e Potential "i Leaguers," ehp,~ be this group of boys of the Chicago Juniorý school, with whorn basebali I j5 a popîdar skort. They, and the,,others, at the farin school ou- the, Fox River ear Elgin, zvho ejoy 'the linany acres that are theirs,, will benefi't by the lu»cheon, the. North Shore brairch, Priends of Chicago Junior sehool, îtdllJ have this cou ingj Mo>zday at the houle of .ifrs. W'alker WVyîekoop, 238 Woodlazon aiwiiiie, Glcncoe, at 12:30 o'clock. AUi etings of the.N'orth'Shore,Friends are for tlhc express purpose of aidimg ther boys of tlhe school who are front broken. hoffes... 60 WiII Assisi Hostess et Junior School Luncheon Links of Baptist Church W iII Meef for Luncheon For the luncheon on Monday, SepThe \~Vilmette Baptist church Wotemnber 28, at 12:30 o'clock, whichi the men's society Link luncheons Will be North Shore Friends, Chicago Junior li1cl( ou Friday this week at 1 scboo l, is giving at the home of Mrs. o'clock, %vitl th.c of following acting. as \Valker WNyniek-Qop, 238 \Wo(odlawni ave- L 'J M The Coracul Coat inade Nvith Mrs. Ira Hoffinan, Winnietka Liik E at the home of the 2556. or Mrs. joi Reuttinger, Glencoe Mrs. R.J ILascelles, 1639 104. u1<t later than Saturday, Septenmber a VeiluIl . 26: Link N at 'the homne of the leader, Mrs.' .. M. Davis. 701' Washington - Mrs. Porter Fox. Reservations inay be assistin.y Circle Luncheon The o s. - Link 1) at the home of its leader, Nirs. H. A. Smnith, 1328 Eimwood aveLiiik F, a Thîirsdav link. wuillno- I 1th St. and Greenleaf or phone Marion ok, WiIme lE ARE AN 709 Church Street 0 hrhSro