Distinctively Styled. AttacivlyPriced Communlty cliurch, Chicago. solo-iTe Lord L5 .WY.v zsvIStranid herd ................... .Beulah EdWards' soloiat Tuesday, 7:30 P. m-ýBoy Scout Troop Postlude Grand Choeur ... .... Rogers No. 1. director Emily Roberta, organist Wednesdayr, 3:30 p. m.-Browriles. Wedesdy.7:30 p. M.-Boy Scout The House and Finance committee are, Troop No. 2. choir revery happy to announce severai major- Thursday, 3:30 p.m.Grs Firat, hearsal. accomplishments this, summer. thursday, 4. p. m.-Boys' choir rethe heating sysotem I as ýbeen carefully revlewed by. engîneers and. reconstructed hearsal. Thuràday, 7 :15 p. m.-S-Èenior choir reand improvied throughout byý severai fimportant, essential operations and replace-., hearial. Frîday, 7:15 p.: m.--Cub Pack 63. menteW. The fellowvshlp and service roorne Offertire entire llrst ftoor and the stairs and Plgrim Hall. Particular attention bias been iven the Bertha Wheelock . Room (Primary Department). The other assembly roomes for the Church 'School have been beautified and better. oqnip-. ped. The next procedure scheduled la the Improvement, of -the steps, the outaide entrance te the main, auditorium. These imperative activities have. been made possible by speclal. gifts., bave and teachi laass in~ each departanent of ýurch school. We'have a. very esumed will be held on Sunday morning, October 4., At this time the children will bri.ng fruit,,as their, Tabernacles' off ering. The fruit -they contribute is later distribut'ed among the inmlates of hospitals: and orphanages in Chicago. At this 'time there willý also be held the annual Consécration.Service forý the childreni entering the, Religious school for the irst timne. Everyonc is ivelcomi.e to attend. This service start,9 as usual,« at 11,o'clock. will PAUW. .DE ENTERS ne is welcomne to attend. Eiveryo Mrs. and Mr. of Davidý Mitchell;» son R., W. Mitchell, 1707 Lake avenue, .Respiendent with autumn fruits and bas left for DePauw university at. fotiage as symbols of God's graciousGreencastle, Ind., to enter bis feh ness to, His people is the Jeivish man year.. David was graduated iný holiday, SucCoth, or Feast of, Boot hs. June from New Trier Uigh ',schoo 1 which begins this year on Wedniesday and bas been awarded a four-year evening, September 30 'and is obEdward Rector scholarship at De-- served for eight days ini obedience to the B4frical mand4ate. Pauw. Miss Elizabeth Stover, daughter of Mrs. 1. K. Stover, 1044 Ashland ave-Dde, left on Monday for Providencé, R. I., where she will attend Missý Wheeler's school. Succoth le especlally rich in tiraditiouî for It is based upon. two imiportant fundamental ideas. It commemorates the beginning of the harvest season which was celebrated durlng ancient days by pilgrimages to Jerusalem and special sacrifices at the temple there. It also serves as a reminder of God', goodness to the eilîdren of Israel dluring the forty years they wandered in.the wllderness. For this reason many Jew.,(even today) dwell in littie booths for a portion of each day during the holiday just as their forefatiiers dwelt in booths durinz t. he.rwanerizs t staff and are assured of ai ùThnd7jprogressive Church ochool. he Ftegnhets' deppartment. meets the niorning churchi service l'or kvenlence of parents with san-ill The Çorthwest circle .will mneet at the ,f Mrs. Stanley F. Johnson, 1925 jinimy Burbott, son of Mr. and avenue, for a 1 o'cloekl ,ood Edwin B. Burbott, 1514 Lake Mrs. ,n meeting on Friday, Septemiber à ssisting hostesses will be INrs. ý avenue, departed on Tuesday for and Virginia to attend the Wooclberry Eldreth, Mrs J. P. Balli I Be fore you decidese the, ,Oak Crest in.Evanston what Douflty. In anclent times sacrifices were offered at-the-Temple foi seven days te reconcile all nations with God and on the eighth day for the Jewish people. M1,odern Jewry emphasizes the message of. happiness and thanksgiving which Sucécoth bring,,. The Reform Temples'use the holiday for formally inducting young ehildren into the Sabbath -echool with an impressive ceremony known as "'consecration." I FIorshwim Shop 1616 Orrington Ave. 1607 Sherman Ave*. taN Qh& OAK CRESI APARTMENT MOTEL' AT 1670 OAK - Mrs. Jon .wPowers and ner son_ John, jr., 307 Cumnberland avenue, Kenilworth, are leiving for New York probably the early part of next week. John is to enter Lawrenceville academy near, Trenton, N. J. He bas been ill wth a tbroat ailmnent the past ten days, and their departure dépends upon how soo6n he AVENU E is able to leavre St. Luke's ho spital.