were sponsorsI 0~.1 ber - Vattmian Park senior bovs deteateu ill a ocr u he afternoon, been carefully considered. from Berwyn orchestra WPA the alni sftbll ii 'ila~eGreti the The niew editor was a member of, makinq. it three straight for NVatt- wvi 11 furni'-h iusic for dan .cingLy i the the group picturès staff of the book. Family groups attending the man ark.evening. last year and also.worked as a sports . icnic iainiorce are asked obin repor ter -on ,the newspaper. He is niedya lnhadsedth recreaof director Davis, M. Daniel club chairman of the Tri-Ship'Boys' l.the park., damce committee and. is a, memnber1 tioil.. announces that the lages wiu handicraft exhibit will be aug-. Aege il Kickball and on, Football of the usher corps.: He played bypatcaleonttis niented the junior varsity basketball teamn start next week. The Recreation hebidn ho'sdi wiMlb' and scbool after. an arranged bas board last winiter.' park. on the grounds. Vattnian at, program recreation ollencoif Other .editorial positions on the of the prograni Mrs'. Sarah A.,M remaii1nder The Stolp and Washington Green. Village the. the Dies at.Daugbter's Hm yearbook will be filled- later in from 3 P. nm. to 7:30 P. m- wbich Will be offered tbrouoebout cosinclude year after tryoutg--have--been beld. school will' evening and day inregular Recreationi board Mrs. Sarah A. Mollenlcoif,,a resiWork o11 the book bas already stgrt-7 The parade, . lantern a dancing, folk tumed P -e yth si dent of the village for the past 14 ed, however, witb arrangements ber structors willb asbboard band, dramatîc years, died last Friday at the home angr programthis5 workees.in recreation ing made for the taking, of çenior skits, athletic games and contests; of lier daughter, Mrs.'L. F. Schultz, dlass pictures. dancing, badminton demon- 419 Laurel avenue, M7ilmeite,.. after acrobatic SÇiffitrban Janboree wrestling.,and acro- an illness Of four weeks. boxing, stration, the attend to The public is invited Record Attenhdanc 1e at florn -in' Port Hope, iii Canada, she North Suburban, WPA, Recreation batics. fÏree. be will Admission on Van Gogh Exhibition jambol)ree. which is to be atheld came to.the Uniited States as. a young Wilbyv headed is program Tbe Way26, After ber marriage she lived Monday, September 7, miarked the Satuirday, Septeniber of the womnan. superintendent Beard, liam Letnipyears in Mata, 111, coiulg and . oriany~ avenue van Ferris great ParK Mie Iialf-way poiat _of the recteaton¶ proWPA E1mîý'ôaPark Forest i<Grovê Morton street, Inistittute ber daughiter follow%%Ingl Art ster the with at ive to exhibition Gogh her husband's death. of Chicago-14 clays. During these Preserves. according to an announce- ject. fourteen days 74,692 visitors saw the Funeral services were hield \Ioti(a, week finial the Altbougli il exbibition. of this week, at Scott's funeral home, with burial at Montrose cenî)eter\. or ten days of these p)opular exhibincreased' i an witness tions invariably Besides Mrs. Schultz! she is suri attendance, if only the rate already vived by a daughter, MIrs. Charles sbown bolds good, the total of visiKrause of Chicago; by a son, Robert tors to the exhibition will reacb 150,MIollencoif, of Norfolk, Nebr., amiic 000. This will exceed the attendance by a sister, Mrs. Aif Bush Auistin., n al nther cities, excepting Sani M anitoba, Canada. ___________ Schenk came tw te Unitedu tae a a young woman. She 'was later a nurse at the Bellevue hospital in New York City. She married Merman George Scbenk, civil engineer, wbo passed away 18 years ago. Last May she gave up.ber homne in Chicago t'O live- with, Mrs. Nelson at 107Linden avenue,,Wilm.ette. Besides hier daughter, she is survived byýtwo -sisters'and a.brother, ail of whorn live ini Europe. IN LANTERN PARADE IM -~ 4<S at 524 Maple avenue, and she and her daughter, Barbara Jane, are making their home witb another daugbter, Mrs. John Newey, in Highland Park. Mrs. Bull's otber daugbter, Mrs. Wallace Behnke, and Wallace Behnke, Jr., and Gordon, have moved MOVE TO HIGHLAND PARK Mrs. G. W. Bull bas sold her home Forest aveniue, are Ieavitig baturuay to enter their freshinan year at Knox college, Galesburg, 111. 'Miss M\arjorie Schmnidt of Wirinetka, a frie.nd of M\iss Packard, is also entering Knox college this faîl and wvill accompanv theni. MNrs. 1. K. Stover and ber daughiter, Elizabeth, of 1044 Ashland avenue returned to Wilmiette recently f rom a month's vacation iii the west. Theyý 0o. The Sidney F. Bartlett family have returned to their home at 711 Sheridan road, Winnetka, having spent the summter at their hýme at Sylvan beach .ôn Lakce Michigan. --Jim and Bill Burrill and Mrs. James A. Greenwood avenue, lel of last week. to resuni at Denison university. ,ns of Mr. urrill, 812 n Tuesday eir studies and Mrs. William K~. Vates, 1131 Asbland avenue, left on Saturday to enter the University of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Yates and Natalie, William, Jr., and Nybla Betb spent the summer at their borne on Lake Geneva. -0Mr. and Mrs. William T. Reed are now at bomne ini their inew bouse at 2108 Kenilworth avenue, Wilmette.Mrs. Reed is the former Mary Elizabetb, Townsend of Wilmette. I I