NIrs. Fuller & \Vnm. Pickard l,603 -'i;Eliwi St., M'innetka Winnetka town sider withnnMeIIm 1, Wfll anyreon Evanston, IllinOis 1,571 Shiermlan Ae Wii. 2602. Ui. 2600 Rog. Pk. 2616 111LTN20-1 Le -"SIGN WITI1 CUSÂCK" WINNETKA WHITE CLAPBOARD Dutch Colonial on large lot withi trees and garden.6 rms, miod. bath, screened porch,' House 9 yrs. attached garage. oli H. W. oil beat, HOL-C ntg., Price ternis.. reasonable very $11,500. We consider this one. of 'Mr. our miost exceptional buys. Klarr. WINNE'NCA 795 ELM ST. WINNETKA CUSACK IREALTY COD. 71fi tert-d 1; rrn. trame resid. in Wilmnette, wvith Ige. iiv. l'm. perfeet white kitchien thiat should be a dtAlight to any liou.e:1 Ige. bedrmns., 2 batlis and luge w vife, attachied garage. i., l1j. peh.,. gas ý FL.OORIDEAL i ROOM1v COLONIAL. <ovefient to sehiools and transi). Vt-ry baths. 2 and plan. 3 fauîily bedrmns. i'.r1is easy. Maid's rmn. and bath. Air cond. *Heated [ 2-car gar. Large wooded lot. witih oi. .Conv. to grade and higli school. Attractive price. Greenleaf 1017 ;il,'1Iai Street il 1LTN2O- lt(Glnce.VACANT 1 $12,9M0 Glenoe.Over ' A. nr. Lake. Ulencoe. Fine Loc. 50x14.3300 $2,500.. Ni-, Skokie sehool. Winnetka. Kenilworth. Amiong Ige. homes. 50xl140. 1 $2,000. pp_& A "P l ,M TtlbW ýrfTý % DW IS. LA4N( EXCLSIEBARGAIN Ilo0kanson & Jenks, 11c. EýASTýKENILWORTH j U*S3> IOFFERED E; E. Stuits Realty Co. [AILKET PRICED AT T!HE 'M SHORE-TO REALTN fflNSperfect .VNS CORPORAT 14«,1 CHICAGO Greenleaf 2760,. ION [telOflt. We ma.ny are ex.prieeîauu ~ i U~1WJi fine -homnes"'o~n the ,IN ha.ving bit 1ILTN20-1 tc ,ENorth Shore. Sketches will be shôwn to 523 Wlnnetka Ave. FOR. TH IF YOU ARE, LOOKING let us sho home for chilfiren hoir n.FREDERICK Kenllwoi'th East cholce ou this Greeneaf 3030 1505 Chicago Ave. Jut2 blks* to schl. and trans, 5 Ig bedrnis., 3 baths, 2- htd. pchs. and at11LN-1( erd. Prlced to seil in 30 dy tI, 4 I 819 Winn.81-Wil. A. COOPER B)UILýDERS ATTENTION BUILDING SITES AVE.,: EVANSTON Wilin ette. 608 11LN2-tc.421 Richmond Rd. SEARS REALESTATE HOUSE ROOX BOUSE, 3 BEDROOMS, 1 A'ND 9 ROOM,*'FIREPROOF 25% less than th&e can. be bought.for 1-car garage, ex- aleof bath, furnace beat, t he land alune. Bluff Street, i So, t clcatiPon cô o Glencoe..Write owner, A-151, Box 60, 88 and acbôols. Pon W'Mlnnetk&16a 1LTN20-îtlp i. Kenllworth* 521 [teTI-tpWlmet, 6

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