Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 5

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* It is hoped that an addition.ai 5 per cent may be made at an early date froîin the filiai' collections, the Chest, office stated. * Wilmûtte social and weifare agei:cies haàve- been seËiously.-hanidicapped in recent years. because of., Xiiniette's failure *to provide- evetm .for. thieir minimum nieeds, said Mr., Leary. Thé Community Chest, this year. bas decided to make One finialappeal to the citizens of W.ilmette on the. *Chest plan, with the nesadg that ifthe minimum requirements of the Chcst andîts agencies cannot l)e utIlet, tg) (lisband'the Chiest and returui cv.er%- sut.bscript.ion,. giviîig the agendîes freedoin to make their own solici-ý tation. -"Ifts ail or poile this %,car,," Hetiry Fowler, presidenit of the Coin1 (a> "To Th~e Çôlors," J. Lawrence Swihlart.,C osAdvaneed. (b) "Ob1jectý4 of Our Order."' Chair Officers.: J. G1. Cronkite, Sr. V. 7oin. Hiarry W. Craven, Jr. V. Cônu., Franc.iss 1-1. Ivey. ehaplain. (e) 'AmrienisI." »unisôn by al (d) Invocation, Francis IH. Ivey, ehaplain. 8 :45 Address: Brig. Gen. John V.ý Clinnin (retiréd). United Spanish, War Veterktnm. Subjeet: "Comrýadeship."' :1i' Address: A. F. W. Siebel, Past 1)ept. Commander, Past Adi.,Gen. U. .W.V., subjeet "The U.S.W.V.i Its Ainis, Its Accomplishients, Future." '9-:45 Presentation.of Major Gibbs memelîitoe,. Frank, S. Dickson, former Adi. Gen. State of Illi[nois, Pa9st Dept. * 350 workers to, ,,eeiilisted are eachi. asked to solicit seven prospects. Theý inav chioose the names of citizens whomn they know personaliy and believe cati be interested in giving more this year. A bouse to bouse clean ,up Hearing of Tavern Case c 1anvass will bc made the last dayl of to Be HeId Next Monday the caipaign to 'make sure no one.i n ss cd. l'le iiijimiiction ie'aring before Reduce Budget Master in CChancery Harold E. Sull'le Famnily Welfare association livan on the petition of Herbert fias asked the Conumuîiity Chest that Smiiith, in whichl lie seeks to restrain Glci.coe, veteran of lte Spaisàh.4;inerican and World wars., îill giethe principal address at a encetinuj of Evaniston camap, N)o. .57P Ujiited Spa» ish War Velerai.ts, 'held in 1( Il'iliiiette Village hall titis cientnq ( Tiursdayv) at 8:1.5 o'clock. com. U.S.W.V. 10 :00 Muster-in of Recruits. 10:15 Revess to greet new coirades, guests and receiving new applications. 10:30 "Retreat"-J. Lawrence: Swihart.. (orsretired. 10 :35 Beniie.It ion - Franeis H. Ive' Chapflain. Taps.eY Man on Stolen Wheel Injured in Collision At about 8 o'clock Friday evening James Houlian, 52. giving his address as 24 N. Niay Street, Chicago, riding a bicycle over the Chicago and -North W\esterni tracks at Elmwood avenue, ran directlv into the side of an automùobile beling driven north in NMain strect 1w Heýrbert J. Naper, 1127 Lake At the township high school in1indian Hill, the enrolîment was r-mwing about 100 ahead of the estlinated number, although an equal number were. expected to w.ithdraw. before the end of, the -first wcek. A shortened scbool program was provided for the first -day, following a,series of assemblies; for upper classmen as well as for freshmien, and a period for conferentes and program adjustmients. The regular scbolastic Work was started on Tuesday morning. A prokram of- remodeling and renovation, delayed for several years because'of lack of funds, was completed durinip thie sumnier, in order toý make the buildings more usable. In addition, an;amount of landscaping was, undertaken., A new natatorium, completed with the aid of the Public Works administration, wil befinished shortly, to replace the old sWimrning tankin tuse for maàny years, and which bas proved to be inadequate for school needs. Wilmette Schooles In Wilmette schools,' the great est change -%as the conversion of th.Lighcrest school, which, Iocated on Twenty-Third street near Illinois road, serves the extreme western section of the village, into a primary school, witb a number of tbe older Anderson, president of the. Famnily \N Welfare association stated : "We rec- New' T1rier 'Township Iboard,. ivili opognize that inany families .are niowý pose the granting of the injulictioux. l)eing provided with the necessary food, sheiter and clothing, throughi re-emplloym-nen.t and governmnent ap- This Fishing Pair to Catch Only the Big'uns p ropriations; however to the Fanxily \Welfare association is left the work \V. Harry Smythe of 43 Kenilworth of dealing vith w counitless uiihappjy avenue, Kenilworth, and Wili l byproducts of the depression, needsl that governi nent appropriations and a job) cannot supply. a fracture of ônle leg and a possible Service was begun Monday skuli fractutre. The police later found niorning by a new schoo[ on bus, one trip that the bicycle which Houlian ivas picking up the children along Glenridiuug lad beei, stolen froin - the *'e road, and the other ini the Kengarage of C. W. Lawrence, 1340 Ash- ilw-orthi Gardens and the Indian Hill landl avenune, to wvhomin t ias re(Continued on page 10) tlirne(l. Houlian .had bec» ini the habit of solicitin yad ndgre 1 wok inthevillage. Kenilworth Will Join in Fight on Liquor Seiling and rentais, and under every classification. oe en ýladmninistration be expl s of th

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