Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1936, p. 3

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TO ALL VOTERS. citizens Who Fail to Do Sol WilNot Be Alllowed to Vote in,Novemnber "Be sure to' register!" is the ralitving cry, of every New~ Trier towniship :itizen who valties-bis. riglit to vote. The -importanice of registering, it, is asserted, outrank-s -ail political par-isatn duties and obligations, silice no citizen wvho fails to register on Saturdlay, Septem'I4er '26, or Tues.day, Ë6, can voté in, the pýres-Idid)Ctohcr -lI>àlection on Novenîb(r 3. Teguiding spirit-, of both mnajor political parties are recruiting tlîeir elr and 'complting plans to see Ilhat cevery mani and -wom-en in the '0%WlSlip wh-Io is eiititic(l to vote i,ý 'afe1v reg-isteredl. -1mph)lasis See Annexation Best f*. C LVI'dIl Land .. 'TV- ~ If You Don't Register You Can't Voe \oters of 'New Trier towîîslîip are warned that they cannot, vote for Presidenf on November 3 unlesstheyregiste this year.: Previouis registrations are flot valid. Registration days are Sattrdav. september 26, and -TmesdaN, October 6. Your regular polling place wil be .opeti froni 6 a. ni. to 9 1). rru. If you are a quaiified voter and wil.Lbe absent',from, :the county on biotlî registrations days, or are il1F and cannot appear in person, you. cari regjîster by applying by, mail to Michael 'J. Flynn, Co utty CIlerk, Counity building, Chicago, for anl affidavit, which you must fill out, sign. ackniowiedge before a niotarv public, and return to the Couiitv Clerk on or before October 5 19316. Aplicationi fornus foi hea filavit. Nvith addressed enveleope and full infôrmrationi, ray be had at Ne'Trier Townlship Republicanl Ileadquarters, 1151 Wilniette ave- North Shore Leaders Express> Views at Mass Meeting;Commlittee là Named Il ia-,s 1m1eeting of citizeils of \Viland Keiîilworth,, with1 sevéera1 represeýiittatives, froru Winuetka and Glencoe, va.s held in No', \anis [.and: T£uesdav iight. n to 'protest agaitist the incorpora tion of that area iinto a villIane to' be known' as "Nomansland.7 !Ali: lectioil for this purpose had beemi set b%, Commtvjutdge. Edmulnd K. Jareckî,l for. October _?,on a petition. s;tzned bv 23 alleged residents of the :area anid pre5e-lited by' Aiioriuey A. Patitelis. whose home is Ili Highilaind Park. imette Large Protest Meeting is bcing placcd upon the 1:»ca to every citizen to rugister mn ý.amvrlIav of tis. wuuk.;and thws run. c:urn'tance interfering with that im- ,',iidc>zt of cu Trier Iiilli sCJ:4ool. wîllI takc for his silbjitit, *J'c> Dcveopuntsat iVeu* Trier 1IIgh Schiool," when ' lie appeacr: bcftrc flic, UVilette Cizvie leaque inIi is Tlhie meetting, called by *Wilnette Home Owniers association, attracted about 200 residemîts of north shore ~villages iintercstc(1 in prevenitîng any developînent that would detract from the Iwaty ý-aifd home character of thiscommmty.It developed into a i1to dIscussîoiiîofamiexation -'or List Polling Places the Information andicovn ,,nce of voters the following hsît oi )recmuits and polling places is givn.These places of reg-istraitin will be open 'fromn 6 o'clock a.m. u t1il 9 Paul Ç. i.àng, president oft ile ieagtlc. :),Clock p.ni.,..on both reýgi>traýtioii day.s staestlattliý publié ,tiid .Satuirday; Septenîber 26, and Tue-- parochial schoolsicdsofal (if the -NewTrier vi(Continuîed on pag.e(> lages have been invite-d to hecar Suiperini- * mdi idul u«dncts in h iglu m educa(hon f1; lv iý'Ork uvu'beiln q donc lmn z'citontil guldidace and changes. to ~ qoz,~g t lu ncds lithecoU!- rionel prcitict to aniother pre vi oûsj, to October 6 are enititlued to r'gi * froin t thir newv addk. c letGaffiney. meetiing Thlic vi1l be hieM t Health Ceni,er Takes .P~ai rtin 'l~iI O Samm Court. cotnstitutiing onefouirth ofi the area, froin Shieridan President rod ),er to Tenth street. HarrY C. Kiinne, of Wiiiinette wvas chosen a.s chairmuan, anîd spoke at i engtil on, the cost of suich civic services as fire protection, police protectioti and water stpplv, stating thiat thecsë wmlild impose a lieavv financial upon butrden l~~esidenits of soproperty sinall inthe an area. oNvniersan Ani- ardof Kenilworth. A total of 1,517 puplils in tthe Wilmette schools are divided as foilows: Lauirel, 89- Highcrest, 84; Logan. 143; H-oward, 610; and- Cetntra.l-,Stolp, 591. The joseph Sears school, Kenil-, %worth,reported< 432 pupils registered thiç w~eek. rruier o! vvmmete and iE. L. - . . . . .. . . . . . . rts .. . .. .S .... . .. .. 66 %.......... 52-63 >del, Homie, 33-47 Lewis A. Tentier of 310 Central others. Ail favored annexation as avenue,, was instailed as commander the oniy satisfactory solution o>f the of Ad Post (Chicago) American Le-, problem. in the interest of both prop(1otnud:npae.l gion Monda '. September 14. T5K~I>~ .~3I~>I 5'Ç~I mette Home Owners association. and

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