J WiII Be Artists> at Monday Tea of Opera Croup Marjorie Ii iîgstoîî soprano, l Porter fHeaps, orgalist, ill and be the artists 011 the*progra ni to he given Monday at the home of Mrs. 1)wigit (C. Orctitt, 786 Gýreenleaf a v e il u e , Glencoe,. wvhen Mrs. Orcutt eîîtertains the. northi shore ýommiitt*ee,,of the Chicago, City Opera comrpany. William D. Saltiel. -a-membher of the board' of directors of the. conipany, ývill,speak.. The. group met Mfonday of this week at a tea at .Mrn. Peter Barton's homne. i Kenilmwortli. Rudolph Ganz spoke of'the inreasTflg popularity of opera iii this counitry. dule to its more finished presentatioli. bétter coordinating music, staW properties, and settiiLg. NMrs. James G. McMilIanl of Winnetka. general north shore cbairman, and Jason WVhitniey of Evanston. preident of the conipan%, â1so gave 1rief talks. The artists for the aiternooti were Horteîîse'Druminiond, who sang ali - Mrs. Warfield Is Hostess to Smith Club September 30 I le opening Meeting ýof, the Eyanston-North Shore Snmith club, will be held Wednesday, September 30, at 2:30 o'clock,: Warfield, 111, 1124 Pin-e street. Winnetka.. Mrs. Elmner S. Bers-ý ach of EvanÜston and Mrs. Lon C. Hill, Jr.. of Winetka vil l)e the assisting hoste.sses. 'Al Smith alumnnae 0o1 the north ishore are cordiallv invit edtobe, present. Héhiiz Mrasbhurne. wîio lias just re froni ahroad. will deseribe "'Periturned Mrs. Glinipses in Norway." is an auithor and lecturer of She collaborated with bier lusband. Carton Washhurnie, and FredCarlos Photo crick Reed ini writing "The Story of Her "JLettéis to rih Earth and SkN,." ~f /WSC<SOl 933, :liiss Barbara Ann ilargenil tthur .;1dg'Uli*IC and Au- w/jo madc eh'rbow iià 193.5,Miss BizHef hUwh"q,both. f innef kdes tran dcscribing for hier son tlieir rWi bc aniongflhc mannequis zwearing, neuautumn and car/y v.inh'r ç tbe world. is. a delightful ar>ound rp <isplayed hy eclchsiî',C hicago and north, shore sizops tif thc Tczzeth .-lnni for children. She lias also book travel written special travel articles for the sari' Fash ion show t/heihinka board à sst.qg as a bnefi Pfr .Vrthie tr- Encý,clçipcdia Britannica Jixulio, and bas lbhnùrsfvseteîncnf in fthc auditorium of Skokie sclwol in !U'iuzzzctkia <loy 0ftcrdoon, Oc lobrr 3,7af 2:30 o'clock. * contrihuted to St. Nicholas and Cbild. Life. A new book book of biers' is to be published this autwnn... Mrs. Wasb- j j \aslnîrure sotial ____note. burne bas also w-orked as adviser ini the bouse furnishing section of a large ioop departtnent store and lias <lone spécial î~iî researcon tôys for it. comntien Dy macMisýs porter by Miss Rosalie Seafeld. George Ortseifen and bier daughter, Trier freshmen, who are looking for- distributed this week by the coimnilt- Mrs. George W. Gordon, program, and Mrs. Thomas Kane, Jr,, Mrs. Marsh- ward to the opening of the Freshman tee for the Tenth Anniversary Faslb- Mrs. Byers Wilcox, scboiarsbîp, hoth aIl Roberts, Mrs. Richard Jobnston, ýard of ()f Winnetka; Mrs. John R. Montassemblies on Friday, ion show of the Winnetka boa Mrs. WiliUam McGibbon, Mrs. Or- Fortnightly Mvrs. E.verett ement. gonery. Jr., beniefit, sette University Northwesterni the in o'clock, 8 at 2, . ville H. Warwick, Mrs. 1. A. Archam- October joseph L. -Mrs. miembership, event this year is the afteernoon Lotbrop, bauît, Mrs. T. Weller Kimbaîl, Mrs. Masonic temple at 1010 Central ave- The Mrs. F. and bospitality. Corcoran, >audiof Saturday, October 3, in the 1-ka Parker Davis, finance, ail four residents Vernon Loucks, Mrs. A. MW. Wiggies- nue, Wilmette. XViu in school Skokie of torium ieaof Evanston. Other officers are Mrs., wnrth-ad Mrs.Tnseph Joyce of The Freshman Fortniiglitlies wilî be ,, Among those prese ut were:. Mrs., this time among many of the New pictures on posters which have fers North. shore residents are no,Dw en- inittee chairnien bias been niade by the The formation of a new dancing group is arousiflg great interest at joying watching the fashion sh iow IIIpresdent, Mrs. Robert C. McNanmara,. Representative s of the junior group of the Evanston Opera committee were Miss Jane Seidel, chairman, and Miss Jane Hoover, who mette chairinan, Mrs. Edward Zinipoured1 at tea, together with Mrs. merman, who bas been out of tôwn, of ieeting m and nearlng ~tly James E. Lukey of Evanston, anid Mrs. Charles Ostrom has been made Turney Garton, dramatic interpreier., Mr.Richard Carl Evans;-of Evansacting. Wilmette chairman of the Mrs. Elmer E. Price of Winnetka., ton is presiden ' of, tbe board. committee.. Oper7a Shore 'Wil">North During the absence of' the News, and Mr. Moritz, authority on, antiques and interior decorating. '1 ,Harriet Cbilds 'Atwopd, accompanled by Mrs., Robert Ki ngery, Will give a musicale for the February meeting. The programn plans, for the year include talks by Mr'. 'Ruth Harshaw of the Bookc section of Carson Pirie's, Edith Shuck of the Chicago Daily