'9 season There's no deny.ing that-your suit .(or forupaealleled chic, your suits), wilI be the pride:of your wardrobe. Swank -sporting suifs for 'round, and* about.town, elegant suifs for luncheonis and cocktail parties, and yes,. even. suits for dinfing, and dancing. We'vé illustrated tfwo bàsic suits-"weor them with sweaters or, shrts for town ýor country and, then' dress them up With soft salin blouses for more festive' occasions. Left abeautifully tailered suit of Ih.tr4ngboe tweed with a slim skirt, a nipped in jacket, and.a great-coat cut like a coachman's that you'II find indispensable for over other tailored ouffits. The three piece suit, $22.75. Right, camél's hair in a high buttoned belted jacket. a slimly cut skirt and a swagger coat with a big blond wotf collar that you'Il. wear over every type of dress shirt DCOAR -A. STEVENS. In 1614 Orrington, Eyonnton