FOR EVANSTOM'S FALL:-.VALUE CARNIjVA&Lý AT THIE HUS. 3 DAYS ONLY Friday' tereat to the Scouts that about ualt ' iet the Scouts took some work -with, DARICNESS DESCENMDS . . ., A -good1 sailor takes pride in th't him. 1Under. bis -leadership. litçraily hun-, appearance and.condition of his vessel. As ail sea scouts consider'themdreds of metal novelties and. articles selves good sailin they have, always were made of brass, -copper, ailum- made it a practice to put -thein cruisinum,, and pewtër. Ash' trays, neck- er in order. before taking it eut for hold-. erchief slides, bracelets, match the Monday evening cruise meetings. other Wn and many ers, bowls, trays, Eariier evenings' in. the, late summner teresting and use-ful gifts were made mnake 'it impossible, to:do any Wonk by the boys for their mothers, dads, before, it, gets too dark. As a nesit brothers, sisters, and other relatives Skipper Huggins' has inaugura ted a and friends. Ninety-four Scouts did their Work newr scheduie which will enab le the -m such a manner as to receive a scouts te continue. with thein Mondav menit badge in the' subject. Other pop- ,evening pnogramn ashore while the alan Merit Badges at camp included, cruise meetings are now beld Saturathietics, life sa ving,. swimming, bird day-afternoons about 3 o'clock whew study, finst aid, public healtb, person- there is stili, pienty of iight. ei healtb, canoeing, rowing, conserva- DARKNESS DEFEATED.. Monday evening, September 14,. the tion, pioneering, safety, forestry, pathsea scouSts asseImblefortheir first mansbip; camping and cooking also were the subjeets in which several Scouts compieted,.the requirements. Through the Menit Badge program Scouts are brought into contact men well 'vensed in various vocations and avocations, are taught the essentials of the various subjects and by the introduction to these many .with shore meeting since eariy last spring, Skipper Huggins called the meeting to. orden at bis Home Engineering Display at 1150 Minmette avenue. As' bas been the custom in the past the first meeting was conducted as a round table discussion. Ail the scoutsý were encounaged to speak their mindà aslo what type of meeting most appealed te them. duning the winter season. Yeoman (secretarv to lanids of ATI 500 Lustrous Hereafter the scouts will continuec e tg Loolto meet at the above address every here is a helpfti nphlet writeach of the s cts included Monday night until further notice. iiterature of Boy~ Scout Skipper Huggins bias made an arrangement which met with vociferýerica. -ous approval from everyone. He hias AWARD made it possible for the boys to have' 1time1 in succession the use of a large room on. the balerfield bas won the coniy floor of the Engineering Disttendan-ce award, a play Building. This room will be oc-. cupied exclusively by the sea scouts il V ià "K.M " s 'N C i. . t HxQ end ,Cberckh-VASTON4 Ope. w...Tbuers <4Sl v.Igs ~LvToN & SONS The site was one that had be used ini previous yeans by the Scouts from 104 when'they conducted thein own tnoop camps each summier. Some of the, equipint fnom Camp Ma-K4,ja-.Wan was biougbt. down Ito sup-, plement the equipment wvhich was tively.--.P.M - . -a---Wns -- l cOmpensate thiswiner. FP.M furnished- by the Scouts of their Tnoops. The camp seemed to bc enjoyed to theý extent -that it wili pnobabiy 1bc operated again next year afteir the sunien season at Ma-ka-Ja-Wain.