Desire a few men with rnoney and brama bt form compmny to market a very unique anid long needed device, recently. patented. The returns will satisfy ANYONE. Please do flot reply unless you can furnish minimum of $2,000.00 and. arewilling to either serve or stand by in consultant capacity. Opportunity forisales, âdvertis ng, mechanical, and, office. end wiil occur within 60 days afier incorporation. Address A-152, Bx60, Wilmette, I111. will prove its EConomy. then feel a drop of the Valvoline cosis less te use! Fi your crankcase with Valvoline.. . drive as far as you usually drive between changes . . . Su . eiqy,-QçtoPer I,will wittieset Sky Harbor airport oite of the greatest rè tars as -M#io Ëurchain, who air shows ever held in the MÜiddÎe West. represènted the Uitied States in Paris in acrobatic flyig, and who "stole" the national air races at Los Angeles this year, vil put their ships' through thrilliig maiteuvers attainieig a speed of 350 miles an hour. Along with Burcham cornes Harold Johnson with bis. Ford tri-iotor, flying it upside down, spinninig it to 400 feet off Returning from an inspection tour the ground, doing loops that will drag the tail-skid across tbe field on the of the Pacific coas ae-Western di- United President Returns From West Valvoline between your fingers. You'l see what w. mean when we say that, SET VALVOLINE ot these deolers ln WILMETTE ACE M rORS, INC., 435 Main Street STATION, 421. Main Street .RVICE. Vic HILL'S HEss MOTOR SI vicE GARAGE, 1225 Central Avenue do a delayed jump f rom 15,000 f eet. Besides bis parachute jump, Bob will give us a dernonstration in laying a .4smoke screen" while traveling at the rate of 300 miles an hour across the field. O'Dell also flues with the trio which includes Roger Don Rac and Capt. Art Davis. order for *Z,10u;uuu worth of twtnenigined 12-ton Douglas transportb to be placed on. the New York-Chi- cago- and Ch icago- Cali forn ia routes. Twenty pf these planes will be delivered at the rate of 'five a month. 1Mr. Patterson returned with his. family, who have been in Califor'nia for several months, and estabiished [a new residence at 162 Abinzdon Legion, thse 1lorists Telegraph -Dellvery'association,. Co-pilot and naviator on the trip was Lea J. Orr, 1002 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmettie, lbead of the engravýing departmnqnt of this news magazinc,, past ommander. of the Wil-' With them weint a consignm.ent ofprize orchids, to be used in 'one of the demonstrations at the conven-., tion, from the Thomas Young nurseries, one of the' largest orchid, growers- in, the word., They expect to'retur» the latrpat weelç. ?EASTER 'OIL 911 Linden Avenue, Winnctic Wintiotkia56 ~he