tresni threads of eniergy, a - time to eruup arîendmng thee hrst meeting was clapitalize on the enthusiasm, aýgod and encouragng start tn. canp, a time for :beginningq! arotind, ozin.- Ail of the, girls:,are eaqer. he.ciuding swimming pool, showers.aný to id .And so a newv year is started in start on the Silver jubilee pjinç. W., dressing ýand iocker rboms, will ýbc added to the present quarters, and Camp Fire bringing the Silver Jubiléee decided to àdopt the slogan. "DTouble theste will be redecorated in a man- of the Camp Fire Girls of the United Membersbip, Double -Leadership, .ler designed to appeal espjeciallv. t'O State*s and other, coun tries. The Double Puin." It was decided that, e slo.gat--,for -the Silver jubileceis the meéetings 'Ill be b. 1 nThrs wonie n. rlàv afternoons Pt 4 o'rl#)ck 0l)oulce nesi;Doublé ed Hàw*iiab Muiral Decoiration -Marjorie RennalRcker. Scribe Scenic Hawaiiani murais will trans- ership; Double Fun," wbich the, girls. forrn the walls, and ceiling of -the pool room, where, swimmers maN ina l~ e aiY tîei " ' r ~ '<> T~ 1-lelein Beach has invitp-d I lounge in îbeach céhairs or benlefi CHALLENGE Camp Fire Girls to tea at ber workfroin' sunlight treatments in an ad-I art,,expression on op for creative rsh 1le Oi Con joininig gallery separated, by French Creogirls! Iet's get stari1ed Thursdav. October 1. She bas som doors. The large shower, dressing and carlvthis ear. ring, "our friends., lovely slides of the wr fcide lokrrooms WilI be refinished it Yoin Caip Fire ncmhiers. and as ffo i at fteworldof as wdel harmony with tbe general. plan, and, gilswh ae ntrsted ýin as 'Indian slides anid slhe bas promthe second floor wili be rearranged Fire éonwx to ille meetings Camp at 41 ised to taik to us about them. And to accommodate the reducing deoClokon: ~esays graonaftebrcoos a t e we may brin1c,guest s. We partmnent and the facial deDartnient, Eirs CQnreg~jouac~r~ m'ill meet at thre cdmre'h t 3 ý30andt Tit addition a beauty or "hair"l serv.MIl girls over ten years of age arc, <o toi7ether from there. ice ivil1l be available to wonien swîmiiners in a sutail departrnent 1 n0w. occupiedi by the salon, in. The entire south end of the buiid. HOME FROM CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Zimmierman, 219.Sixth street, and their daughter, Suzanniei returned on, Saturday, September. 12, from -Murray Bay in Canada where -they vacationed for three weeks., IUCKLEY RESALE S"B NComnmission Charge 1147 Genef Wil.mtte 1174 Nwear Wflutte Ave. NL . S.Statlox Have y.ur Vacation PIcIures Develop.d 1146 Greeneaf Ave. r~~ v vvvvV-w F1àWeamom'S l'ho.% W-vWvWV'V Wfl. 1474 iig the pool. 1 won)tder if sorte of our expert gardeilers, readers of the WLE'-ELîrÈ, cati explain the tinusual bebavior of our filtcred water stnpplN, during our recent liot pell.formed Sonetiiine after flhe dry we.1ather was iiii(er wav. iny cuicumiber vin,es ceased Is ini Wilniette After to grow. Consequentlv, 1 coutThree Weeks' Absence iielled to water them evcrywas evening. Mfrs. Eleanor Engels, 2400 Gliew'%% Son. thiereafter. every ville jumped road, is again ati'home after an ah-, straighit up into the air, carrying with ,ence of three weeks. Accompanied tîtemn ail of the littie thirsty cucumibers. hy lier sister, Mrs. Franices Schonden I)uritmg the following days, the hot and daugliter. Susie, and NfMiss Thal-ý suns hat evaporated ait of the 'water matin, she went first to St. Cloud., St. duirinig the evenings before. It evapJoe. and Rockwý,ell, MNinn., for a visit orated so rapidly that the littie thirsty with relatives and friends. In MNin- cuicunibers, high Up in the air, received tiesota she wvas joined by lier soni. ni) moistuire and gradually turnèed inito Peter J. Engels, and Richard Ches- dchydrated and noni-edible pickl1'es. ter and bis rince, Nick Weis, and ýAs a result of my hiard labor, I have Pool Ranlis Among Finest The swimiming pool wilIlibe onen. for classes in instruction, for frec loirs, for private parties, and in the e veningfor mixed grouins. Stibmarinelighted, the pool is said to be one of the finest and . largest of its kind. Relaxation,. card piaying or whbatever fiost. aiceals to patron, >ill he encotiraged. It's Enough to MakçeAny P.O. Doubt His Own Eyes The authorities at the Naval Train- WATER AND CUCUMBERS Editor, ~I~FTELivr: treated to an unusual sight on September 10 upon the arrivai of a draft of recruits from the Navy recruiting stationl, Omaha, Neb. As the new apprentice scamen ranks for their irst muster, the petty officer in charge took oneé glance at the muster roll and trade a mental decision to consuit ant oculist. He saw the sainelnane, flot once but three turnes; but despite a disturbed faith in what he had considered bis perfect vision, he read off Edward William Divis, Albert> James Divis, and Williami Edward Divis, ail of whom, to his great relief, answered present. The Divis brothers,' age 22, 21, alid 19, bail from Brainard, Neb., where, their mother, Mrs. Mary Dockwieler, resides. ing Station at Great Lakes were STAMPS STAMPS vrr U'~A WU A' ALL OF THEM ARE PRICED AND DESCRIBED IN ME, 1937 EDITION Standard Postage Staanp CATALOGUE Greencastie,, Ind.,, recent'ly with their son, Robert, and David Mitchell, who have enter.ed DePauw university. 0-o-e Thomas Antrim, son of Mr. and Mlrs-. E. M. 'Antriin, 1136 Asbland avenue, bas'returned to Hanover for bsjunior year at Dartmnouth coilege. ington, and camec nome by way of Salt Lake citY. Gog dadVcosno r r ono dadVitr and Mrs. John H. Victor, 1046 Micbigan avenue, left on Wednesday for Winter Park, Fia., whexe be wil attend Rollinis college tbis, year.' Gas - CoalTHREB YEARS TO PAY LLY & JAC4JDS@N Represengaga ves - Servisti the North Shoe Siue. 1919 Highlamd .Park 1041 911 Linden Avenue, -Winnetka DAVis 1" Winnetka 902 Longbemb1040 I i