at S ports, Styles, lsscraglan shoulder niodels,. practical as caibe-andl( the sinartest coats we've seeni! iiN-'erted' pleats and gores give the new s are placed iii irnilitary fash-flarCellects, )ocket ion, the circular standing1 colldrs are.flatterinig to wear!.Soiiie -are Ilie<1ili aplaids. and. al are îte(rlii-ecl for e-xtra wariuith. \T~ )(/ 'I IIi~,.«'.% t~#purel «'id H àî,,efl~ Sc-','<>nd rIo~r £ -EVANS ONl. j I Sinail duwvxpaiiiIt 3 nonths to pay.