Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1936, p. 9

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ship, has been very busy tis tast weeic çomipleting hier organization. She is bcing assisted in lher work by Miss Katherine Goodsnith, executive secretary. The geieral becdquarters are at 742 Elni.street, W\Vinnctka, with brandi offices in, Ilncoe, Kc,ilwortl and W~ilmette. The Volunteers. is aur independent organiizationi of citizns, not iii plitics, banded togétl)er to '"save the American i, fori of governent thrQuglh the 'elcthoi of Landon and .Kniux." Evcryone, Es gi ven. an Opportàliit>, to join, and cach] tnember. is asked, Ihugh iipt rtequircd 1 -five additional \Voluniteerse tu sîgu tp1 Thiere is no0 financial obligation inivol,,,ed.V Membèrs are urged to register,, tu assist the candidates by word and act, to contribute their cars -tu bring voters -to the -th candidates on the polis. tu listéui tou radio(), and o informtlmsivsgenerally on the issues of the campaign. The organization is encouragmng those wlho have talent as speakers, musicians, sng availableý wvatchers to make tesle through i gning the cards. 'l'le Chicago. telephoflme book is being coinpletely covered to get out the registration, and 10,000 1)011 watchers are heýing trained for election day. Annouace Co-Chairuim (o-chairmen in -Glenic)e for the ýVol- "FoIdInto the -Beaten. Whites . a Just. knowlng. ltingredienits tof ailAng.i Foiod cake 'doesn't ehable, a woman to bake a good one-for the rntl&fitg Is so imiportant. PerhapS YoPU ha%*en'.t rea-.lized that: prescriptions, uillike reéîpes, u$uàlly give, the ingred.ients only, and leave it to 'the 1harmatist to.know*how to combine them rpperly. With many prescriptions, as with .Angel Fiiod cake recipes, this knowledge of hot, owi>cbmbhne the ingr-t dients is vital. The pbarrnacists et our st ores alway.,s1 knw how." Tliey study' neW drugs; learn how Io combiné them properly witli, othee druges. Thi.'s k Ymir bht t-el th C . .C1 s Special SaturêWy and Sundmy Only Qt. BIRUCK-. Chocolat. Fudge "ICECREAN orînoylc, son of MIrs. Josephi J. P. :Vornioylc, 360 Gregory. avc- between Vanàilia,3~ PKG.: Mapt4utü, f Um I9 mierr'jlinette> formerly ofaI Vinnctka, lias been awardeda fou r-'vear .verscholarslzip to Northwecstern uiv sity by the Western Golf associationI. An hoinr caddie at lndian Hill club, 1w .wrill represent Indian Hill1 for Mec ier01 ,s Caps... n terol ToothHaliver 50c Kolynos. . . Pat39c U#J RmO3.~ É Cap. ____________________________(100'sS . ) aI 100 tabs. l2-oz. Cod Liver Oi1 . .79cA.D.D.G'. .--.. ,,89C 32-oz. 011 f111 Minerai 51 1 Yeast ....... 43c 1 12-oz. Choc. Vitavoe. .43c A.B.D.G. oieOlun Caps Caps" l\Mck in Precinct 4,ai Brown iii Precinct 5. Co-chiairmnen Iiin ietka are 21r>. Edward B. Hall, .and Murs. Ira Keller. Assist'iing tlei arc: Precinict o, Mrs, XValdo (;undlach and Mrs. Philip Mrs. George MorMoore; Preciinct 7", ris; Precinct 8, Mrs. Vernon \Velslh and Mrs. Eigene Howard; Precinect 9, Mý,rs. johin Manierre.,; Precinect 10, Mrs. Benjamin Xhamn; Precinict il, Mrs. of ihc Il 'iliiiette l2 ost of / AAAineî Con .l'iyîoil at E1) /Mi s, .ale, IWI Shruil.II I'nurling. 'Flic\V'ilniette hadquarters are ah 11,51 Wilmiett avenue. Ani or-! ganiaztion meietingl is ling hield this ý week. At this meeting the responsiility of thle thiirteen precinicts in \Vilmette wil1 be distributed. H. L. Good-1 s * e s e 50c Jergen's. . LotiOu 39c vise. 40c Vaseline. . H i37c COD LIVROL $1.10 Wildr'ooti r 79c iCC* .9 50 cc .$319 Cooper 10 jI 413 Linden Ave. Wilm. ffi 4120 Cenfral St., Evanstont UJNiveriy 4700 11417 ER-CAZEL DRUO CO. Avenue Phone Wilmette 400-401-5m0

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