34,, and4 girls in need may stili go to by Ca scbool this year. home. A 'box will, be provided into which contributions .will be, placed. Mrs. Ernst von Ammon will be in chargeé of this. collection for the Wininetka. At Wedding board of the settiement. Miss Margaret, Wegner, 421 1Elm.: wood avenue, left the early part of the week with,'aparty of her Delta Tràvel. 2,900 Mile Gammüa sorority sisters at Northwest'Mr. -and Mrs. Edward A. Zimmer-, ern. utiversity to motor to Ottumwa, man, 219 Sixth stréeet, and daughter Iowa, to attend the wedding of Miss. $uganne, returned last week 'from a Helent Howell, a Delta Gamma, which thréee weeks' vacation trip in Canada, will take place on Saturday. The girls' during which tley, traveled 2,000 graduatedl from Northwestern in miles by motor. and 900 miles by boat. Julie. Miss Wegner. will be a. memTheir headquarters ini the province ber of the -Wedding party. were established at Chamards, Point au Pic, Murray']Bay,.fromwhich excursions were made to various points of interest. Pledged Chi Omega Mir. and la Sauer, 'daugbter of~ Dr.andMrs. Louis Wendlin Saiuer Mliss Aimnarie Booz, daughiter of Mfr. atnd Mrs. Norton A. Booz, 919 of 454 Sheridan road, Winnetka, bas Forest avenue, left on Monlday for pledged Chi Omega at the University her sophomore year at Mlounit Holy- of Illinois. oke college. Miss Heleni Booz is livinig iii the D)elta Delta Delta sorority house at Nýorthvesterni university Younig man, formerly with Chi-j where she is a seniior this year. M.\r. cag&'s best, tutoring schools. Tho)roughly exl)erjenced in seconBooz is expected to returni this eekdary and college board preparaenid fromi Cranville, Ohio, xhere hie tiofl. attended a meetiing of the miachinle 'I L 'J m b; 7,qýý U anounicement q /1 EDYTH DIEDRICU'S Jaaus Metbod ot Reducing Now Occupies the Entire Building at 1700 Central Street, Evanston EDYTH DIEDRICH'S1 JANUS BUILDING, 1700 Central Stréee Phono Devis 2004- e lE 709 Church Street