cnairman. The first of the sectional series wiII beé held at. Christ church, Winnetka,. Wednesday evelni, September 30. It is designied for pàrishes frÔmin vanston north'to Wauùkegan. Supper will be served at 6:30, f ollowed by an address by Mr. Fran klin, and discussion. North sidé, chuirches will loin in a siriar- program a St. Chrysostom's church, 1424 Dearborn«-Parkway, Thursday evening, October, 1, and Friday night,'October 2, South Side churches, will, corne together at ýSt. Paul's parish house, SO5th and Dorchester avenue. West side and. west suburban representatives will gather, at' the Church of the Epiphany, Ashland boulevard and Adamus street, 'Monday, October 5.>for their sectional mieeting. Mr. Franklinm who wi1Head all.of .tle conferences is noted for his inancial work in connection with Liberty Loati drives during the World war. By appointment of President Wilson, he was director of ail the loan drives for the entire country. He has béen for a nuniber of years well-known ini New York banking circles and as national treastirer of the Episcopal church. tilen tE<IJyf, 15 prised the Lesson-Sermon was tne following. frotn the Bible: "Now therefore hear'ken, O Igrael, unto the statutes and, unto the judgments, which I teach you,ý for 1tô do them,ý that yernay live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth youý. For what nation is there so great; who hath God so nIgh unto*them, as -the Lord our God is in ail things tbat we cail himw for?, Know. therefore this upon <tay and-consider, it in thine heart, that the Lord ie, isGod in heaven above, and upon the'earth beneath: there is none else" (etrnm 4:1, 7, 39), The, Lesson-Sermon also included "A Begin Now! Gâursos ini SteuogrspIy, c.o> Bookkecping, Ai«ountang, C»àuq>~ tometry,, Seoretanil.Trawnm&get. Doy and Evoulag Evanston& 1718 Sherman Ave..ýWILLIAM H. Qul.o, Cflg Uni. 3M4 WPria stems YU sennwthiwyNw FASCUNATINC end INSTRUCTIVE for ADULTS and CIIILDRIN £ The u. irnse of the conferences is to ot theic ~aI LIIurcnes, ilJrq3.s copal clergy, wardens, vestrymen and financial cornnitteernen espieciallW have been invited to the conferences. 1In coring to Chicago, Mr. Franklin will represent the National Council of the Episcopal church. Bishop George Craig Stewart and Dean ;Williamns will speak at each of the sessions. grains Wafth the Iaustri@us Awt at.Work and PI. y! I i J'» Mrs. .George1jiorney ot'l .icoe with thern and Mr.,Dyer spent week-end with his family. Mr. plansi to leave; this. week-enâd fortnight's business trip to New every Dyer for a York.. wits WW. E ANSTEN