INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXPERT WORKMANSHIP * SAL~E 02' EVERGRICENS Màterial-Lowest Prices Best 16LTN17-74tp Saturday and Sunday 8 to 5 oclock. anid samples furhished. *Estimiates In the folloiwing varieties: Blue Spruce, G. H. MADISON & CO. .Glauca and Caùnnrti Cedars. Pfitzer Open -Eveningla and Sundays, Wilmiette 1056 jupl»ers. . Douglas and 'Concolor Firs. Rogers Park 6100. . Glencoe 67 708 Vernon Avenue RUGS 42LTNÏIm4tp YÉew. Japanese Taxus Repaired - Cut- Laid 14fl-LTN4-tfc FURANZ 1KMMNN Special rates. Free inoth-proofing-; L4andscape gardenier., Winnetka 334 Garo Rug Cleaners Winnetka, 2435 1036 Oak St. (rear) PAINTING AND DECORATINO 19LTN19-4tb -sHoP SPORT & WILmmrTE BICYCLE: 33A-LTX20O-ltp INTERIOR AND. EXTERIOR Complete line hunting supplies. Tennis IKE'NEW FLOORS MADE OLD CU. 3,000 ýAPPROX. DIRT. BLACKý derackets restrung. 'Pree pick up reliable. Neat, macehinies. electrie with Deerin. acres 2 ýon sou top rich yvds.. repalrlng,. and, 25% Dise. on rug cleaning -ivery. 1061. Briargate rates. summner Special Write sale.outright for Reïas. fid. U-14. 1010 607 Main St. Veroino Brou.: Wil. 1,404 124t CHICAGO *AVE. the entire North Shore., cover We EVAve., Prairie Kodyni,.2541 Bernaird 19LTN18-4tp 32&A-TN2-ltp .424TN20-ltc* anston. LAND)SCAPE DESIG1e CLOCIÉ REPAIRINQ BUILDING AND REPAMU construction expert. Lawn and CLOCKS EXPERT, CHIME HALL and garden, work, More-s3atisfaction. NORTHI SHORE'S LEADINO antique clock repalring. Learned trade Elof H.Iagglund Greentleaf PAINTERS 1744ý In Euope.(Formerly with Tiffany and CEMENT A14D MÂSON CONTRACTOR 939 Elmwood. Ave., Evanston 3 3A-LTN20-ltp David Basements estimàate. Waterpoofing Pmre --oall. ill Specializing Fiels.) GREENLEA~F 8222_ v. rWllmette 2618' Johansâon,, phone Graceland 3846, 1714 Waaigto LAUNDRY, 42LTN18-4tp 20LTrN18-l2tp 16A-LTNlO-4tp WANTED: LAUND1RY TO T AK E home. Call for and deliver. Painting and Deee.atUpg GLENCOE 1512 341LTN2O-1 tp CEMENT WORK & TUCK-POINTING. 42LTrNl7-4tp WINN~ETKA 2864 H. HARTWE.L LAUN]BEAUTIFULLY CURTAINS 15A-LTN20-ltp >5 Su dered; plain, 40c, ruffled, 50c. P in-. '- Altered method. Ecru tinting or fiutlng ailfo 1011, less Exterior and Interlor Decorating 2023 Maple Cali UNI. 7249. free. Wil. 692 CARPENTEIt WORK, 1EPAIRING A 34LTN20-ltp 121 Central Pk. Ave. Ave. Ev. 42LTN20-ltp specalty. Work done rase. 629 Prairie *WE DO WET WASH AND ROUGH dry. Famlly fnish at a reas. rate. *Alun etrtaInu and blankets. Call for and LHe, to -75c; coats Paitlng,-and Interlor Decorating order, $2. r. made deliver. Phone Wilmette 3687. WILMETTE 1891 Mrs. T. J.*O'Brien, 34LTN17-4tp, apt. 2nd Evanston, 17 625 Ekmoor ikies $10.00 up. i>opendaaoie iepairing. 435 Ridge PREE PICK-UP, AND DELIVERY Willxetie.452 Paint ing and Decorating GencoeBicycleSh1op -CARPETS -CLEANED BICYCLE REPAIRING fRED I. BROBIERG TORCM BRS. I JOSEPH: KNEIPF ..Krueger,&,Danielson MASON CONTRACTOR PHONE DAVI~S 8135 O. DURKOOP & SONS B. ]Braun Wil. 1677 -Rost OSCAR A. ANDERSON E. NELSON Ing alilk golng Up 2634. 9, -Repairing and Remodeling WINNETKA, 3480-'-. )r in Pro, 15A-LTNI8-, CARL 'BENGSTONý CAR.?ENT~ER AND BUILDER labor gUL mateLrsuI.m Remo ,METTE 1159 NÇ GRADI Wide ladies eSt SWEDISH1 ence, resideni Reasoanc @i Di Sew. machs.,i tp GUAR. SJ cleaners, ail hi BLISS E tp604 »einpster parts Jobbers.LANDSC.i. weluzng, automoune mchine snop and PAVLIK BROS.e la b PUONB KENILWORTH 280-820: .plants; 1 358! LAWNS TOP DRESS- 115 r.For sale: ornamental specia Kreons, perennial flower painti dirt; sand; fertilisera. work mette 424. 27LTN19- 44> cng In Interior and exterorI by I ÀAo paper, haîiging, iuslin d floor reflnislng. jI 42LTN18-4tp,17 'E, -QUALITY TAILOREDt SUITS -Represented :eevening appofnitments. Wiimpfttý. !'l4' .af Ave.