Mrs. R. S. one and one-nalf story- brick veneer and framie dwellink, with attached Wood avenue one car garage, the former at .314 members of. Auburn avenue, and the other at 320 luncheon and Auburn avenue. The cost of each is, Tuesday. $5,000. Martin H. Braun, 134 North LaSalle street, Chicago,.is the architect' for both houses;, Frank> Kristof isthe- carpenter and builder andl Raymond Happ , bas; the colltract for the.1 masoiiry work. The four perinits for addition -and alteration work were issued to the wo1~ing: H.. H. lcBain, 466- Poplar Street, $j'000; C. B. Cook,, 637 Garland ae nue, $700-; Franci's S.- Graham, 660 cellter 'street, $1,003; Ernest Bceukert, 333 Fairvievaveii ne, $2,(ooo. . entertained the eight her bridge club for bridge in bier home on Breesè of 1015 Green- Winfkr3901 MATCH TEST ROVÉS ODCA STR.ETCH, YOURHETNDOLR Noted Photographer. 1S Hom Prm Tp Aroad Clyde T. Brown, 1710 Xalnult avenue, ~m-tstaff plhotograpl,çrlj of the Chicago Daily Nevvs, arrivcd home recciitly f roin a ten M'ceks' andl their son, Kinibali, motored east together in june, Mr, I3rowvn embarkingifor Rotterdanm, Hollaind, and Mrs. Browvn and Kimiball remnaining in Yolkers, N. Y., for several wccks to visit relatives before retlring to \\Wlilmttu. Froiix Rotterdam Mr. lirowvn ettoý Berlini and thien intù Light a match and place the palm of your hand beside it. It feels warm. Now place your hand over the flame. It's Jhall ing to Bierlin, lie sailed for home o1. the .Stantendamn. nlue, Xilmtte, this week annouinced the opening of lier Christriias gift sewing class for girls of ages 8 to Ul.every Saturday morning fromi 9 to Ili o'clock, on October 3. A sixilar ciass1 Announce Beginning of Christmas Sewing Class ,Miss Ella B. Buitz, 802 Lake ave- You don' t'expect as mu ch mileage from an old worn-out, car as from a new one, do you?, And it's the same with, heating boilers. Wear and tear as well as old-fashioned Boiler in your home on the Crane Finance Plan ... no money down and 3 years to pay at government rates. And if your home needs it, you can replace the èntire old heating sysem.. radi- direct the water over the hottet part of the boiler. It takes more heat out of th~e fuel. and puts it iInto your home.1 That's flot theory. Hufldredsý of letters from owners of Crane l3oilers, back it up.. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Von Sennet, 812. Elmwood avenue, left their home in Wilmette Wednesday Of last 'week to live in an apartmient they have taken at 3750 Lake Sho0re drive, Chicago. Name CRANE CO., GENERAL OFFICES: 836 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVEN LIEsHIA ...... 1224 EMERSON STREET, EVANSTON, ILL. Branchà esaiaes Oftees in 0ne Hundred and Sixty Cities VALVES. FIrTiN4GS,:FADRICATED PIPE, PUMPS, HEATINO AND PLUMSING MATERIAL * r SËEE Ti4E LATEUBt CRAMIE PLUMBINO A NDP AMERICANd HOME, MICHIOAN AVENUE AND EA OSVEOA çi Cy. ............ Sae.., IN UN THE'NEW *