company, 180.5 North Kostner avenue, Chicago. The units, which are somectimes called attic fans, provide for bringing intoiliving quarters and sleeping rooms of the home, the cooler air which generally. prevails after* sundown. it was. explained in 'an article' which appeared' recently in. the "Practicail Buider." At the samne time,.it was added.the fan unit providesfor remnovini hbot and stagnant air wbicb generally accumulates ini the, attic during the. heat of thetday. Loctè ale en.lang "The generally accepted. 1110St efficient mfethod of installation of such fans," the article in 4"Practical Builde' goes, on to state, "Calis for locating a grill ini the ceiling under the atticrranging for an airtight connection, to be made from tbe grill directly to the fan. "Trhis method of installation1 insures a positive drawing in of outdoor air through the open windows and at the sarnie ime provides for a positive blowing out of the excessively bot air through louvred windows -or openings," the article continues. Onie of the simplest methods of installing these units is to build a connection, approxiinately five feet long, between the ceiling grill and: tlwt ia14~lir Wper nour. iHy ucrermining the cubic feet of space and dividing this amount by two, the home 6wner is able to calculate the amount of air, in cubic -feet, wbich shotild lie, introduced every minute. Many actual. installations, il waç explained, show that indoor temperatures can be reduced to within three or four, degreesi of the outdonr temperature.: TeiMperalure Drops According 'to weather bureau reports, on a. typical summner day the outdoor, temperature drops from 20 to 25 degrees> through the sundownl bours after the peak temiperature is reacbed in the midafternoon. After the' bouse temperature lias been lowered by night operation of the fan, it was added, the fan is shut' off and the windows closed to excînde ~th~e day time air %wifhîn ils rapidlyv rising temperature. In this way the cooling effect is carried over into the daytinie period. cnng We invite you to inspect tebeautiful Carrara stùructuiral .glass bathrcioms and powder rioom of the R. Bý .bita'ker. lyiodel home. Ca rrara Çi s s A Product of the PITTSBURGH PLATE GLAISS COMPANY HAS MANY USES Carrara glass not only adapts itself 10 new construction but can be used to remodel old bathroomis and kitchens and improve their appearance to J.W. Belter Winnetka, Ili. for tihe ,plu by WHJTAKER MODEL HOME was secured by Smart & Golee through the DALLIA FLOORS 4619 North Western Ave. CHICAGO 1564 Sherman Ave. Evanston Evntn28 IlAiw ESTIMATBS'AND SUGGESTIONS AT, YOUR REQUEST