Alatthi&V rails Kr-itclzcî'c,i vwhnîsl, -liifliIlitenjai, (above) p*'s: aind MIrs. Franc is Grissom, draînatic reader, a41l give a Program on Sàturday aiternooli, .'pcze 19 fraoi 2 m:,til 4-'clock at i SIaiznce Country clibub w/w the. .1qIzer's clab of St. Johnis Libe-hran chiurcli gi.esaIaadmsil. .lIs.11 Mrrson .1 .lr. Iarld.\*lhs..lrs. Arthur' C. Austin, Mrs. John lILeili, a(11141 .Kari Knohel arcic he l c. I l!artini Scif crf is iM cJiari, of theL'pro(Iro>n. 111ENORIf $OR[ RT LAGU lnornings heginning Qctolber 8. wvitli rgistration Septeniber 2(), and a concoirs group, mieeting the second Mondlas evening of each mnonth toC hear critiques by various well known artists broughit ini to viev paintings. Ail classes meet lu the leaLgue's studio iniWinnetka Conxuuiity .House. Plans for the. league's newest courses, the class lui modern technique and the concours L.rrun. er rm Ipf -ýl. . meeting 1 ie group winl gather thec Sat'urday afiemnoonti tils wveek. to Sketch -and paitit the mianv and varied attractions oi the liarbor andi the nervpark. wortli a, chairinan of the junior comiiniittee, and 1'. Towner Deane of \\iinnetka. wvas elected to the board, to replace Miss Margaret Kerfoot, who lias nioved to New York. Oct. 3 oct. 10 IOWA Your lest chance fo se. 1*he Wildcais corral Oze Simmons. $2.50 10 Abai-upol-fslioe Comnt RETURN FROM MERCER Fair mil 11open the leaguc' scasoil Nlr. and NIrs. Hughi G. Petersen of OctoI)er 1<. flic Iirst of a group of W arwick, road and their daughtcr, prograins planti 1)v Mannel Hali:i 212 Elise, a-nd son, Hugh. Jr., to andl lîi coininit.tee tc, appeal to- the Kenilworth ou Frida\v returned froni thieir ,NORTH DAKOTA STATE For te firsf fime the Wildc.fs mee thel, limon, champions of the, North Central Conferenc. with registration Se, dren's classes, ini pa Ing, or sculpture, un, bardt, Edna May -Nancy Coonsman bansen, and thiree weeks'i n,, Saturday tario, Canada. Lý ,