of Marking the fourth anniversarv- of the fownding of the Wilmette Home association, Walter C. Far-. Nuniber of Remittances Comne Owners' rar, general manager and vice-presiin Too LatetoHandie; Localý dent,'this week invited to the attention of the' public the services 1renBodies Given Shares deredby the organization. "The Home 'Owners' association A total of $1.067,901 .60 of 193-5 wa s. orgailized for the express purtaxes were« collected by. New Trrier pose of.maintaining the residential Township Collector Sanorn Hale character of. the village, opposin1g theý frotm Au\tgust 4 to Septemaber 10. the. encroacliment of industrial intere.sts,' périod (lurint, wvhich lie vas peritted apartments andother undesirabif: deto receive tax payments, localy. velopmelitswhich' might tend to loWer This. lie said. vas about as ix-ell the stanidard of residence prop-?rties as lie did iast vear. with the excep- andl thus exert, an 'adverse infltuctnce tion that there was a falling off of on values. Another objective w,»asto about $ý0.000 iii:the.paymeIIt iii full preventso far 'as possible, the tirti-l oi ta-N buis. as compar.enito.1934. ing of village 'streets> into. motor 1 11r. Hial1'e said hie rec.eived a a-rze, speedwvavs-." lie stated. numbiiler ti remlittances too late for .i"Coniscious of. its dutyI to the village iin to liandile. Thesc. ie explailied, as a .vhole, .ard to its hundreLls (f lie will turti over to. the county col- memibers who have invesed in, %si-t lcctor, a'nd after thie bills lhave 1'een dential properties and thus si-gniifieri stampced 'paid," t hev will be returni- their purpose to becomne permianentlv' ecd te tle persons nîaking payment. identi.fied .vith its future, the associ.ation lias entered upon a program cof Might Have Been More service comniensurate with the needs Ifc callcd attention to the fact that if thcseý items. amotinting to sone- of the conlrunity.. "An office lias been openied iii tJiîuuL like $100.000, *had been placed grouind finor sî5ace at 1155Winte in dtie mail just a few days earlier, thiat nîuchi more mioney wvould now avenue. Here a continuous. service be av\ailab)le for immejiate distribu- will be afforded to mernhers wh-ý se CI assistance inian atter nertainînîz tionî to local takintg bodies. Village Service *No Man's Land Looms You Must Register: or Lose.Your Vote! Citizens of this village .are advised that registration daysý in the' counitry towns for the Presidential, election have been set, at. Septem-.. ber 26 and .October 6. You caennét vote ini the November election unlesi you 'have regYVou must appearin person. in your. own precinct polling -place, between. the hours of 6 a. in. and P. pM. Persons entitled to vote but who will be out Of toWn on both the designated registrationî dys, or who are sick o r physically unable to go to their poliing places, are advised that they can arrange. to register by applying to the County Clerk .at the County building, Chicago, either in person or by mail. The County Clerk will furnishi affidavits which must be filed ,with hitn, and he will provide al information concerning completion of registration, whichi must lie Anniexatonisti Fiiht Inc'orporation Group iný Tussile Ovrer Triangle's Destinyý Smôulderingfor maly, montb, the battle, between those who would solvýe the destiny of No-Matn's-Land, the, triangular patch on, the laee front le tween Winette and. Kenilwo>rth, by aninexiniz it to the former cm rnunity ag-ains t those who would make an independentm' nicipality. flared .out into the o'pen last week. Rife were rumnors that certain per-ý qons had petitioned the counity court to call a special élect ion to vote on the proposition of incorporation. The rumors also gave the name of the nroorietor of one of No-Man's-Land business enterprises as the leader in he movemnent. Up to Wednegdav of this week, however. no such 1petition had been received bv the c.otnty court. it was renorted at the office of Township Attorney Charles H. Jackson. Workipg on Plan of the same v:ilages-, the Chicago Sanitary district:. the Forest Preserve and. Cook countv. Addit lonaI remittances, lie said, will be mnade by him before the close of the week. The followinz table shows a comnarison of. 1935 and 1934 total tax bis. and total payments to the local collector for the same years: park (ilsrïcts d Wilmette Men Will Take Part in. Legion Gathering The Evanston Druni and Bugle corps of the Aniericarn Legion are Ieaving this week for thé annual convention of the American Legion in Cleveland next Sunday to Thursday inclusive. Among thôse going with the party of 61, are the following résidents of [Wilmete: Dug qeoé-.i Civie- League Lunch President Paul C. Lang anics that the opening meeting of the WiImette Civic league for the 1936-'37 season will be held Fridlay, September 21, in the English room of Marshall Field and compaqy's retail store. erty owners. as well as a certain percentage of the voters of the district, to a petition for annexation before any definite 1egaý move could be made. The time required for this precluded anv immedinte action, and signatures of a naÎority of the prop. made, possible the filiniz of the petition for incorporation- first. The work t H T the secorid grade teachi Mary Agnes Worthîigtoi gartener, at the sanies Ellen Rogers wiil teac grade at Central school. jReal Estate .......... a a- mi '.8 ujae .......... Real Estate ........... 21-29 Society Pages.........8-51 i2-29 b JIand Il* b vii v .u. .... q,ut.. an.ac. o'clock, September 20. Sheridan road, Wilmette, b rine that defeat about, it- is phaticaliy, state,d. '1ý