J 4 t joy in livii,î, cmmented the Young execut*e thani eager foàr those first fali hikes Scout.cmuie, wben atu Old e i Mot tr er ing to show01&ust hw rilNatuis. glin orjos rs that a. 'sense of service' was, the on. Denoyer, of Kenilworth, Dep-,*ly thing that held volun teers. she abe 1 offer uty-cornmissioner is the experience of Girl. Scouting as Th cot Gl il bsrv Cnback from. a motor forMinmette, trip with ber bus- evidence against this., stitution day,: Septemnber 17. the firs bn otePcii A sense of os n ba evc os fot impel moret han da o atun.Setebe 2 ad trip to Alaska,. and .reports greatly .35M.0 volunteers Ameia to take training a hc sawv renewed* enthusiasm and zest for the fourth cn nij Frday ber courses in a single year, but a sense wlu hSetemer work flot oinly, as a -cou'ncil meinher of satisfact ion, in a distinct job, for Scotin bs brrwe< mchuro as a troop leader. the outdoor mode of life wbich one is qualified ;and trained, Of the immeasrbe tying value'." Anerican Indian. Wood. kwt* ýaid VOLUNTEERS, craftmanship. Pitn ibpiet h atta A tra.ining course for thé, volunteer tthe end of, 1935 there were atobe given by a member of there NATIONAL CONVENTION proiximatejy -66,000 volunteer work-girasafwllbanoceson M.%rs. Herbert Hloover. wife trie ers ini Girl Scouting, representing formier president. and nationalof Girl over 995"i of the total number of workMiss Marlis Smith, daughter of Sotpresident, will speak lýef0oeesite h r ga MssAgnes teeon_ Mr ad r ?èbtJ.Sntl, Ch itialGrSccovntion o>i the1. r. w1ad Mir. Herbert J.rSmith.2à6' rs . Leahy, executive secretary of the , iLinden avenue, is e.nrolled cininntiOcobe 14 Nis.Jeroine personnel division 'a freshS;turmi, deputv conilmissiomier the national mian at Careton coIlege, as of the beadquarters staff, of Northfield, talking before Minn. Cincinnati' Couticil anniounces, and the ber topic will be 'VXlw-av.s There Arqç lanticsocial work conference at At0oCity paid a tribute, to the modTom Allison, son of the Rev. and Froiïtiers" . Several of tlit. \Wilmlette ern volunteer.' coutncil will attend. r . G o g D. Al s n 10 8 F e t "It is the volùinteer," she declared ' 'Who 15 the keystone of the Scout Mrs.ueGere d tAllisn 0soresti venue, etuGrnvetoDenisonhuniMISS MARCELL Es BACK Witbout ber it would be vertsita ranvilesenio Miiss Florence Marcell has rvturned Iprograni. , asîThrs utterly impossible fr'omi a delightful sunnmer as -water-. purposes. of the to achieve tbedatosrtbssnryer prograni." Miss front >director t Canif), 1 eahv wa e nh .I1_ -*,as . ~tui eno t V4a otafrid CF ci ur tie. ir Scutis he t eirlout ge o "exta pundge"that to makce her more fesistant istogoingý door "bugs" and give lier a more in vibrant, asb t bne er duties was as possible, taking advantageofrsal greeted by an earnest groupand vol- the training offeredto aehrsf unteers wbo make Up the Localof Coun-- corupetent and expert., cil. Plans are under way for a busy 4S and she is more and oou ye oeonce ' said," attl r .ortheWilmette tur èd va ati n a Wte, does lot rst until she bas equipped Fis s r lake in Northérn Minneot, erscif for her job as tboroughly' 9mý ,Àjte Let our rugAeeaning department help you solve your rmoving .problem. Wle wiII pick up your. rugs and ireturn them .. dlean your new address. . . NEW RUGS carpets. Nationally famnous brands: at lowest 'prices. We repaîr rugs so jha, they, look.like leur. Nome lojlk.j.,.g, See -our new rugs% and ]RUGS REPAIRED 42I~L~&3 v Il I LJIiIJLI/-j )ITL/PV £277 G aMISSION the specimen classes group, aâid seven j SWXday. p. Therè are five classifications under urday,i