SThe scholarship fund of the National College Of Education, particularly the suni set aside foôr superior high school students interested in child education, will befiefit by -a concert to be- given ini Harrison. hall, Friday, evening, October 9, by Viola mricn iôlinist, Mitchell, well-kowlyor Symphony Chicago the, with soloist was*guest who last. seasôn., Special, significance for both the college andi Miss Mitchell is attached to the performance on October 9, for, at the age of ten, when the National Côllege of Education was located ina Chicago, Miss *Mitchell: gave. ber first pubjie concert. to raise money for thebuilding of Harrison hall on the iïëw Evanston campus.. When she was fourteen, *the youngviolinigt weftt abroad where,- as a student of Eugene Ysaye of Brusscls, she studied for three years, making ber European debut at the. age of sixteen before the King and Queen of, Belgium. After that, she traveled throughout Europe,'playing with the orchestras of, Paris, Rome, London, meiat Berlin, Venice and Milan. Lat year Miss Mitchell retrarned to Aeiat make orchestral appearances with the sympbonyorchestras of Detroit, Boston, Washington, Minneapolis, and Chicago. The concert given at the National College of Education will be the first of the current season and will return lier to the scenc of ber original success -as a child prodigy. A committee of ten north shore. women is working with Miss Edna Dean Baker, president of the National College of Education, in arranging for the concert: Mrs. Alfred R. Bates, Mrs. John Gazrdner, Mrs. Conrad H-. Poppenhusen, M rs. Commencing with a concert engagement in Mason City. Iowa, on October 27, with Robert MacDonald, pianist, as her accompanist, Sy.dnie Smith Cooley, contrat o(Mrs. Albert H. Ullricli of Wilmette),' will have thirteen engagements ith imiddle -vcst before the first of the year. Onie of the engagements will be an entire irçcitai by Mrs. LIlrich in Dixon, Ill., in the near fu-, ture, with'.E lwood Kraft, the pianist, as accompan,.ist. Other cities in w~hich the artist'will appear ini coîning months are ,Davenport, Dubuque, Valley Deviîl's, Lake, Clinton,, Manchester and City, *. Charles City,ý Iowa: Alberr-Lea. Minin., and Bisýmark,,Fargo and Hampton,<N. D. Mrs. Ullrich will sing under the, sponsorship of the Amierican Artists association,, whic ijs carryinq' out a programn of co mmiunity concerts ini the cities referred to above. Four concerts, will.1 giveni in each comnniufity._ Weill lnown in the Chi cag.o.are~a Mrs.'Ullrich has appeared with the Chicago. Syrmhony and with the Apollo Musical club. Last spring she was soloit ith the Apolo Musical club irn its prformance of Handel's oratorio, "Israel in Egypt." Chamber Music Program Opens Music Club Year The opening fall meeting of the Winnetka Mu- to be able toa ships now held of Education. ýystudents can Zrtts association given in cach of the M hirteen towns where jffrs. Ullrich is singikig, thei contralto being one of the four visiting artists. Art League Classes to Commence Work Sept. 28 Helen Balfour Storrison The. North Shore Art league plans an interestHas One-Man Photo Show ing winter program consisting of many exhibitions. somne to be juried with cash prizes; instruc- *Several groups of vocal numbers and an afternoon of chamber music have been planned as special features of the opening prograrn. A quartet composed of Mrs. Hay, violinist, and three mem-' bers of the Chicago String quartet including Her-, mani Felber., violinist; Armond Roth, violist, and Theodore Du. Moulin,, 'cellist, will play the program of chamber miusic, and Mrs. Edward F. Hlamm, Jr., of Winnetka, the former Joy Fairman, will -sing two groups of vocal selections. Mr. Felher is known as the conductor of the * i Radio..Artist C. White, 310 Richmnond road, Kenilworth, bas started radio work with ýthe National Broàddasting company. Miss White plays the part of "Isabel Miss. Loretta White, daughter of Mrs. Thomas inI sepia Ricks" on the "Ma Perkins'. program at 2:15 in ~ fternoon. the subjeci to the bla the show.. L natte and- 's an int of the portion of gart and her brother motored eat together and also visited in New-York and Boston before returning hoMç a4Qut teR 4ays uago.