Clients, prefer to use our chi mer set-vices because of this. rather the r* ence for àum- Despi e is many conveniencés,,there is noextacag o h s of our fuuieral home. Its facilities aeoneofI many reasons why we hae long maintained unquestioned leade si h this .tommunity. Th Ti ldest Estzblitked: Underuderx on the Immediote North Mèore 1118 GRBENLBAP AVENUE WILMETTBE SUPERIOR AMBULANCE SE4RVICE S Pom Wilmtte,654 Lioensed Lady Assistant "The ýH<me .1 PorisemaiServico" MORTICIAN 554 CENTER STREET Ph..,o Wiau.etka 404l ~JQLS/&&kLU ~oL.Lali a&Ae D IFEEHETI EIAiUL. Al GOODYEAR SE Ave. e Dit s 332. Li nden Avé. A IONS Ave. Wilmette & Ridge Wilnette JOhn Willia, à Wilmette Miller & MiHe. SWilniette Ceai 30l LÀa" AVNUm Material Yard PHONE IMBT 40 I.