interpretation of Margaret Mitchell's Iatest book, "Gone With the N.ind," which, fromù the day of pbication. lias met with such ,tradub art, turer, and dramiatic reader, wli J)C guest artist at the first fait meieting spon-sored Ibv the Eanistoii Friends of tlie Chlica-go-) Junior. school ModyaftenoSeptember 28. at 2 o'clocký. athe home of Mrs. FEaîe son, 1610 Ashland u1-rd Evanston, with INrs. Vranlihn XVaner,128 Robsart road, Keri ilworth., serving. as assisfticngi hostess. MISS Perkins will give a literar~ Graclous furniture in the favorite styles, nowest woods and fabrics. Perennial, favorites -for your Iasting, admiration. * LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. I.8t.h' Century-a ntiques and fine reprodcin (1 &SHADESI DINING ROOM, FURNITURE I 8th. Century-cl s ic-Early America n succcss. gram, benefit the, scholarship fund bf the' RsCrvaoLn.'are rcquestud and(1 niav hbe p4ioned to Mrs. jarwnje_j or t-o Mrs. N. Chase Flinit, 233 Warwick: road, Kenilworth, orto Ms.Lynian Hubbard, 1602 Touhy aele li cago. SThe aftërnoon is *ôp)eîî lu other Evanston friends. Mrs. JE1mer L. Gates,' 1()48 Shierwînl avenue, Chicago, who 1, serving lier tirý,t year as president, will pre*ide. hrancheés of the orgaixizatiot a-, weli as to the guests of the nienbers of Tea will, be served after tepo the proceeds of whvlich 11w'ill BEDROOM"FURNITURE I8th Century-Frehch-Early American ANTIQUES English and French pieces *BEDDING Maftresses and springs-studio couche& Ne'dlinger-Lange Wedding Sept. 25 'l'lie niarriage of .Miss 1.ialeth Nýeidlinger. of Evanistomi to \Villiain Ward Lange of WVilmnette i taking, at thec homne of the bride's father, Robert John Neidli;iger, in Evaliston. fface Friday evening. Septeinber 25,! SPECIAL for those Who seek the distinguished, in furniture, we ofler this exquisite CHIPPENDALE SOFA anst'on Is rcadiîig the -service at 8 :30 oclock. l'le Rev. Frank iM. Silsley of the Seconîd .Presbyteriaîï church Of Lvý-: Hostess to Sewin g6roup Mrs. Byrt Ingwersen, 831 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette, will entertain the mInebers of her' sewing group of the North Shore auxiliary of the Chicago Maternity center at ber home at * 1l o'clock Friday morniing Septemher 2.. Specially priced ta .. . .... e ... e $95-00O Deoeratiu'g Series ithout OblIgatIon I