e., Aft.moon 667 e Eveaing teron Avenue Mr. Woods parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Woods, 2127 Birchwood avenue, Wilmette. Bob MIcCloud, son of Me. and Mrs. Bentley G.' McCloud, 338 Kenilwortb avenuie, Kenilworth, plans to-attend the Chicago Latin scbool this year. 1743 Shermean Avenue, 'Evansfon No order ii too smalll or too large for our expert Greenlsaf 7141 -deoretors t. o help you in selectlag h'armoniuing colors for your home. J.ust phone Greeneaf 7141. Outr Fali shoWing 18 wthout question thi es we have *ver ass*embled. Exquiit. new Mohairs-Silk Dàmasks--iJberfy Crefonnes-.SO4nck Linents--excu4ive Chinti--Veneflan BlIIns, wood or aluminumroadloom Carpefs--Curtains-Â.Casem.nt Curtains.- SLIP, COUR SLIP~VI~ CO1MMS1-.We have no equel for fitting your furaiture perfectly. Our decorators. without çost té you. wiII help you.ý selac+. ed estimai.. *Your Purchase fo $50 or more and pay on our Liberal Budget Payment One year to pay Our $ômôftIàm standard is just the seaas we have cerned in Draperies and Slipçovers. Best findings onIy ore used strongest webbing besi spring twines. OnIy new findings are used in rebuilding your old furniture by hand mient for the aid of the_ Lf GO TO PRIN CETON Robert Cutiler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percival Cutier, 207 Woodstock Mrs.. Charles Elliott, 260 Lincoln avenue, Kenilworth, is leaving Stinday drive, Glencoe,, who formerly lived for the east to enter bis fresh man in St.. Pa.ul and St. Louis, is the year at Princeton university. His composer and author of a church Mrs. Ch&rks Enott Ih Churcli Antliem compoSer to resume 'Wr posiion. I S~~s o.d çby Bd.. JIworth. DeCamp torinerly lived in JK Uis wife is the former i Lapp of Ft. Wayne,, md. Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Qsinlevan of 1928 Thornwood avenue, Wi1mette, and Mr, and Mrs. Robert M. Foley of 1256 Ash strect, Winnetka, neturned. on Sunday from a 'ten-day motortritp to Whittier, near Asheville, N. C. 4