A very succesful luncheon and card Party, froini *w..proceeds the. Women's thème tais weeik êeiiig TJNV Word la Guild profitel financially, was held last A I4mP." W. cordially invite Yom te week at the home of Mrs. R. C. Jennings, *orship *Ith Vs. -"Yme ani oraast .. fanu a .t*.ig 126 Broadway avenue. .Tii. musical prograni for the morning choi or. The worshhip ervlce ls service wililbe as foilw:peld,"h Preoedin by tii. Bible i3tudy classes Mlembers of the, Womeén'a Quiid have IsIeet Sadoe," Painigren; anthern, of the. ehurch,, at 101 a. au. In. the been invited byME. A'; iaumeyer to "L40oely Appear" (Redemption) Gounod, .pastor'a clame and among y0ung 'p.e drive up andilspend the dagy t hem miniand higu seheolgroups tta. hem. Sun- mer home on Lake Michigan, at Chfi- Miss Bmeidenbach and the choir; solo, 4&Y Se Christian Livingel," a etudyet waukee, Just over thie Wisconsoin border éUbide With Me," Liddle, Edwamd otis, the fanions twelftn chpt4er of Paul'si line,_ on Tiday, O:ctober 2. Any wonman soloist; pestlude. «,Marche Religieuse," Wagner. Miss Enaà Rounds les diector. letter te the Romnans. of the paris>. can learn te. details ef> arrange xents from -tii.oflicers of the The, Session, la reQuesited te meet for Tonigbt (Thuroday,) theme will b. a Guild or the, different circles. a few Momùents after the morning for a feu' more good-voicei, eqpeeiaily The rectorý likes to rece-Ive as qulckiy lai the bass section. . The. rendition «f Gouned's as possible from the mnembers of the The Sunday school xneets In ail de"Gloria" laët Sundy. superb. If you are a singer you woul'1 was parish rieservations for thie dinner to b. partments at 9:30 o'clocc., held lai honor of the Pan-Amnerican Conlk. te pirticipAte ln euch woe. femence of 'Bishops which is meeting In Thi.AduitBible clan hfas, reSumedI Tomomrow (Friday),. many oet thei Cicagro, the second week ln October. Ità studies3, teeting là the. chapel.. The LinkaslnOur ýChane riendu.hi1o have 5i1he dinner wIll be held ln the Grand general themne ef the étudies tue year. le: their group meetigs 1ap. m. sharp. Bal- Riooni of the Hotel- Shermnan, Thurs- "Portraits eof Jes3us." The'ciassmeets Libk R, at home efthtei leader Mns. day evening, Otober 15. at 7 o'clock. at 10 o'clock, a:ndcordiaUyrInvites yen C. C. Clarke, 925 Central avrexu.*, Mr.. Some 15# bishops from tthe Uniitsd States, te loin At. W. 4). Millard assisting.' Link I. mre. Canada,' the West Indies, .and South at home <of Mrs. Kerr. Vleader. ILL The Tuxls club the iiigh schoLgroup. Dm.. Herbert U.Wlllett, Kenilworth Union. minister ]Dr.,Wiilett's subject for Sufiday, September 27. will: be "Foreeasting the Future."Tiie church service, l8,at il o'cloek. On Wednesndayevening, Septembter 30, at 8 *o'clWk Dr. Wlllett wll give -the firet of a 1semies etf taîks. The subject wiil be 1'Pales3tine., lsRomance and Traigedy." 'Tii. place of. meeting ha. net been ahnenced, but *111, appiear ln' the, chuircii bulletin on Sunda.. Tii. Sunday sochoel will mneet at 9:145 a. m. Theme are classesi for chldren between the ages of kindergarten and the hlgh school. Lake and Wilmette avenues >Tii. Rev. AÂmes 1hornburg, minister Methodist C'hu&rch tlîer~ ~ Pluwl Many ge:--n-10:45 O'Clock. The Introit-is eung.JustL-Me." n.w before il o'clock. You are Invited to 1, and the entire s, are in the entîr. service. nvited. Sunday noning for next of the Weman'sThe. swill be music as fellows : les of the ciiurch Organ (10:45): Oete Triomphale" tMissionary ?ea.... ................. Ferrata Nelson Joyce, 835 ' Two Chorales".......Brahms iTuesday, *SepMarie Briel o'clock. Introit: "Cast Tiiy Burden"- Dr. Hubert Carleton, recter Sunday, September 27, will be the. sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. There wll b. Holy Communion at 8 a.m., Churcii school and Bible classes at 9:45, and Morning Prayer wlth sermon at Il a.m. Tueï8day, September 29, will be the teast of St. Michael and ail Angeis., There wtil be Holy Communion at 8 a.m. St*Augustsne's The. Church echool wili meet Sunday There are The BOY Scout Treop Np. 5 w flimeet miorning at 9:30 o'eiock. classes for aIl ages. Menday evening. The Chorus choir meets this evenlng Thie Girl Scout Troop No. 5 u'ili- meet at 8 o'clock sharp for rehearsal under Saturday.$IINDAY SERVICES the Inspirlng leadership of Mies Briel. Chumch school.. ........... 9:45 a. in. Addltlonal voices are wanted. Anyone Tii. choir wili meet for rehearsal FmiMorning worshlp........ ..... l1 a. nm. who singe and would like to serve the day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Luther league. ý..........6:30 p. ni. church In thie way is, asked tocontact The mnueic for the. Service next Sunday director.' the ican ni'the campinait Bundle The morning is as follows:j Irelude - "Andante Cantabile," Syrnpiiony 5................Tschakowsky Anthem-Open Our Bves .MaFrae Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House. ofWorship" The. Fev. David R. Rabele, pastor Le church.j Knudtson and Mme. Smth1wiiib theThe Senùion-"Waultnindîng" ...... be, held, at 1:30. i....M hotill s ............ ...... atthew ":1-5 2aU cildrn 1 Isbein la F ....... Guilmaànt Tiie Sixth division will meet Tuesmorninge ln the Club. Those Who live on-Postlude-Marcii the Mountain have September 29, for luncleon at the with a tralneilKlnder- a longer day than those wiio live ln This evealng Sarn Ée111r, a full-blood home et Mrs. Irelie Rverltt, 342 Sterling assisted by an able the Valley. Sometimes ail we need te Mehican Indian, wlll speak here at 8 rioad, Keni]worth.* pwll b,* contlnuel brlghten our day laIntù, nue a litt!. o'cleck. Furtiier detaIls w*111 b. found deel14,acomte. te Attend church next Suaday. ln another columa ef tusisse 1' hrh eao ae2 -daty, Jhigier! 44