ALL PLAT GLASS REQUIREMEN ent types, and, cost here on the north oughly washed andi al day and other The foreign materials removed.. gravel must also be tborough1y cdeaned aiid- stone' provided of the proper size to, insure. the, correct bond and Naturally,. the kind of' strengtb. cernent is important. and contractons. are constantlY warned to, buy the, kind'that is mdeby reliable cernent companies. The sanie cane MUSt be employed ini ail builIding mateials ýto make certain that. they are welI: tested oôver a period of years. The Nilles Fuel and Material coninpany bas, furnisbed tbousands' of homes wiihtb te, briek,: lime plaster, ini fact evenytbung in tbe home with the exception of lIumben. Tbey were selected to furnish the niatenials for Dyche 5-tuddmm, Dterinig Library and fraternity and sorority bouses at Nortbwestenn university. The informai colonial in brick or stone and the. pretentious colonial farM bouse. on Dutch lines; the Nailtucket two-stoiry in white brick. and! box hedges and -the---Vermont wbite PLATE AND WIN DO W .GLASS,ý MmDRRS. ART ýGLASS and pitne clap board; the large Pennisylvania farmhouse and the two-storv square .Connecticut are but a few of. tbe larger, more expensive type.s popular .today. Tri the less expensive field we have the.,colonial cottages modeled on both Englisb and Dutcb lines, the Hampshire and Coninecticut, one-and-onlebaîf story ciapboard or brick cottages, :the .on1e-story rambling American farmbouse and the story and haff New 'England farnibouse as well, as the ever-present Cape Cod cottages. SThe R. B. Whitaker compan y is Ilow presenting these andi otier colonial types in its photo-tour of newr hlomes. Designed by arcbitects whose namnes are syliolymous with fille nortb shore architecture, tbey îîot only faitbfully portray the type, but give you in enlarged perspective the A trip floor plans and layout. a dailv now is Land Colonial tbrougb occurence at the offices of the coinpanyv, 140 Center street,- Winnetka. FURNITURE. TOPS ,,BriLT e GL SSCOMPANY WINNETKA 1061 GLAZINO CONTiLRACTORS ESTABLISHED ON, TH'E NORTH SHORE SINGE 1920 UP AGAIN Real estates sales volume went up again, fractionally, in August, continuing a climib that bas been unbroken since April, tbough it bad a pronounced interruption ini the earlien months of the present year., 1079 ELM STREET "There is a difference" .KORDICK ELECTRIC Coi., Electrical Contractors -i rcG srgry 1108 AsiSmET TELEPHONE WINNETKA 456