new sott colors are adaptable scheme of interior decorat ion. 1(1 any furnished for the WHITAKER. MODEL HOME Maintenance is botb simple amnexpensive due to the availability of the modern water waxes wbicli dry mifth, a luster without the necessity of buffing. There are se veral examlples 1of ne* homes being floored complete ini every room with .ribber tile flooring, and there is rarely a fine new residence .that does flot have rubber tile WARNER.. PAI1N T CO. Legaré-Ljoving Photo in at least the bath room, the kitchen, the powder 'room ýor the reception, halL When used With a sanitary rub-. ber cove base,, itanswers every requirement of. beauty, quietniess., and, sanitation. Prdoe Artistic Effocts 64Dvis Street Evanstoin .Painter and.DecoratorA Frequently these floors are. featuured by artistic inlayrs of classical, mxodern or comic types to fit the function of. the roor ndm the spirit of the decorative treatmient. . .The principal need for caution in the purchase of rubber tile floors is to be certain the product is that of a reliable manufacturer and that the contractor is thoroughly experienced akin to fine cabinet work and ein the installation. The proper fit- quires a fine miechanic in its executing and asseniblv. of the design is- tion. RelIph B. Kraetsch is vCe-president and - manager of the R. B. Whitaker company of Winnetka. Mr. Kractsch bas been a residenit of Win<tkoe rince 1926. He bas hod a wvide merchandisingi and 1 mnanagemient experience and was for mnany years secretary-trea~srer of W. C. Owen, Inc., and vice-president of Chicaoo hporters, Inc. Laier he headed a firin ,mder his ooi maime. He is widely knoupn ;n t/e trade association field. G. A. HILLNER 855 Spruce Street Winnetka "How lucky the people are who will live in this beautiful home, with its Kohier pluiùbing equij>ment!" . . . That'à what you'I think when you visit the R. B. Whitaker model home ini Winnetka. Good plumbing fixtures are the kind of possessions you may well feel lucky to own. .. the kind you "show off" with pardon- able pride, and Kohler fixtures are that kind. 1850 Maple It4LAND SUPPLY CO* Ave.. l#,it-