meetings recetty. [y, was electeci a in the social studies Practical Language Matters brought before the students for consideration included: the Diction--Literature activities ticket sale; the subscription campaign for thc Illinois SvniCALLED EAST, MRS. OLGA RUSSO. phony concerts.; and tentative dates Chester .Persing, member of the for ' the district convention of ýhigh faculty of, New Trier High school., Kenilworth 5215 school student councils. to b.e held at, ek by te was calhed East this New Trier. death, of, bis -father. President jack B.Vrum*s coin 1nitteeý appointments, mnade during th e suni THE NORTH SHORE ARTý LEAGUE -Anocs mner, include Bill Knepper, assernb ly SI('LjPTIRE' CLAS'S.I Under Naney -Coonsman.Hfahn-ýMonday Mornchairmfani, and John Frankel, -intierlngs fromn 9 ýto 12. For begining, and advanced students. Registration September 21st. Classes scholastic .rè1ýgtoîsý co-chairman.. as begin Septernber 28th. Fees-$15.OO, for 15 lessenior holdovers froni ast v'ear. Besons. cause of Franikeh's,duties as treasurer Informai (leneral ('riticism the second Monýdayevening of each mont!' by of, the -state 'counicil association. he varlous welI known Chicago artists. $5-.O for 10 wilh share bis chairmanship % Ifli 'a Memhberahip in the Leag&e <a a prereql&Wete for ait lpiese co-chairmuan it wvas annouiîcedi. This ot 6O for one year-tv<ith ali privîtegea Bill Wright, aà senio r, heads the Titomas A.- Rodinan, son of. <idrenrequiro, only Jttn<orMemberahdp-$.0O ora fut par student' relations coniîrnittee.: Wàhhv iiof 7?5:Bluff Thomais E. Rodman Fokr ful! information, cal Knoop, a senior, and Ann Burnhiam. Alpha pledged ýGleco'e, lias street, Mîus. H. L. PmRT, WIN4. 3307, oR MRs. GaoRGsE ENGELnAED, WJNN.' 1744 a juntior, head thfil building, and Delta Phî at AAherst collège., grounds and charter conitact cornCOMMUNITY HOUSE, WINNETKA ART LEAGUE STUDIO0 nuttees respectiveky. Rodmnan graduated from Milton Shapiro m'as appointed pub-7 TPhe j'unior }High last june, rankNew Trier lications chairruan and Treasurer ing first in schoschool larship in a class of Charles Soute is also head of the 496. He- had straigbt "A" rating finance committee. Bothi are seniors. thoroughout bis high school career. Ed Greenhalgh, elected ast spring, He captained the state, and suburban returns as vice president but Secre-. tennis championship teanis. Be won tary Lucie Keeler will not attend the four-year $1,600 Jeffery Amherst New Trier this -ear. *Ann Burnhani scholarship for bis school against twenwas elected teniporary secretarv. ty-one conipetitors. Charles L. Dostal, '38, of>233 Fairview road, Glencoe, won this scholarship for.New Trier in 1934. . French Lik IsluIts Full Glory taining.the precinct captains and the1 home in Detroit *ast weel< a board of thec Womani's Republicati short stay in Evanston. Charles has Club of Wininetka at uncheon next1 gone back for bis junior year at Tuesdav, at lier home, 596 Oak street, Princeton where hie will be manager folhowing a board meeting planned of the Triangle club this season. for 11:30 o'clock. The group will discuss plans for DELTA GAMMA PLEDGE the fail campaigni, and especially for From the University of Illinois the large meeting plamied for Fni- comes the annouincement that Miss day, October 2, at Coniniunity House Catheriine -Munro 'of 1119 Elmwood when Monte Apel, St. Paul awyer, is .after * rcNalr; 15, Mrs. Johnu, Nasn Ott and Mrs. A. C. Goodrich; 16, Mrs. Mark Cresap and Mr-s. F. L. Rogers; Mrs. A. B. Olseni, Mrs. H. P. ThUrsteno, Mr$. Edward E. Mack, and Mrs. F. Q~ Brown,, ail of Glencoe. Registratiofl-aItWoUUifs l'Sub of Evanston Saturday Mornlng, Oct. 17 Telephone University 2485 F]*VIfCH LUCK. INDIANA