Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1936, p. 71

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Edwmrd Everett Florton Plays Part of * With. BingK Crosby as a singing -Innocenlt Lamt Surrounded by Gang cowl)OY who c9mes to the city to aippcar in a rodeo. and returns to his of Racketeers Fryi ng Pan ranch *with a prize btull a nd asweetheart, Paramount's Saturday to' the Uommunity theater. With Edward Evcrettý Horton playing th.e part of an. innocent lamb "Rhythmi on the Range"! wil- be the The picture marks his return to the among a flock of ýracketeering wolves, feature attraction at the Varsity the- scrëeen .aftet-. a serions illness'of eiglit, Nobody's Fool" conies to Teatt-o ater. this Frjday, Sat 'urday, Sunday, months. de! Lago this Friday and Saturday. and Monday. withý the adventures of "Poppy" Fields, :deals as a veteran *With Lucille Gicason, ifattha "medt AIl the, schemers at-e defeated by M Raye, man,". the mnns naivýe simplicity, ami.Hor- Bob Butns (of'.Van Burtin, .At-k.)" and Poppy, the young girl who apion winsý as. well the flippant Miss andi Francis Farmeèr, in supporting pears as bis daughter'. Glerîda -Fart-eil. -With laughs from roles, ' Rhythni on the Range", feaThe. two, manage to.set up a constart to iih Cesar Romero has a tut-es many tuneful songs and clever cession in the carnival which lias .nes as itititroduces. several. new- moved into couple. of lines that really rate as a small Middle-Western coniiedian-s. lulus. towIn. Fields is going, strong when As an added. attraction there w Ili ,The film, wl ich was directeil by lie hears of an,>estate in the town Ile an all-new version of the "Mat-ch Not-man Taurog, ivili please especia.-' which is -waiting. the appearance of, ly htose who are Crosby fans. of Tirne."1 its.missing owner, a young girl. i.Suzv," Wjillfollow "«Rhvtli on the "Dgis Star', Without tellingthe girl, Rochielle, Star of "WhTlite, Fang," a story by Range'-' at the Varsity.,t heater, being Hudson, he manages a scheme to get jack London, is Lighiting. a dog sclheduleci for Tuesday, Xe dnesday, her recognized asthe heiress. Meaniv'ho becomies entangledjii the affairs ai.d Thùrsdlalof next veek. while Rochielle lias fallen in love wîtli of several hutman beings who are * Chorus Girl Stranded Richard Cromwell, the, son ofthie figbtilh ovt'r an Aliskan miine. MNfi I>r'e~ by George' Fïti&aurice, town's mayor. chaul Whalen, Chat-les .Wiininget-, the cast ilîcludles Jean Har-low, FranPoppy lias just taken possession of chot Tone, Cary Grant, and Lewis and jean 'Muit- head the cast. the estate wlien the whole scbeme is '\White Fang" wsill be the attraction revealed and lier Cinderelia dream Aýn Ametican choruis girl while seemis shattered. atTeatro cdel Lago on Slindav. When tlie plot Jecanette MacJ)onald's s i il g i il g strtaiffld in London becomes involved closes, hiowever, Poppy lias settied rangiiig from grand opcira throughl ini war-time romance and intrigue. down in the village, engaged to polmilar tulles to hymuiis. a<lds much Witli a vivid plot, the music, the n- Cromwell, and the professor, so acuialbut intenselv thrilling air raid customed to carnivai life to -Sali Franicisco,"1thu featiire fillm that lie canscettesý planes ini combat and splendid not leave it, lias hit the road Tu 1'atro dcl 1-11-o ext Mmldav. ini seat-ch photgt-phvcombine to. miake an en- of newshows.iU 'tuesday, WuViesday and, Thiursdav. tertaining picture. which, in the words :of one c.iwr Peature Una M.rkl Our Gane Comnedy - Spýort Rteel Cartoon - News Feature Starta F'riday 7 :46, 9.145 I Starts Saturday i1:00, Sunday anld Monday, Sept.. 27-28 "HOHTENSION" Brian Donl.vy Glend., Familn Patsy KellyComedyý Musical Revue. - News Feature Starts Sunday 1 :00, 2:40, 4:30, 6:25.,S8,20, 10:15 Fe tur trtsonday 7:50, 9:50. Tuesday, Wednesday,& Thursd3y, Sept, 29-30, ýOct. 1 - "Thee's Alwarla Robert Taylor - Binnus Barnes Frantk Morganm Color Car-toon - Newsv Feat ure Starts 7 :45, 9:55 Frlday and Saturda'y, Oct. -3 "Ta"ESwLAW EN BER RANDS" MargaetLndsay -Lyle Talbot iigees, 1ineru toria t ion. o f f) a ck i \orton, and tlw sati-ýdac(tioîîotflFay sentencea wo prison., w ho acthe secret of rcducing. humiaii t lier Tini, as lie secs the efforts of to (1011 size and thus revenges imself a lifetimne succeed, t-un the gainout of g-ruesome way. huminan enmotions. The picture is rated by the Butter Filins Cotuncil as. outstanding ini evcry respect. *Counterfei bu 'l'lI> eatt-o's aittraction on Tlitursdav of ilis cek, Oiie of Carole Lomibat-d's niew fal uifs ~of love colored covett lôtli. WHOLE CITY BUILT Acomplete mouintain camp, large Il lias a stt-aiglit skirt, thiree-ciuartet. . Covert Cloth Suits Return for Daytime MATINEE DAULY Acres of F7m in iNo Phones WUmfn MaStinees Qat. 3900 Start-ing Gary Cooper and jean Arthur. STUDIES ROLLER-SKATlNG Mary Boland lias liad to lcarn to rouer .skate for lier part in "Wives Neyer Know," in whicli she appears ith Chatie -Ruggles. JWed.--Meruie Oberon 'THE.DARK ANGEI ~1

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