Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1936, p. 66

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SMALLER HOUSES WILMETTE WHITE VFRAM3E on uooded lot. 7 ryns., library, and breakfast porch. %$9,250. Terms. 1310 Isabella St. Open Sunday 2-7. MEDITERRANEAN WHITE BRICK on lire. wooded lot ln Glencoe. 7 rMs., 2% baUis, sleeplini porch. Can be purchased -on 1 Rent Investment Pla, th '$1 600 cash and, pay-~ ments over 1.9 months, Inveat your r e nt money ln a. home. Phone for Illustrated folder on other "Rent. Investmnent Homes"! available in Winfietka and Evanston. LAKE FOREST-HOME FOR $15,000' L4ocated. on East sIde near expensive homes-'.8S rms., 2 baths, oil heat. 75-ft. lot. Cal iceman. *i 'tyour Critical Inspection Invited WILMETTE Kenilworth Gardenis Piraetically new, brick, Colonial,. untu$Ùally, well-built, in perfect condit ion, >3 bedrmsg., 2 tile bas., ist 11. lai'. Also mhaids rm., 2-car gar.. oil lit .: <onpltely landscaped., Price $14,750. Amntized mtge. payable mnonthly for 15 years.e WINNET.KA >RIPARTAN 'RIGHrS, Red brick Col. wlth view of lake from every room. Very charmingr entrance hall. Large living room anid-a picture dinting, roomn. Htd. pcbi. With -firep!aêe and a scréened pcb. ovèrlookig lake. 4 master bedrms., 3 tute baths.- htd. slp. pcb.--servants' quarters. At aiinost one-haJf of the original cost. HtJBBAIRD WOODS. Near echnoos. and 'transportatlon, aiplendid 5 bed3 rai., 3 bath home. Includes sun room, ex. lav. and to11. Tst floor and garage. Large lot. Inspeet aud malce ofifer. Price asked.......... $23,000 Several gond buys lu lots and acreage., Gonsult. us for complete and up-ýto-date information.' .ARHURC. F. GEDGE; MANAGER., "SIC-N'WITH CUSACK' i'onveninet Iôcaton-'3 bedrnisi. 1bat4h bIungalow-lge. screened pcb., Playroom in basemient-lot 50x185-Prie. ,1nusual Enelish brick wlth heavy ,414te roof- 8 rrns,, 3 ýbaths. 3 fireplaces, 2c-ar att.gar.t Attractlvelylandseaped 421 Richnmon4i Rd. Kenilwor th 5288 at $26,000. Caîl11Mfé4s Durharn.' il 1LTN19-ltc GLENCOE, Near Lake GLENCOE, 462 MADISON A VE. od', white .hingle Colonial rinarni house. 7 rnis., toil. and ]av. 4 bedrrns., 2 battis 2nd fi. New nil burn.,hot watuîr iwat, large yrd. Reasonable .rent.. . ONROE AVE. 10 om mern.&r ngihbrick bouse. Neair Skok4e C'lub. 7*bedr-ms., 4 baths. Lre2nel fi. rec(reýat ion rooni. Nire open porch, nil heait. 2-car g.iilllke,. in exc#-1ent 'nin.GLENCOE 545, SEARS REAL ESTATE Cerent, 12 yrs. old. large lot-nil ht. stove & refrlg. Inc'l. taxes, 4tg. & i*pkeep low. Close tn achools &. transp. A reIèwbar-ain for !7,,5f))4. Cash- eeBIO[E I LISH COLONIAL, NIE quit-Pd $3,500. CailINMr. Vnss. 1571 Sherman Ave. Evanston, IIilois rooms, three frtths, lavatory, hot' wat-' er' heat with oil, sdate roof, ail steel ftog. Pk. 2616 Uni. 26009 WNil1. 2 02 uonstruction, two:'car garage.. T1his home IlLTNI!9-ite Is exeplt!onally weIl constructed. Lovated on really beautiful lot 10ox221. . overlooking the lake. l'Inder $10.000 for 4 bedriii. home in We consider this the best buy on the East Winnietka.' 0Owner wants. cash North Shore. Priced to seliinimediately. Can be refinanred to suit buyer. Cali Mr. Uhier. Cal ~r. $26,500 ClM.Fr.ance for appointinent. 7 ROOMS, BRICK, AIR CONDItioned;, new realdence in popular Kenilworth Garden district. Owner Sale or Rent Seldoni is there an most anxious to seil. opportunWty to secure a spiall homne on the. lake at a reasonable price,. 5 bedrins., 2 bas.,. library, open porch, 2-car gar., oil, li. For ent at $6200. Cal) Ms.Mead. 517 DAVIS STREET WIL, 1660 1603 CHICAGO AE1E EVANSTON UNI. 6886 Greenleaf 27010 Wlet HOL. 6886 111LTN19-ltt Ill LTN14-i te Y-ou eau buy a truly delightful modern brick home, .1 bedrms., tule ba., ex. lav.-living rm. and master bedrmi. unusually large. AlmosI 'V2 acre of BEAUT. R E MOD. GREEN-SHUTgrouud. tered 6 rm. frame resld. in Wilmette, Excellent location, in HIubbard Woods. School Dist. Most conv with Ige. liv. rmi- perfect white kitchen Charm to trànsp. & stores. Caîl Mr. Reynolds. that should be a delight to' any bouseterlor. wife, 3 Ige. bedrms.. and huge slp. pch., gas lit, attached garage. Very converilent to schools and transp. Ternis easy. 13ungalowv Buy. mcé. VACANT Sacrifi ce Sale 1946 Thornwood Ave., wil. Riparian Homne W. G. RUGGLES & CO. NWIS THE 'rIME TO) BIV VACANT propemty. Cholce wooded lots on Mona'oe Ave. between Grteeýnwoo<t atnd Ver-, non Aves. Street only ,2 blncks long. P/%blocks from Skokle Golf Club). No traffi(-. Many new, beautifuil hnes in iminediate neighbnmhootl. We will hw gill. to build for you to suit youîr requirenients. We are ex;>erience.d builder$. having .built mnany fine ionies on t'le North Shore. Sketches ui111l>e show n to yoîîwtholit coôs;t at. ynur reque st, REALTY CORPORATION FREDE RICK A. COOPER Greeénlea,-f 30.10 l1lLTN19-ltc 1505 Chicago Ave. CGLENCOE For$15,OOO ANOTHER BARGAIN IN A SIX ROOM1 TWO-ISTORY brick home. Two-car garatge. Located on deep 50-foot lot this is the finest borne we knowýN of offi'red for less than $7,9W0 .TYPICALLY ENGLISH. $10,000 ,TT LAKE FOREST 11ISS WIDEMIAN SHORE-TOWNS p IV' 48rôoonibrick Làke, school NANCY LEf ivil 26à 156 ltp fiter WInn. 2575, Wil. 771 il 1L19-ltc I L. lIUL

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