742 12TA-L'fMlO-tte WB ARE 1N TE MARICET FOR DZsirable building Joans on weil-bocated North Shore property. 5i% Interest If security warrants. We also have sapecial funas available- for iîmmediate commitment on ne* or re.1 financing 1bans. Con struction Loans $5»00 AND UP Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St.,, Evanston Greenleaf 1080 $2;000 to $20,O0OMcGURE &ORR, Imc.> 4M TO 53%% NTER19ST WE HAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR 1conservativýe. blans on- residences and income property. 41h% to, 6% Intereilt 6 te 10 years. Prompt service andi moderate charges. 1569 Shermnan Aveuea FIRST MORTGAGES joseph C. -Cormuack & Co. 3353 RFOR UALU9--HOUBUOLD 00005 University 127A-L'TN26-tfC * Fine New Furniture at slightly more than used price. Large Selected Stock Fine Furniture * LAMPS RtUGS, CAPEW Warehouse Prices Deferred Payrnents may be arrangeti 'Shop anti Compare" RENSCII WAREHOUSE wilmette . 521 Main Str'eet 129LTN17-tfc MOVING ' MUST SELL TRIS WEEK Double birds-eye maple beti, box:springs and mattress ; single Simmons bed andi mattress; small metal single beti, coil springs andi mattres; blue living room' carpet rug, 12x18; davenport; bureau; child's pIayapparatus, etc. Winnetka 2673 720 Willow Rd. 129LTN19-ltp Papers S3c0ere100lbo.. Beauty-Rest mattresses andi Acç box magazines 40e per 100 Ibo. UnIversity 1829 Also rare bargains ln U>spring $15. Ra#u $1,00 per .100 Ibo.. 129LI9. holstered chairs withý slip covers, radio, Wilmette 5426 Winnetka. 48 tables, youths bed With box 132LTN17-4tp BEAUTIFUL SOLIDÎ MAIIOG. 4 POST1 5 oceasional 631 'Exmoor Rd.,. Kenildouble bee, new box spring, inner-E spring. etc. 129LTN19-ltp spring mattr.es.. Library table, chair,i worth. chiffonier, hall console, desk. Glencoe WICKER SUN PORCH FURN. PAINT1472.,129LTNiq-itp HIGESTMARKET PRXCE19 FOQR ýýýed bedrmn. set, twin beds, box spriiigs chest, cf andi magazines. Rags $1 pet paper BEAU.,CARVED FRENCH REN. DIN- and mattresses, Colby's beàt, 100 Ibo. Aiso buy furn., bath tubs and ing roomn set. Marble top' buffet, chairs drawers, vanity, 2 chairs. Mangle. Win- ol1dt ron. Wlmette 1744. 12LTN17-4tD 129LTN19-ltc covered chartreuse leather. Will sell at netka,1674. less than % original cost.- Many fine mirrors, paintings, olti art, objects, davenport, lampa. Winnetka 3877. ENTIRE FURNISHINGS 0F, 7129LTN19-ltp Best prices' for books, mag., furn. Itagg (' ood bargat ns. house. roomi $1.00, per 100 pountis. Wlnnetka 1522., 129LTN19-ltp 132LTN19-4tp e M. A. 10, FRIDAY, Mostly furniture, ln back yard at 970 Good cookeér, .$5 Linden Ave., Htubbard Woods. TO WJIOM IT M3AY CONCERNI: WINNETKA 1414 129LTNl9-ltc 129LTN19-ltp Public, notice i. hereby given that an FOR SALE-FINE VELOUR COUd.H examination wtlI be given by the Board mah. din. rm. set compl., 3 fine bdrm. df Pire* andi Police Commissioners of WANTD TO UY--HsHLD. 000DIs sets,. Serapi rug. Meshed rug, llbrry the Village of Wilmette, Ilinois, for the tables, chairs, and many mise. articles. of Patrolman, n the Police De. CASH FOR YOUR U8ED FURNITURU. office Ph. Glencoe 561 Fr1. or Sat. ofthe Villajge of. Wilmette, partait and o~~thoe b4uU moderor atiqe, Illinois, and that saici examination will holti articles. REPRIOED TO SELL before. Monday, Will aiso accept your furnUture on con- commence on the. 22nd day of October, A. D. 1936, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock Sept. 2lst Hoover, maple chest, green signient baalu. at the Village Hall, Wtlmette, A. . painteti dress. table, davenport, screen, STOREI CROST FURNITURUZ llios n the Council Chambers. walnut end table and cabinet, lampa, .1898 Established dishes, garden nrns, table linen, odd 0189 Uni. AIl applicants desiring to take said Evanston chairs. 2527 Eastwood Ave., Evanston. 1004-6 Emersoni St., shall file their applications examination l3OLTN4-tfe 12LTN19-ltp) St. Near Central with the Commission at the Office of MUST BE SOLD SATURDAY the Commission, Village Hall, Wilrnette. General Eiectric ice box. 2-year Illiois,. on or before five o'clock, P. 1T., Gas range. guarantee running. RUGS, STOVES, MEN'S & WOMEN'S on the 8th day of October, A. 1).. 1936. .335 Sheridan Rd. Winnetka 3653. clothing, shoes, etc. Phone Ujniversity Application blanks .may be obtained 129LWN19-ltp) 0103. .13OLTN15-4tp at the Office of the Commission, àt the F R IG I DAIR E, STOVE, DAY-I3ED. Village Hall, Wilrnette, Illinois, or froni Sunroom. porch and breakfast roomn any member of the Commission. -FOR SAL$~ItlcgLLANEWJS furn. Drapes,,kitchen table, fern stands PAUL C. LANG. and bed. Winnetka 2133 evenings andi WURLITZER BABY GRAND; PACKCAR, $85; OFFICE 8-CYL. AlD JOSEPH1 W.' LECHNEUt 129LTN19-ltl» Suindays. ROBERT L. OSGQÙD DESK AND SWIVEL CAIR, $7-; ANBRICTIQ17E CLOC1K AND TABLE; Board of Fire ami Policef A-BRAC. WINNETKA 2413. Commissioners of the vilIN GOOD CONDITrION, $5. I31,LTN19-it1> lage of Wilmette, TIlinoi-.' WINNETKA 1531. 129LTN19-ltc MAH. D. R. TABLE, $3; MINE Mý\AKing outfit, $4 ; gooti player piano, $35;, ELECTIIC REFRIGG E NE RAL chair, used very littie, E}tATOR. 1 CdU. .FT.; ROLLER AND baby crib, nursery TO0 WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: ;' girl's leather coat, .14, $3. 8419 'Monti$4 SOME AND STOVE, CAS MOWER: 13LTN19-ltp Pub)lic notice is hereby given that, 606 LAUREL, cello, Niles Center, lst, OTHER FURNITURE. examination will be give1 l>y the an 129LTN19-Itp, KROLL AVE., WILMETTE 33. BABY Board BEAMED BUGGY, of Fire and Police Commisxioners scale, pflaY Pen, m:isc. nursery equip. of the Village of 'Wilmette, Illinois, for BARGAINS BEDROOM M.%isses' WALNUT brown CIRCASSIAN kolinsky trimmeti coat,' the office of Fireman. in the Fire DeSUITE; WALNUT OFFICE DESK, size 14. Very reasonable. Wiimette 4542. partment of the Village of Wilmette,' 131LTN19-ltp) 2955. WILMETTE NEW. ETC. TEL. Illinois, and that said examination will 129LTN19-ltc GREEN R1ÉED BABY BUGGY, EXcellent condition, $12. Maple crib for child 1l-6 years, $6 complete with spring i set, orientiLI 2 AN'rIQU wicker su rugo. Reas< SIMMONS STUDIO COUCH WITH- Junk Dae-hlSchunm 800 Oakwood Ave. North Shore Junk Dealer RUMMAGE SALJý RýE LIABLE RANGEF, WE BUY FURNITUIRE IVORY DRESSER CHILD'S IVC ale for g: Wilmette 83. FBEDR1ML SET. yrs. 1 14 ,upoupt 4129LTN lIe 3rth.4 n 1107 Greenlof Ave. WiIme#te