ENJOY YOURSELP. ai Congenial Co m pa ny, ex cellent fountain a n d l unac.he on IN LISTIN and by the 20 teame in 10 gatnes. Each of, the firsti three persons who brings or. sends to WiLMETTE LIPE office correct, answers (or the' nearest correct) will Le given a reserved seMat ticket to the Northwestern-Iowa game. ALL ANSWERS M U S T. REACH1 WILMETTE LIFE OFFICE (or Le post-marked) BEFORE NOO>N SAT. URDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th. I t Go U. Northwest.ru te "'~~ ~ or Y or: ~~>0 MISS luPermanent service.. BiUiardsWilntt. 5Sm *Avenu. Phono WinnieO kes nOW On our staff. Four Op rators to serve you. Wihnette 4»0 417 Linden Ave. Wito»miuma.Suth Dakota Stat. ELECTRICAL î'EýPAIBING Radios Motors Vacuums Washers REFRIGERATORS Lamps, Irons, etc. MOBILÇAS y8 y" S and MOSILOIL Drive to the big games with Mobilgas or listen to them over radio station WBBM. South. Califoaia va. Oregon State SUPER LUBRICATION SERVICE Atlas TiresýWashing Accessories -Poiishing Two Sensational Values $ee US First for HAPPY make Ileroes onte EE~T CUARANTEED USU.D CARS TICKET OFFICE. 619 CLARK ST.. EVANSTON Wilmette & Prairie Naw v.Wilaa Wilmette 1900 Md Mary j GRtbnIeaf 0007 Pudu. s.Ohio uavmsity Ted Payseur., Football Ti&.* Manager Dmrtmouthm va. N.wwfr ______________________________________________________ I à S EPTEMBER 124, 1936