Loren R. Converse and Bride to live inHubbard Woods eôllowing a.two weeks' motor :trip through, Tennessee, [Loren R, Converse, son. of ,Mr. and .Mrs. Arlan,W. Converse, 396' Hawthorni lane, Winnetka, and bis bride, the former Dorotlhy 'L'hom son,* daughter of Judge and -Mrs. Charles M. Tbomson, 576 Ash street, Win-, netka. will. be at1 homne at 1124 Merrili streé*et, Hubbard Woods, in a house purchas;ed for, themu C. A. Keller, Jr. Mis\irginia Barton, daugb- n-Y a,; a weddii ift from> the hrile's parents. Yellow gladioli. bitte delnhinluini. andI1 fernsw deirated the Wintietka Congregational churcl wlîere the ceremnonv was performned last. Saturdav evening at 8:30 o'clock. At the Thomnson residerice where the reception was heki following, a white and greetn color schetne was carried out. The bride wore ail ivory sat',i wedding gowni of redingote style with very lonz train: The standing collar was of Elizabeth period. and chan.t1h, lace rmed the voke. Her veil ter, of Dr. and M rs. Orville M. Barton of Grand' Rapids, Mich.. became the bride last Saturday afternoon of Charles. Arthur Keller, Jr., son of Mt. and Mrs. C. A. Keller, 820 Greenwood ave.n ue, Wilmette. The cerernoi-vwas performed by the Rev. James T. Venekiasen. at 3 :30 o'clock in the newlIy-finished chapel of the. First Presbyteriani church of Wilmette. A receptioni for:130 guests was held in the home of the bidegrooM's par-. ents. The- bride wore a gown of' lace over w.hite satin with ieg o' mutton sleeves and Queen Anne collar with a roxx of buttons down the front. Her .head dress, a crown and long veil, were of simple design, the veil being caught at the side with, orange blossomns.. She carried an aII-white corsage of roses. gardenias, pompons and gla-. dioli. the 4 I *Miss Elizabeth Horton of Chicago. tnaid of lhonor. -more. a turquoiseý Clemens, Mich., the matron of honor anmd classmate of- the bride at Knox college. wore a gôwn of delphinium bitte chiffon over a taffeta slip of the Mfade bouffant style with miniature Satnte shade on whicb were clusters of yellow bows with forget-niie-nots.L train and tailored yeilow sasbi tied in a bow in front, the gown was cauglit at the shoulder with the saine yellow. bows and forget-ine-nots. A head- photo r. Ray nd Mrs. was dressed ini peach-colored orgati-, die 'over taffeta of the same shade(. H-er long dress was shortWaisted( with a. sash of turquoise blue ribboni and she carried an , old-fashioned bouquet., IlHarry A. Wardenburg of Chicagoi served the bridegroom as best mnat, and the ushers were Delmar Caldwell and Dudley Venekiasen of Wil- -erernony lnesday of last week the bride ained at a spinster luncheon, at evening'Mr. Booth gave the ýor' dinner. Judge and Mrs. mon werë host and hostees at 01 u.nur Miss Virginia Van Beuren, Mts. D. C. Carter, Miss Sylvia Smith, and Mrs. Francis E. Brownell were othcrs.who feted the bride in the weeks . prrceding her ýmarriage. V t[ -- a weddi The1 versity, anaU ±I. ii Om Oregon uated fr nology. Mrs. F. B. MacKinnon of 32.1 d. lue uni- Leicester road, Kenilworth, was hostas grad- ess to the niembers of her card club of Tech- for luncheon, and bridige on Wed-ý nesday in ber home,'