Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1936, p. 8

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-WILMETTE TAILORS aiad GLE 1'4ERS by a tâllor. Th ob mo h ow heeyor elothen are aetually pressedrt~nz i witlî safe and %%ocsm iî.poteiyvides*<inî Followiniga sîn rt >r n plaees for- play and recreat-.oi, andl ill lie throwli open tôO the mleetinig leqae ladershiîp and' supervision the. general public frêle of l'tlrgt.. SCOUT. DINNER thel'lie local coinîwl iî tîîifice.L*s tha~t anîd niakes provision for lus social and In order tliat ail ruofuît etltice(ls i.jal thuîî nbshiore nia\- lia vcthie op ' 1 ort t bv the Aiieriea,îi ie ovn :williisvear belield ii nô%vember t(s t spca kcr. of hearing the NI . .pl I sdgadlate o tlieandtht tbudefinite date wÎ1l be wiîl ie toard mre.derîuatertrea.tlinal facilities is onu of the sigif i later. aXi~ n~îiaîd1Il arvard ai itie~ Unvesî vof ficaîît social trenids of rucelit tinne-l as aqsaî e SLau~ school. ie sï'I.'lue rank, and' file of tlhe, peole DINNER BROWNIE Su States Lniteud the counisel for 1 at ibtt ipntu issiu bver ii HroNv 11t te dîiier ii "lie assistant sPucial 1917-19. ini ~~~IT ~~~~~pingboard fathiers and cipýate un, tlose diversionis, amuse'Vril 1919-20, tlis ear wvill l>cfoe ht to the SecretarN- of VY ff mthaypatr î Iliwitls and< sports whiclu traditionallv and assistant to the \ttoriie(l% i- imothers. -ilverware. old or newpteis to the chosen l belouutged olY 193-1-33. in Siates tiiîte<I cral of the ncaeyou happen to haea 1lisdcnianud lias given he bprole.u [le, las practise<l la\%,xcteiovelv'i il CAMPING'REPOR5T odatrhecamtcItnow n 'nwiprac ahntnadS.Pu.(lrceto at no, extra cost.. iotansceaî ii a' onerauu eluairmaîliastue Deu. 1. 1Nîrs and Silverware repatred, replated t c>W osdrbxbodîe camping conîmiittée, reports that there:fla Opposes New Deal refinished 3ust like u tie.I>uieî' vere ini establîsbied Scout camps tîîs jeseF 1muduýr a I)eîîocratie -vi,goird Resoable prices 37 girls from Wilmette, 30 searclu. Coîiimittcu on Social Trcidi , ad<l iiiiuist rationi aîli coînc conipicte- suiinmr. ces. S. Parkvs (Cadnian sayvs lxi l ii \Vsconsîn, Six aI)r. Iiy &ppose4 to the ~idof i tbj ewat Hckrfi of groping transitionthte perîod fbis olie Lac, Du Fond o Sagnapi'ar qupu Wllmette 1061 1)eal. lie. is uluial 116 Wilmett.e Ave. fill a great neec.' Gerge» Scouits irl !I oûu and 'Michigan, in Trail atTimiber Pniu -Wluat ,Iej.(s-jut tiH speak on l'y rail Iînotor XVickrsblaîîî in the New York Tnu Wb elit oduthe G ~~ Reco\,crv." MIr. Apl'ioelasi and that saVs. '*"Fver\- boy. anid girl shouild bu of trip throuigh New Egai veîiag at tlu.ç Uniion Iegeclubj euIcouragec(l to joifi tliu Girl andIRo tcdaueat a\ýcragu an wvas tere nitu" bv ,1.was claiNud Chiago an( to b 1) e oo tlie best spuakers of the the daY camp Il(,\ Day of 24 forteScus" claractur' i, a hitlan season. ycar. ti firinatîve force, luotmre Thevre \%e«re five schoarsblips given po1îti \oni-,,'ý,î1ib iel egative r fr atii ng , fro m w ro tvi gh-l -sta ncbnii g coiltq 'v is \vc ar for p eas d o o fur lu ue n o t' H capswho doilig. It <erives niot oti! fromi good flîar;g îusto elahie thîoý( to go to sor teoportuîv ~~@ Om ilig hb o ornie, s lv olica Shorete oil o otherwise have l)eeni able standlards of conduct, but t -rom creaTE lEST CHOP SUEY IN TOWN able speaker, whos , experienice *m b~ sams o oso. This affords a N'onderftil op- tive inite.rests am ntd Washington affairs enliables ijîn to. j ' \wth thC) nt. o hse intuestud iii voutbin iterests and eiiultiîsîans r 15Rd.Rd. P.WI 2433 rowth of happiness througli play iIehldnjflic eaniton 1atth pre-electioilgatls:isis tob eld at 3 'o'clock Vridav, OctoI>(r 2.()ctober ýo tliat those w1i9 have beeti and îleasa liil conùnjtvwlicii thie r onzeand. plans for Ibis needs, sttidy and. preparation i dur«ig Ni rs; Edward [». Hal of iîiwt 1i1i1I protue(ts *hiiim aga*i.nst physical danearlY tifiiiiici- r months minv have,. iiresiclcnt of tlie orgaiiîzalion. pr gers, moral hazards ,aud (isease: proI theu seasoil. thecir -icktio\v(-(gmtiiii inig. D, PAGLIAIRU LO .. IRE TER Tho EV R Vo e MeTTER oýTo e i sver jsîgnlifiçaîît . 9*. Chicken 9f. Chicken 1Ch@WMein 9f. Fine Cu9f. Beef ce OPENING This w ekmark, tlue îpufiïig l)i Girl S-coutt nieet'ihs of thé var' girs s ar itthe.girlt Wiuuntroopeiiand centits-l itb great bowm.ilo....i75Cforwvard t ueiî bî aiîîaddesr 1.Kitchiuii aiu< Nir. a1(1 Mrs . V. Floter iss tor, leîrc ad laers \vo soniis, .1ol i i atid Richia rd(, le f't'CHARÀCTER 9f. lr Wf ftNo e S hst I ridh t for tlîeir honte in Sharonlaeîuidteditco,'fs Nacl.alrtervctos Mas [t111sort111t0vit Mr,,Agr a uu ýc tdav iCav cu-ec Fresh Mushroonis with eun thoeEA ii sasneo nt,î ln Scgs,otler, Mrs. Kitcluiis the cuiltivation of RSASOATO abve orders worth of 1006 Forest aveuiine .NI Joluii rs. bilitv wt seLAESASOITN risveko'uelteoemig CGirl T AI I ~ Kxtch nand due I. arrved.. ~habit, .t1at will produce it. rtbrierîd ad7N2r8 1728 Elnuwodav a ut1 Lu bated r ut hlment .&C - l' iprtv ulav Stnr<iilav fte it utîta Chwmein65e pary fo ~i tt'. rn lit le riend. M Chop Suey .75c Ciieltn uh ¶rtt.i'u iumitr ~ Ucnpiî otuilttee lans trp i-FALL 90C trfPrh ruuon eantu ur< nu b ornture ob.erva ion o th Troipleiiium ___ u asr opaeso cn iite Warmein 60e1t ENROLLS AT CARLETON constructixig musical instruments proves a of music study, stages the early in stimulus splendid ... in Piano, .I-oln, 'Cello, Fhite, Recorder, PRIVATE LESSONS j Clarinet, Guitar, etc. MUSICAL CRAFTS .. Bookiet ma 6e had 14poil requeJt less and far-seeirîg home, artist, bmiiness or professional %onai of the' future. Everyl progressive community plans a positive program for the well-beiîîg. of its citizens. caning for their happitnéss. heàlth. eduùcatîin and recreatiolt. GIlScouting fits inito this pro- 131 Ll3Udi u. , vrne mevîmpetent, rar- Miss Ellen Jean Torrey, 1341 Elinwood avenume, bas enrolled for her freshniarîyear at Carleton colege,' and bier brother, Tom,- lhas rcqurned to Carletoni for bhis sophoniore -year. Their parents., Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. C. Torrey, *are jut home from a trip to Boston. New York, and Cleveland, wlbere thley visited relatives.

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