~ra1d by Dorothea Brandme,' Sinion & Schuster. N. Y. A publication whicb appeàrs in February and by September is stili on the best seller list tan be ignoredb> a reviewer just so long. Wa'ke Up oànd Live is that, publication. It bas. swept the country like a prairie fire.1 1, too, enjoyed its bracing and resilient style, and its, optimnistic, and indomitable spirit-, howeyVer, in. ali airness, it is oni>' honest to .admit that in the final analysis 1 failed té igniite., The fountain of youth, and the key to success ? Ponce de Leon is. dead, but newv men (and women too) arise- hourly in bis image. like the. Phoenix f rom. its ashes. as Dorothea Brande says though it were impossible to fail<" Under the soft glow of a' reading lamfp and in the comforting presence of the atoDorcthea souinds practicable enough. But ini the sick. light of first dawn, under the analytical glare of the boss, above the burning fever of life's detail, ttieory auîd Dorothea dissolve ini mnist. That is, for mie theydo. The jacket advertisement outside thé cover dlaimis that Wake Up anzd Live lias at.ready persuaded one young. maun to inatrimon>', and a womanl to ail appendicitis operation. You -of the success scliool. take -"Act 93HEADS, AND TAIISO be released September 20....... Anautoôbiography..comblning art, ~eee.travel and adventure. To ......... Special pro-pubflcation pice...$4 $ $5-e 1724 Onington, Evansfon Gir.. 0227 OrrIngfon Hotel suildingi MARLSHALL FI LD' EVANSTON STORE Louis Adamic Lives a Varied, Exciflng Life Announced for publication th is- montb bW -Alfred A. Knopf are two books of interest.to the mnusïc lover, first, Masters of Rusçsian. Music, by M. D. Calvocoressiand:Gerald Abrabami,,and second, Beethovens: His. Spiritual Developrnent, b>' J. W. N.ý Sullivan.. Masters of Russian, Musc is a group of biographical. studies of the great Russian composers, and" Beethoven is a new edition, of "Probabi> hems brilliant' study of the great compositions of -a great composer." .'1fastersof Russiait 1Music is said to be the first complete accounit of the suhject to appear in an>' language, includ-. ing Russian,- and is based on a large amount of oriiil, first-hand research. A drawingof Louiis AaIc, y There exists no life in Englisb Of Donald Beck. Mr. Adamic's neu% Glinka, Borodin, Dargomyj sky, or noivel, "Cradie of Life," zvas pubGlazunov; white otf nalakirev, one of lished b'y Harper aîîd Brothers on the most important as a personalit>', if September 17. H-e is also the aunot as a comfposer, there is no life. thor of "The Nrative's Retur»i,» and Stassov's Musso.rgsky and Borodi& and lias wzritten for the Americani Merthe earlier editions of Rimnsky-Korsacury and other publications. kov's. Memoiis are Isaid to be fuîl of discrepancies. Concerning Beethoven, only recently CUifton Fadiman began bis section in the New Yorker by saying: "This week. I bave been playing hooke>' and et,;A nc Y T W q lliv; ný-q a nfi- CAMEO CLASSIOS in-Deluxe Sindings rules in thie Brande game of success. or Siovenia, then a province of Au stria, If you and the author wish to play' it, it's now part of Yugoslavia. H-is parents ail right with me. Meanwhile we of the planned tQ give him a tborough Euroithpean education, but bis imagination becn ause'ouseles wea-wit knitting, movies, cross word p)uzzles, gan to be excited by Anierica even beand solitaire (ail indication of the fore he was ten. He read American ."will to faWf'). dime novels in Slovenian translation. We cati snooze (stili further indica- Hie beard tail tales told by emigrants to tion of. "witl to fait") under the spread- America wbo bad returned to his native iing chestnut tree wittî a fresh copv of village. bas gone further toward explaining'a stupendous and unparalleled phenonienon thàn an>' other man who bas ever tried to deal witb it." Since it was first published in 1927, just 1,395 copies have been sold. The new edition 'is publisbed in the hope that at least a f ew thousand readers will risk the price of a novel (and flot always even a good one). for a masterpiece. '-1 CYRANO DE BERGERAC andl many othèrs. Chaaulle1r s Founfoin Square