mette, Tenith street and Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. "When-First semester-September Classes, 'Monday1 29-January 26. morning 10 to 10:45, (subject to change), Tuesday evening, beginners 7:30 to .'8:15, intermediate 8:15 to 9. "For ..Whom- Members of. Senior club, Junior auxiliary, and their Bloomn Photo friends. Tap dancig, corretive. exer d4Instructor-JunéI Major, superPosture traintiig, visûr of. the North Shoreý School, of. cises, e.rercises, in a sixteeniuweékreduing course Dancing, u411 be directed by ' June ,major, "Ràtes-Reason!able; foi informa-; .ulervisor of' the: North Shore tion cal! Miss Marion -Cook, WilSchool of Dancing, undér auspices mette 196; Mrs. Charles M.. Williamof- the Junior auxiliary of the son, Greenleaf 8385i Woman's -Club of Wilm' ette, Com"Registration evening, mnepiciig SePtember 29, as a rharity September 22, at 8 o'clock, at the Pro;ect. Registration is rieýday. club ~hotise. Register early as -size of class is limited. Miss Major wil be at the club bhouse to answer any At House Party questions."ý Miss Marion Cook, chairman of the . The Frank W. Ketchams, 40 Devways and meahs committee, is gen-' onshire lane, gave their usual Labor Day bouse party at their surnmer eral chairmian of the project. home near Land o' Lakes, Wis., again this season, inviting a group of fifteen or twenty guests for ten days or so. Among those entertained by Hosless foc Board the Ketchams were Mr. and Mrs. M rs. C. G. Shearon, 403 Washing- Ward Starrett, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tideman, ton avenue, was hostess to the board Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, Starr, Mr. and memnbers of the Central-L~aurel P. T. Mrs. WtippleJavobs, Alfred' WiItA., at , luncheon, and. bridge at berger, and Mrs. Donald Mercer. Mr. Shawnee Country, club on Wednes- and Mirs. Wendell Clark joined the day of this week. group for part of the timé. Air Conditioned -1Tuesday course "What-Sixteen posture training, reducing exercises. "Where-Woman's Club of WiI- REMAKING-. SPRINGS, MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS W* RUH S SLUbMI9E-ýR S HOP10 iCorer Sherman aoed Go. PATRONIZE vmtuNiversiy22 -0UR AD VERTISER& M&~t~ W~atAziw( PRESENTS HER, FALL, COLLECTION IN BOTH SHQPS COMMENCING MQOIDAY 11 VHO *... wears Bradley Knts? Ail fashion-wise women. VVhen oodo yoin wear Bradley KnitsP At every hosr ol the day- Both Shops will present the outstandinig styles of the season, produced from the, finest fabrios, as has beevn the uninter-, rupted customn for over fifteen years. NORTH MICHIGAN, AT OAK Iàrdy mita LsdusivelY